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Posts posted by bobtailkitten

  1. In reply to someone who said labs need more exercise I disagree with that. I've owned pugs in the past and they can be very high energy when they are young and need a lot of exercise due to their tendancy to put on weight easily, I hate it when people think just because they are small dogs they don't need much exercise because they really do, their weight can really have negative affects on their health due to their short nose. Of course they have shorter legs so don't cover as much distance as a lab would but I would say they need walking just as much and as often. Anyway off topic a bit sorry!

    • Like 2
  2. I'm sure this has been posted a ton of times but I can't find the info.

    I want to bring a dog to the UK from Thailand.

    I am currently in the UK but have people in Thailand who will be able to sort all the blood tests etc out for me.

    I am interested in other peoples experience, what are the procedures of flying etc

    Is it best to fly the dog by a carrier company or would it be better for me to go and collect the dog and return together?

    I would prefer to not have to return to Thailand again but will if it is the best option.

    What airlines and/or carrier companies have people used? Would love to hear everyones experiences, good or bad.

    I'm trying to research online but it's hard to find a list of carriers and which ones are approved etc? pretty clueless on the whole procedure here.


  3. Spend their life on 3m chains!!!

    What a life they must have! and i'm sure keeping them on 3m chains has improved their destructive behaviour???!

    I don't understand why some people get dogs, how about being responsible and taking the time to train and exercise your pet. Are you going to do the same with a child if it turns out a certain way that you didn't want

    Who said spend their life ?

    When one of us are out there they're off the chains anyway and it's only until part of my land is fenced off.


    Sorry misread it, it reads 'most of their time' same same!

    my point is out of sight, out of mind does not resolve the issue. It's natural for dogs to be part of a pack, the pack leader needs to be established early on and if it hasen't been it needs to be introduced, since they are not around tons of other dogs the human should be a leader.

    To the OP most dogs are food driven/orientated it's a good way for training but takes time and it's friendly, unlike shock collars, look up clicker training and also as suggested cesar Milan or other training videos. It could be that your dog is just a mix with some hunting breed though and it might be instinct for it to want to chase chickens! But I think any breed/dog is trainable but it takes a lot of time. Castration is not proven and May or may not help, so I wouldn't get your hopes up with it, it all depends on the root of the problem.

  4. Spend their life on 3m chains!!!

    What a life they must have! and i'm sure keeping them on 3m chains has improved their destructive behaviour???!

    I don't understand why some people get dogs, how about being responsible and taking the time to train and exercise your pet. Are you going to do the same with a child if it turns out a certain way that you didn't want

    Who said spend their life ?

    When one of us are out there they're off the chains anyway and it's only until part of my land is fenced off.


    Sorry misread it, it reads 'most of their time' same same!

    my point is out of sight, out of mind does not resolve the issue. It's natural for dogs to be part of a pack, the pack leader needs to be established early on and if it hasen't been it needs to be introduced, since they are not around tons of other dogs the human should be a leader.

    To the OP most dogs are food driven/orientated it's a good way for training but takes time and it's friendly, unlike shock collars, look up clicker training and also as suggested cesar Milan or other training videos. It could be that your dog is just a mix with some hunting breed though and it might be instinct for it to want to chase chickens! But I think any breed/dog is trainable but it takes a lot of time. Castration is not proven and May or may not help, so I wouldn't get your hopes up with it, it all depends on the root of the problem.

  5. Spend their life on 3m chains!!!

    What a life they must have! and i'm sure keeping them on 3m chains has improved their destructive behaviour???!

    I don't understand why some people get dogs, how about being responsible and taking the time to train and exercise your pet. Are you going to do the same with a child if it turns out a certain way that you didn't want

    Who said spend their life ?

    When one of us are out there they're off the chains anyway and it's only until part of my land is fenced off.


    Sorry misread it, it reads 'most of their time' same same!

    my point is out of sight, out of mind does not resolve the issue. It's natural for dogs to be part of a pack, the pack leader needs to be established early on and if it hasen't been it needs to be introduced, since they are not around tons of other dogs the human should be a leader.

    To the OP most dogs are food driven/orientated it's a good way for training but takes time and it's friendly, unlike shock collars, look up clicker training and also as suggested cesar Milan or other training videos. It could be that your dog is just a mix with some hunting breed though and it might be instinct for it to want to chase chickens! But I think any breed/dog is trainable but it takes a lot of time. Castration is not proven and May or may not help, so I wouldn't get your hopes up with it, it all depends on the root of the problem.

  6. Spend their life on 3m chains!!!

    What a life they must have! and i'm sure keeping them on 3m chains has improved their destructive behaviour???!

    I don't understand why some people get dogs, how about being responsible and taking the time to train and exercise your pet. Are you going to do the same with a child if it turns out a certain way that you didn't want due to minimal effort from yourself?

