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Posts posted by bobtailkitten

  1. Hi

    I used to be living in Bangkok but unfortunately due to financial reasons had to move to Chiang Mai. At the apartment where I was staying there was a very cute soi dog which I happened to get a bit attached too. Just before I moved unfortunately she got hit by a motorbike. A friend and I, took her to the vets and she did not need surgery but needed to be contained wearing a cast. My friend was going back to America for 5 weeks and I was moving to Chiang Mai and will also be going back to England in a few months, so thought it would not be fair for me to put her through the stress of coming to Chiang Mai as I don't know who would look after her once I am gone.

    Basically, to cut a long story short the dog has stayed in the vets for about three weeks now and needs to stay for about another two weeks to recover. She has a really good temperament and nice nature. She is a bit cautious of people at first and then she is really soft. I would say she is about a year old. We would like to find a home for her because the place where she hangs about near my old apartment is right next to a really busy road in Salaya, there are lots of accidents there and people don't drive so well. She really deserves to be with a loving owner or family. We are willing to ride a taxi with her to somewhere outside of Bangkok also, it would be great if she could have somewhere to stay which is a little bit more country or away from the busy roads.

    If anyone is interested please can you let us know, we will be paying for the vet bills, (she had a fractured leg), and will be giving a big bag of food also to a good home that will take her. I can send photos of her to anyone who is interested and I will be coming down to Bangkok to meet my friend when she gets in from America and we will meet up with whoever might be interested and bring the dog to you.

    I really love this dog and hope we can find something for her, I wish I could look after her myself. We contacted the Soi dog charity but they said they were too full to help and older dogs are really hard to rehome :( so we are trying to sort the matter out ourselves. If you are interested or know of anyone...please spread the word and contact me please.

    Thank you :)

  2. Hi

    I'm sure this question has been asked loads but I can't find the information I am looking for. I want to obtain a double entry tourist visa and I am under the impression that I would need to go to Laos for it. How would I do this going from Bangkok? are there any tour companies that do this as a package? or if I was to go by myself would it be safe (female travelling alone), if I went by myself where would I need to go in Laos? sorry I am completely clueless...Thanks for any info from anyone.

  3. Youve got some interesting articles in there and im sure they will be very helpful for people who are thinking of coming over here to train. Ive been here two years now and would love to give muaythai a go but at 26 I reckon it might be a bit to late to start.

    Hey Jared its never too late...my mate was over 35 and she trained and fought in BKK and was champion S-1 I am going back soon too for fighting and i will be 26 next year :o

  4. Maybe malaysia seem far,but from Chiangmai there are direct flights to Kuala lumpur these days.....

    A return ticket with the budget airline Aisasia,is very cheap and cheaper when you fly return to bangkok on normail flights....maybe worth considering,cause travelling to laos is more time consuming then to get your visa from KL.......3 days later you walk in Chiangmai again with the new visa in your passport! :o

    I went to Malaysia for my last visa run and i really didnt like the country for a start and it turned out really expensive and i cant afford to fly, airasia do cheap flights but then the tax of the flights turns out to be twice as much as the flight and it ends up being expensive. Anyway i dont have that option this time and i also dont want to go to the same embassey each time in case they dont grant me the visa.

    ..... as for Mae Sai i have been here for almost two years nwo so that isnt an option.

    How come Cambodia isnt a likely place for TVs?


  5. Hi

    I am travelling from Chiang Mai to do my second visa. I have a two month visa which i got in Malaysia, i then got it renewed for one month. Now at the end of this month i have to go and get a new visa and i dont want to go to Malaysia again because it is too far.

    I am wondering which is the best place to go Laos or Cambodia? Im guessing Laos is closer but is it safe to go for a female travelling alone?

    Which city to i go to, do i travel to Nong Khai from Chiang Mai? then which city in Laos do i go to from Nong Khai? where is the embassey there?

    Are there any posts relating to this already because i have been looking over the posts here for a while and i cant find anything useful so far....

