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Posts posted by NanaSomchai

  1. 1 hour ago, aussienam said:

    "This makes me want to cry. This place used to generate income and build the future for so many people.”


    Yeah .... from the dumb assed foreigner fools who threw cash at them like confetti and the multiple sponsors giving them monthly Western Union transfers for each manipulative vixen bar girl 555. 

    Lots of greedy, self entitled little princesses running around from all the SIMPED and CUCKED customers. 


    These girls can usually easily reset to their default lives back to the villages, farms, retail outlets and factories.  


    Family support is usually always available with a roof over their head. 

    It just means that their dreams of getting passive income streams from a few sponsors and spreading their legs inbetween for the 'hard' work are put on hold.  

    I don't have sympathy for them.  They are prostitutes.  Been here long enough to listen to their antics. 

    I look at all the hard working Thais who put in long hours, get paid modest salaries and don't screw over people.  I respect them.  

    Walking street run by greedy owners ripping off people IMO.  Yawn.  


    This. 3000%.


    The question you should be asking yourselves are "Who are the real benefitors of prostitution, behind the scenes?".


    Hint: It's not the girls that are into it and we are not allowed to make any references to him on this forum.

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  2. 4 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    All it did was keep people in the sex trade.. it did not build any future for anyone.

    I don't recall ever anyone building a 7+ bedrooms mansion with a king sized swimming pool, let alone build an empire or becoming the next Elon Musk or the next Jeff Bezos, by stuffing someone else's genitals in their face/in their private intimate parts for a decade or two, ever.


    The sex trade as we softly like to call it on this forum is actually called "modern slavery", or "sexual exploitation" or "human trafficking" according to trustworthy World recognized charities/organizations such as (but not limited to), Unicef, Amnesty International, WHO, etc...


    It is time users on this forum take those pink-rose tinted glasses off and start to call a spade, a spade.


    Keeping people in the sex trade does NOT build any future for anyone.

    Yes some punters might become faithful sponsors over the years after sending millions of baht over the years and yes the luckiest of these girls might be able to repay their families debts, repay their mortgages, acquire that fancy shiney car, some might even get married and have children with some of these girls, I'll give you that, but at the end of the day, keeping people engaged actively in the sex trade is morally and ethically wrong.


    Thailand has been talking about "clearing" and "cleaning" it's image for years but has never got around to it, it is now better than never the perfect time or should I say; the perfect opportunity to do so.


    Thailand has yet to reinvent itself and the sex workers have to enter the 21th century, which based on the clear shifting to provide such services through online, some readers might be inclined to think it is already happening anyway.

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  3. Just now, Deli said:

    I offered to one a regular job with 6 days work a week for a salary of more than THB 20k a month. She didn't want to work every day and abandon he phone for hours. She went to Dubai instead, working is a Club...nuff said.

    Of course. They make so much money once they have a few sponsors, you wouldn't believe it and I'm not even talking about the gifts they get (and resale immediately), gold, rings, smartphones, etc...


    It's a vicious endless circle. Don't fall for it, don't feel sorry for them. EVER.

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