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Everything posted by fleccer

  1. This is a nasty news I don't understand why Thailand like so much to copy the bad novelty from the west. We must defend cash at all costs, our freedoms are at stake did you see what happened in Canada? That's mean they can put you out at any time just a single click, therefore everyone refuse the payments in cash must be boycott
  2. No mask no social distancing anymore enough is enough
  3. In fact in parentheses I said not yet but could be in the future So before to accused me to spread false information learn to read please learn to read
  4. Because it's unacceptable but if you like it instead, to be overcharged or forced to change your seat or even denied to boarding (not yet but could be in the future) due to your weight well take a seat
  5. Airlines that implemented this sort of policy must be boycotted, definitely
  6. We must absolutely oppose the abolition of cash, of which the consequences will impact our freedoms Unfortunately, Thailand is one of those vassal countries of the World Economic Forum
  7. Plummeted up? What movie are you watching? Unlike you I'm seeing a clear recovery of the Baht vs all currencies Today
  8. It's already recovering, don't worry, they won't let it drop so much
  9. Someone is worried because the Thai Baht has dropped very little Well I want to help these gentlemen with a little reminder by showing them the previous prices of the Baht against the Pound and the Euro
  10. I never forgot what this individual did against the expats and what he did against the small investors instead favoring and opening golden bridges to the great's ones. He's back right now and I won't never believe he will spend 8 years in prison, therefore enjoy his wealth and leave us alone
  11. Illegally? Stole? You are funny There been a referendum, it's not only referendums that NATO likes are legal
  12. Do you evaluate the seriousness of a carnage based on the number of victims? However this discussion is becoming sterile and useless with those who are stuffed with Atlanticist propaganda
  13. Obviously never bothered you to know why Putin did what he did. Apparently you are fully unaware of what the Ukrainian did in Donbass through the past 8 years against the Russian civil population Informed yourself then
  14. According to 2/3 of the world Putin is not a criminal, if anything the criminals are the others
  15. We'll see who will be on the wrong side of history
  16. Thailand doing well NATO is the problem not the Russia It has been trying to challenge the Russia through Ukraine for years. So unlike some opinions that I've read I'm very glad of what Thailand's doing in this situation
  17. Unfortunately we are dealing with fanatics and as long as we have them around we will have to suffer
  18. That's right, we must to stop them and the first step is to boycott anyone who doesn't accept cash. The second ones: is to resort to cryptocurrencies
  19. This move by the bank of Thailand is simply disgusting and obviously aligned with the world economic forum agenda. So once the cash has been eliminated, they can turn you off by just a click Remember what happened in Canada
  20. Ok it's mean that from now on, I will watch the movies in my home
  21. About three months ago a vote was held in which all the countries of the world taken part. That vote was intended to empower WHO with more powers, fortunately that proposal was rejected. I would like to know how Thailand voted, if anyone knows
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