    So hopefully someone can point me in the right direction?

    Is it okay to go to the same embassey back to back or is it advisable to change embassies each time when applying for 60 day tourist visa?


  6. Hey thanks for the reply

    The kitten is actually over two months and is already seperated from its mother, its also not one that i would like to leave behind as it is a persian and it was expensive. Im not going on holiday, im going for a week but eventually i will be moving for good so i need to work out how i will do it. I dont plan on moving to Bangkok, i think i will be living in Issan.


    I would travel by train with pets with me in a portable cage/carton box and take with me all belongings in one go (there is 20 kg limit on airplanes and pets are charged as an excess luggage - but you will have to check with a particular airline what their policies are). When travelling by train you are allowed a stopover if you needed to.

    I wouldn't take a kitten with me - leave a lot of dry food and water with the queen and she will take the best care of the offspring, you will only stress the kitten by separating it from the mother and moving through unknown to him environment. Somebody from time to time might check on them - more to reassure them that they were not abandoned by humans (they are social animals). I go on holidays up to 2 weeks and leave my cat home, with a cat door opened - when she is bored she goes to neighbours to play.

    if you are moving to Bangkok I have 2 homes to rent, both suitable for pets.

  7. Hey

    Any advice please? i am relocating from Chiang Mai to go futher south in about two weeks, i have a large cat and a kitten, i am wondering what the best way to travel is? can i take them on a plane and is that expensive? are you allowed to travel long distance on a bus or train with pets and where do you put them, so they are comfortable? also do many guesthouses let you stay with pets; i am thinking of travelling with the kitten first as i am checking places to go where i am moving first and i dont want to leave her with the vets for a long time. Sounds a little crazy i know. Any help appreciated. Thanks

  8. sorry was supposed to put this in the burriram forum and put it in the issan forum by accident, so here it is again


    seeing as most people here are living in Burriram i wanted to ask a question, im guessing that maybe you know some locals as it doesnt really seem like a likely place for foreigners to go to get what foreigners usually come to Thailand for, he he so maybe some of you are in the know???

    I am visiting Burriram in about a week and i am going to be looking for Muay Thai gyms there, im told that the main language there is Cambodian? and i only speak some Thai so maybe i will have some problems questioning locals. Im wondering if any of you guys know any gyms there, not tiny ones and ones where i can experience the real thing-not falang camps although i dont think they have them there anyway. Im looking for a really serious hardcore gym so i can feel like poo next to all the hardcore thais, he he. I have been training for a year and i have four fights already. Im kind of running outt of money so im looking to train for free and then figth every month or more, and when i have money i can give the trainers money or buy equipment for the gym or something. Im not looking for a free ride or anything but i cant afford to go to these mega expensive foreign gyms either. Any help would be great if you could ask your buddies

  9. Hey

    seeing as most people here are living in Burriram i wanted to ask a question, im guessing that maybe you know some locals as it doesnt really seem like a likely place for foreigners to go to get what foreigners usually come to Thailand for, he he so maybe some of you are in the know???

    I am visiting Burriram in about a week and i am going to be looking for Muay Thai gyms there, im told that the main language there is Cambodian? and i only speak some Thai so maybe i will have some problems questioning locals. Im wondering if any of you guys know any gyms there, not tiny ones and ones where i can experience the real thing-not falang camps although i dont think they have them there anyway. Im looking for a really serious hardcore gym so i can feel like poo next to all the hardcore thais, he he. I have been training for a year and i have four fights already. Im kind of running outt of money so im looking to train for free and then figth every month or more, and when i have money i can give the trainers money or buy equipment for the gym or something. Im not looking for a free ride or anything but i cant afford to go to these mega expensive foreign gyms either. Any help would be great if you could ask your buddies :o

  10. Hey

    I was just reading your post that you replied to me with. I was definitely thinking about Isan but then lots of people told me not to bother because they wouldnt let me anywhere near the ring because i am a woman and they are quite backwards there!!!?

