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Everything posted by Thorix

  1. After research, I would say that it isn't about the age of the vehicle, but the feed system. E20 is suitable to all injection systems (FI). Carbureted engines should not use this fuel because it will corrode parts. I made 60k kilometers on my FI 2013 bike on E20 and it isn't just cheaper, when I tried higher octane fuels like 95, I didn't feel any difference. Gasohol 91 feels weaker than E20 and it makes less kilometers too. In summary: FI? = E20
  2. How do you know I haven't? It seems your ego issues checks you can't back up. "Don't give a flying one what Agoda says, I've been there," = Reality says this, I say that. Take a look: https://www.agoda.com/search?guid=b3a22c9b-1591-4709-8e93-91d3e132c318&asq=3IlS7M%2FzGmuQkLH9mkHpv1Jv5VRthjUUxcAvaVVelcEkskrYXZdBXXSdx%2Bxe0emjaEyuOyfDMEavPviAOLhIaX9M98m8qJeorw19GV2HphFRGDYBoG8xhg%2FgYA8%2FVlF5bbYhAtfVY%2BSwpUg5x%2FQA4SPj8tG2w9mQ4k4grTxw%2FoW0nnJWxqzLizyqeT4duWXUtQDL6afeOLVFlrg86NELVQ%3D%3D&city=2679&tick=638329627877&locale=en-us&ckuid=51b43fc9-7437-42b1-91df-687d79c77ab0&prid=0&currency=THB&correlationId=4a98f825-3554-4995-ac5f-e3cc0bc38f20&analyticsSessionId=185228151548717190&pageTypeId=7&realLanguageId=1&languageId=1&origin=TH&cid=-294&userId=51b43fc9-7437-42b1-91df-687d79c77ab0&whitelabelid=1&loginLvl=0&storefrontId=3&currencyId=6&currencyCode=THB&htmlLanguage=en-us&cultureInfoName=en-us&memberId=53014385&machineName=sg-pc-6g-acm-web-user-78b8f96b84-6x6kw&trafficGroupId=1&sessionId=ivi0gzkosr3ukfmoyvoohldy&trafficSubGroupId=94&aid=130589&useFullPageLogin=true&cttp=4&isRealUser=true&mode=production&browserFamily=Chrome&checkIn=2023-11-01&checkOut=2023-11-09&rooms=1&adults=2&children=0&priceCur=THB&los=8&textToSearch=Nha Trang&travellerType=1&familyMode=off&productType=-1&sort=priceLowToHigh#
  3. When you see a yellow halo around someone you know...
  4. According to some agreement from 9 Jul 1985, ASEAN licences are recognized among the suscribing members of the agreement. Vietnam might be an exception, as it joined ASEAN 10 years after this. Has hanybody got experience with driving in Vietnam with Thai, Cambodian, etc... licences? Allowed?
  5. Agoda says otherwise, Saigon and Hanoi being the exception. Every other accomodation around Vietnam seems dead cheap compared to Thailand.
  6. That's a constant in Pattaya, not just Riviera. Tiny but overpriced shoeboxes with awful ventilation. Case of Siam Oriental Tropical Garden for instance (Boasting beautiful glass with no windows, making it perfect glasshouses to die inside unless you run aircon). No wonder long time residents on those places live with their front door and little windows open. Besides, electricity prices have doubled in a year, so keeping a room cool on aircon these days can result into a steep bill. Those kind of rooms are shiny and in tune to what the western tourist demand, but stay a month in there and you'll develop some form of claustrophobia. Not to mention how much you 'll sweat. Oh well! Facilities are usually awesome, that's true. Especially when you do not cross savages peeing in the pool, playing their annoying bluetooth ghetto blasters or shouting on the phone as if they were alone hunting bears on some remote steppe beyond the Urals. Give me a fancyless and old place, better adapted to the climate and quieter too. Needless to say cheaper.
  7. I have recently contacted a couple of dentists in Da Nang. They offered me to solve my problem in 10 days. What they didi not know is that I am well aware of what my problem is, and this is something that must be done in many stages through a few different procedures that need months of healing time in between to get everything done in perhaps a year or longer. In other words, I might had contacted "professionals" with no regard of my problem, but an obvious interest in my money, or I might have failed to convey my problem with clarity as well, however I discard this option, as they were given a full and recent cone beam scan of my whole mouth. Anyway, has anyboy had good experiences with dentists in this city? Any other city perhaps? Mind to share your experience and recommend a honest dentist? One of those who rather give you bad news detrimental of losing a potential costumer/income? Btw, this problem requires a few different surgery techniques before implanting. Thanks in advance
  8. Yeah, true. We have already paid our sins by allowing all Africa to come over. Extending it to Asia would be too much. Selfish Europeans!
  9. You should always wear a helmet to protect the others ????
  10. The headline says it all. I have just purchased an article from Shopee Thailand. I received a totally different product. When I contacted Shope to send back this article and get a refund, they came up with loads of BS and petty excuses. They basically turned all responsibility on the customer (me) and suggested me to fill out a search warrant for the seller at the police station (which comes with a cost), in order for them to do some investigation into this issue. Apparently, they can't find the link between the sender and the seller, which is total BS because nobody can send a product that matches my address and exact price without having the information the company has about my order. Therefore, they have a mole, a hacker, or some m-phuker working at the company who is conveniently sharing the loot with who knows. Otherwise, it is hard to understand how this mishap could have ever happened. I never had a problem with online shopping in Thailand before. Every time I had a problem, either Shopee or Lazada solved it in no time. However, it seems that they have changed their policies, or that some untruthful employees there are playing their little games, having some henchman at the customer's service department and working along with scammers to get away with their goals. Just be warned that Shopee Thailand has changed the rules of the game, and every victim of a scam through their platform seems to be abandoned to their luck now, and now we have to deal with the delivery company, the police, and some corrupted but sweet mouthed customer's service scampresentative at Shopee ourselves. I have just lost 300 baht. Let's call it a nuisance. But the trust I have lost, they will never get back. Fortunately, we still have Lazada.
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