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  1. Several years ago a RTP chief was brought to Phuket to clean up there act. He lasted a month before he was removed from Phuket and transfered.
  2. lol Trannies with Fannies As noted by Gene Hunt.
  3. Its all the thai's to blame. Ignore the weterners treat them like dirt they stay away or go elsewhere. Phuket has been taken over by Russians patts the same they turned a blind eye and took the cash without thinking of the future,relying on chinks and indians to bale out your sinking life raft you only have yourselves to blame GREED.
  4. European kids dont <deleted> in the streets
  5. So if this Bouncer Errr Security staff worked in an Establishment with a uniforn provided Plod must know his name quickly even if he dis a runner
  6. Me and a friend did a border run last week to laos. Returning through the Thai border i was refused entry no reason all i got was go back where from ie laos and fly back to bkk. Was i going to be detained for attempting to re - enter after being refused at Nong Khai was i being forced out of Thailand for 2 weeks? i had no spare clothes, no drinks or food all day they certainly know how to treat tourists.
  7. Why dont they Taser idiots, instead of standing off.
  8. What a joke some locals moaning about tourists breaking laws what about them riding 3-4 on a bike no helmets no insurence nothing, riding in the direcrion to oncoming traffic disregarding other users.
  9. Its obvious Frank is either a wind up merchant or would rather trust websites banned in most country's and he wont accept western media so theres little point debating with him.
  10. I'm sure you wouldn't like Canada to walk into the US take everything you had smash your infasructure and force you to speak French Jas s007 but your happy to see Ukraine end up like this.
  11. This is for G-Money who is clutching at straws believing no warrant's have been issued against Putin and his Associates one is Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova charged with the kidnap of Ukrainian Children.
  12. Your memory's not that good Frank is it ? let me remind you the Great Red army was defeated by the Mujahedeen tanks against horses. Hazard a guess who won Frank. Putin told all the Russian flag will fly over Kyiv within a week, well wrong again Frank after 2 years he not even close to Kyiv Frank is he ? The mighty Red Army recruiting Koreans to help them. Going well this " Special Operations' " Frank isn't it.
  13. Would you like to explain this Frank. And did i read right that you stated Putin is not targeting civilians ?
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