    I have heard there is good Muay Thai there and i would like to go. I speak real basic Thai and is enough to get by but when i comes to finding a gym its impossible. I have been to loads of places now including Bangkok and when it comes to asking locals or Taxi drivers, most of them dont know where there are gyms or they jus cant be bothered to help me. IN Bangkok it ended up them taking me to these fancy foreigner gyms for like 30 thousand plus per month and things, the Thais dont understand thats the complete opposite of what i am looking for. Anyway it sounds quite easy to jus go somewhere and look for places but in fact it isnt. At the moment i am in Nakhom Si Thammarat looking for places and my friend is going to have to come and help me, as i have been out looking today and everybody knows there are gyms here but nobody knows where and then the taxis want to charge me loads of money and then take me to these tiny gyms with a few little kids training there or something. I imagine Isan will be more of a problem and my friend cannot go there to help me as it is too far away.

    So what i am wondering is, when did you train there and can you give me any information on this place, name address contact number etc? so if i go there i might be able to find somewhere? What do you mean also by a small camp? because small to one person may be different to another so i am not sure.


    Did you consider going up to the North East to Isan, where there is some excellent camps, and its real cheap to live?

    I spent 7 or 8 months in Nong Ki, Burriram, which is a small village of about 2000 people about 1 hour outside Korat, just inside the Burriram provience.

    I trained in Nong Ki Payuath, which is where in the early 90s both Nampon and Nammbukan came from. (both fought Ramon Decker).

    I trained under Master Pramote, who is a gentleman, and very respected in Muay Thai and life in general.

    he speaks perfect english as he was a high school teacher.

    these days it is a small camp with a few young fighters. In fact the village of Nong Ki has 3 or 4 camps in the surrounding area, the others being very small.

    It is real cheap to live up there, I had a 2 bed house rented for 2500 bhat a month, so a room would be cheaper, and its real cheap to live. you cannot spend money really!

    Only problem is few people speak english, and aside from training there is nothing to do really. its pure rural thai rice farmer life. and there is no frang food at all... not even a french fry. but it was a great expereince.

    though you can get bus to Korat which is only 80 Km away. there is plenty to do in Korat.

    also up there, once the rice harvest is done, there is lots of festivals from January on, with Muay Thai fights...usually free in, or 20 bhat max. went to see one fight one night. started 9pm....fights did not finish until 430am in the morning!!!!

    lots of girls from Surin or Ubon were fighting too.

    There is tons of camps up in isan, so maybe if money is tight...thats the place to go, and give the camps in Pattaya who are after tourist dollar a miss.

    Life in Isan is very interesting and you get to see the real thailand. plus if your serious about training, you will have no distraction.

    also where I trained they did a hour of clinch in morning and and hour of clinch in afternoon, and the young fighters were doing over 3000 kicks a day.

  11. hey everybody

    I am wondering if anybody can help me. I have been in Thailand over a year now and i am training in Muay Thai. I have had four fights so far and i hope to carry on training only the problem is money. The cheapest gyms i can find are 6,000bhat, which i cant even afford if i want to stay long term. I can pay this price for a while but i need to be at a gym where i know they are going to give me a cheaper price eventually especially when i am fighting once or twice a month, kinda seems unfair that i should pay the same as people who arent fighting for the gym.

    Anyway i am looking for a serious gym, not one that is overrun with foreigners. I am looking for a mainly Thai gym and if i am together with foreigners they are the ones that are training hard. Money is the main issue but i also want a decent gym with okay facilities but mainly a good trainer. I have problems finding this as i am female. I recently found a good gym but once the trainer realised i wasent interested in him, he lost interest in training me. It makes it even more difficult and a lot of gyms dont want to take on falangs alone, being female makes it more hard, most people just laugh at me, even though there are many falang women training in Thailand. Anyway thats another subject altogether,.

    So please any ideas anyone?

  12. If you like a to go to a thai boxing school i can recommend http://scorpion.digitallix.net

    Scorpion Gym is owned by a Dutch girl called Rosalie.