    I would guess that the dogs were kept in the first place to guard all your worldly possessions *sigh* you know what they say, "when in Rome...." might aswell just dump them at the temple they would likely be better off

    Anyway back to the OP I would suggest lots of exercise, that sounds like a big dog! and if it is muscular it will be wanting exercise. Perhaps seek out a dog trainer here, might be costly but sounds as though the dog is bored and needs something to occupy him. Maybe some chew things or a playmate as mentioned before (but the playmate might encourage the behaviour too!) I would imagine if you don't plan to breed him then castraction will calm him down a bit also, sounds as if he's bored and horny! think how you would feel seeing the same walls everyday, no interaction with others (except the same humans you see everyday) and absolutely no chance of sex, like ever lol I think I might wanna kill some chickens too!

    • Like 1
  7. Hello everyone

    Looking for a bit of advice please! when I return to the UK eventually I would really love to get a Java hill mynah bird, it is one thing I am really going to miss about Thailand! but I have been doing some research and i'm finding that they seem to be quite difficult to get hold of in the UK and cost around 600-800gbp which is fine, but I am wondering if it would be easier to try and bring one back from Thailand? or if that's even possible or allowed? I would like to get one from a young age, ideally I would like to find a breeder in the UK but if it is not possible and I can't find anyone is it possible to do from thailand?

    If anyone has any info/links for breeders etc I would greatly appreciate that too, not something i'm looking to fo immediately maybe in a year or two, so just researching it now. I also really want the Java Hill mynah not the greater hill if possible.


  8. Hi thanks for the replies. Yep I only had one double from Vientiane on this trip but last trip I also got one double from there, so both are in my passport but there was a year gap between trips. I plan to go home end of sept as no funds now, but haven't booked a ticket yet in case something happens and I have to home earlier. Would you suggest I take bank statements or something as proof? I'm not sure there would be any other way to prove I'm not working, my gym also said they would provide me with a letter to say I'm training and to their knowledge not working as there is little time between training sessions etc

    i defo can't be arsed with border runs it's so much hassle to do every month, tiring and works out about the same cost wise just hope I can get another visa :/

  9. Hi all

    Ive been here on tourist visas since last march, and yes my purpose being strictly tourism, I've been doing Muay Thai and travelling but just didn't expect to stay so long. I entered with a double entry visa from London, I then got another double from Laos (I decided not to risk this again as the officer was funny with me, I had been in Thailand for a year previously yet I pointed out to him I had returned to the uk and worked for a year). Then I did a border crossing when the second visa expired. After this, I obtained a single entry from Penang, the agent joked that he couldn't get my visa (obv he did) and said it is getting more difficult now. Anyway when I went through the border the lady said to me 'miss, you check visa again!' I didn't understand what she meant so said sorry what? And she just repeated it and let me through, I should have asked in Thai but I just wanted to get through with no hassle and she seemed impatient...

    I want to get one more tourist visa and then I will be going home as I'm almost out of funds, I was wondering if anyone had advice of things I could do to get the visa easier or go through the border easier, or any experiences anyone would like to share? I'm a bit worried with all the new border crossing rules dunno if it applies to the visas too?


  10. I had to go Friday because I had to be out of the country by Saturday, so it was either leave Friday or leave much earlier in the week and loose days on my visa.

    We got the bus in the end because like Isaid the train was all booked up, bus was 700 something bhat i think. Was okay but next time I would book well in advance for the train so I got a place!

  11. Have you checked muaythailand? Santai is a good gym and the trainers are good for beginnners aswell, I trained there years back when it was Siam No1 and I had never done muay thai before so very beginner friendly. They are all booked up till May though I think, they like to keep the trainer/student ratio low so it doesn't become overcrowded so I would contact them in advance and there might be cancellations etc but I think it should be the first choice of a gym to train in Chiang mai

  12. Hi thanks for the replies! I have found a flight with Thai Lion air which is 1,070 bhat one way...but this only goes to hat yai, how much should a taxi cost to the airport from hua hin? do you know the costs for travel from hat yai to penang? I will also check air asia now. I went to the train station and they said they were fully booked for the train to Butterworth on the Friday, someone else said to me this is very unusual and she said the sleeper train would cost about 1,135 bhat does this sound about right? seems a tad expensive. Other option is the night bus which is 745bhat but I really hate those bus journeys blasting the air con out! :/

  13. Hello everyone

    Like the title says....

    I was wondering if anyone will be travelling in a pick up to Hua Hin or somewhere near at the start of April?

    We are two passengers and have a bike to transport, we can either do it through the post office but thought if someone was going that way we could do it this way also and pay towards petrol costs as doing it by post office means we have to wait 10days. Also if someone was going to surat thani we could also do that and then travel up to hua hin with the bike on the train.

    So if anyone can help please let me know! we would be going from Thalang in Phuket but could travel to wherever in Phuket.


  14. Thanks for the reply!

    If you don't charge is it still counted as work? just checking the fine details I wouldn't want to get in trouble when i'm not even earning anything.

    I understand there are quite a few farang working illegally, I prefer to keep things honest.

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