    I was wodering if you have been to this gym and what it is like. I visited the webste but there are no pictures of it online and i have emailed the girl but she hasent replied to me yet. I woud like to go and see it but if its a gym catering for just for foreigners or the trainers and facilities arent great then it would be a waste of a trip. I was wondering if you could tell me about it pleeeease?


  13. Hey everybody

    I have already emailed a couple of people here about this but thought i would put a post up too. I was wondering if anybody knows of any cheap gyms, (and i mean cheap not like 30thou!!!people keep emailingme with these gyms!).

    I cant find any cheap gyms online because of course they wouldnt be online. I was in a gym before that was 6,000bhat per month but now i am thinking about money as i want to stay and train here for a very long time.

    I am fighting every month now and i have fought four times already. I train quite hard, my last gym i usually trained about four or five hours a day. I am looking for a mainly thai gym i dont really like the atmosphere that comes with training with a load of competitive falang men.

    Oh yes and i am Female so it is more difficult to find a gym for me as most Thai wont take me seriously without even giving me a chance.

    Any info would be great.

  14. Shall I still continue though?

    Sure! As long as you don't get injured and can do the sport / art without it messing with your work/study etc , why not ?

    On a sidenote , the reason I gave up was because of a lump I developed.

    After one training session my left inside shin muscle felt more painful than usual.

    A lump appeared after a few weeks and progressively grew bigger. I stopped training and by about 12 months it was the size of an egg!

    It wasn't painful but was obviously a worry , eventually I went to the GP and he had never seen anything like it!

    Within 48 hours I was admitted to the Nuffield Hospital on Oxford , one of the best in the world for limb problems. Even the top Surgeon in the Country had never seen a lump like it!

    They scanned it and because of the obvious cancer possibilities , it was removed by a 2 hour op.

    I have about 40 stitches in my lower left leg , and the tumour ( non cancerous Thank Buddha ) was a neuroma. The thing had nearly got hold of my Kneecap and if that had happened , I would probably have lost mobility in ,my left leg.

    I know have full use of the leg but will never go back to Full Contact.

    I have added a few pics of the scar I was left with.

    I think I was unlucky and despite this incident I still have many fond memories of the sport.

    This happened after nearly 12 years of regular training , I fought 25 times competitively and won about 70 % of those.

    Here's the leg about 5 years after the Operation




    Hey I have a lump also on my kicking leg, due to a fight a had where i did a low kick to my opponent and we hit shins together. Im not sure it is as bad as yours but i am not sure what to do about it, it has been there about a month now, its not painful and it isnt that painfull right now its a bit bigger than a strepsil. Should i see the doctor about it, thai doctors usually arent that great in Chiang Mai maybe i should wait until i go to BKK next month? any advice on where to go?

    ps I have sent you an email-hope you have time to answer :D

  15. Can anybody help me?

    I have to go to apply for a visa on the 22nd of January but most people are telling me its a good idea to dit now before the rush in January. Where is the best, cheapest place to go? is it possible to get a one year multiple entry one still, if so where should i go for that? i dont mind paying more if i can get a one year one. Is the visa two months or thre months? is it possible to get the visa and then get it renewed each time it runs out without having to spend 90 days outside the country?or do you get the visa then get the stamp three times and then get the visa again? i really dont understand the best away around this without having to leave the ocuntry for three months. I want to book my air tickets online now so i am wondering where the best place to go is?

  16. Yea i am talking about tourist visas, i know people are still getting visas now i am just worried that so many people wil go in January that they will get fed up and stop issuing them or something, because i dont need to go until the 22nd of Jan but if it gets harder and harder to get a visa depending on how many people are going maybe i should go sooner? My friend in BKK is friend with the person who is a member in the councils office, i just thought id say it was my friend in the council office because its easier and less confusing to explain.

    Who would be the best people/offices to speak to and ask for advice?

    It might be an idea to do your tourist visa run in late December, or even sooner as the rush for TV's in January will be huge. You'll have a tough time finding accommodation and airfares, and if you do it could be very pricy.

    Some Embassies/consulates are getting tough on the issue of TV's, but there is no indication yet that TV friendly locations are going to quit issuing them.

    This is one of the big unknowns where no answer will be forth coming until January.

    Yes i was thinking along these lines too cos there are going to be so many people going in January and i dont really have a lot of money either, i can book the airfare now which isnt a problem to Malaysia its just 433bhat one way if you book now, but i think you are right about accomodation, the people,(hostel/hotel owners etc),there will probably try and take advantage of the rush in the best way they can, i figure.

    Where would you recommend the best, most cost efficent place to go is. And also if i go late December doesnt that mean i am going to lose a month? I ust hope everybody is right about them not quitting issuing TVs but i really dont understand why they should.


  17. Please can someone help me? i have been told that they wont be issuing visas after December,(ie Jan 1st onwards), and will only be allowing border runs. This was told to me by a member of the councils office, is this true or not as i was planning to get my visa in Jan. Also which is the best country to go to?

    Thanks for your help

    which councils office told you this?

    My friend in BKK told me his friend in the council office told him, not solid reliable information i know but now it has me worried. i previously tried to talk to someone in the Immigration in Chiang Mai but nobody seems to speak English,(or they do and just like to pretend they dont when it comes to me asking about a visa grr...). Who shall i contact to find out what is really going on? is anybody else going in January? there most be loads of people.

    I haven't read anything to corroborate that. People have posted recent Visa success in the past few days. Are you just talking about Tourist Visas? Completely contrary to anything I have heard about the new laws. I think maybe your friend has an iffy source etc.

    How come you changed your story from a number of councils to a friend?

    Yea i am talking about tourist visas, i know people are still getting visas now i am just worried that so many people wil go in January that they will get fed up and stop issuing them or something, because i dont need to go until the 22nd of Jan but if it gets harder and harder to get a visa depending on how many people are going maybe i should go sooner? My friend in BKK is friend with the person who is a member in the councils office, i just thought id say it was my friend in the council office because its easier and less confusing to explain.

    Who would be the best people/offices to speak to and ask for advice?

    ThaiVisa is a great place to watch for news like that. I really doubt its true. In any case you will know well before your Jan 22

    Maybe you can go back to your friend and have him refine the info a little and post back here what you find out.

    yea i am trying just that right now, unfotunately hes one of those guys who doesnt like to be questioned so we will see, i think i will get a thai person to contact an embassey or something for me, see if i can get anywhere. lets hope my friend is wrong

  18. Please can someone help me? i have been told that they wont be issuing visas after December,(ie Jan 1st onwards), and will only be allowing border runs. This was told to me by a member of the councils office, is this true or not as i was planning to get my visa in Jan. Also which is the best country to go to?

    Thanks for your help

    which councils office told you this?

    My friend in BKK told me his friend in the council office told him, not solid reliable information i know but now it has me worried. i previously tried to talk to someone in the Immigration in Chiang Mai but nobody seems to speak English,(or they do and just like to pretend they dont when it comes to me asking about a visa grr...). Who shall i contact to find out what is really going on? is anybody else going in January? there most be loads of people.

    I haven't read anything to corroborate that. People have posted recent Visa success in the past few days. Are you just talking about Tourist Visas? Completely contrary to anything I have heard about the new laws. I think maybe your friend has an iffy source etc.

    How come you changed your story from a number of councils to a friend?

    Yea i am talking about tourist visas, i know people are still getting visas now i am just worried that so many people wil go in January that they will get fed up and stop issuing them or something, because i dont need to go until the 22nd of Jan but if it gets harder and harder to get a visa depending on how many people are going maybe i should go sooner? My friend in BKK is friend with the person who is a member in the councils office, i just thought id say it was my friend in the council office because its easier and less confusing to explain.

    Who would be the best people/offices to speak to and ask for advice?

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