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  1. It was all for nothing. The drug business is back to normal, as robust as ever. No one in the world ever succeeded in wiping out the drug trade. It's impossible. He made lots of enemies and they are coming after him.
  2. Yes, you are completely disconnected from reality. There are 2 criminal court cases here, the first one as plaintiffs, the second one as defendants. There will be some civil cases for damages as well, so up to 4 court cases. 9 years ago I spent a lot more than that, and I got a good deal. Good lawyers will charge more than 100k for each court case. They already lost their first payment as the lawyer did nothing.
  3. No matter who was in the wrong, there is no justification for the beating they took. Do you see the young thug with injuries? Who was in the hospital with injuries? Who is selling up and leaving? They got all they wanted and are going for more. There is no reason to hear anything they have to say. Nothing they have to say can make it right.
  4. No, it's not. My home country, Australia has trial by jury for serious assault cases, which this is. In the UK, too In the UK, more serious assault cases, those deemed "indictable offences," are tried in the Crown Court with a jury, while less serious cases, or "summary offences," are typically heard in Magistrates' Courts without a jury. Here's a brief overview of the court system in Thailand: Thailand does not have a jury system; instead, judges or a panel of judges decide the guilt or innocence of a defendant, as well as determine the sentence. No Jury System: In Thailand, the legal system operates with judges, not juries, making decisions based on the evidence presented by both the prosecution and defence. Judges Solely Decide: The judge or panel of judges is responsible for determining guilt or innocence and, if guilty, for imposing the appropriate sentence. Departure from Western Systems: This differs significantly from the jury trial process common in some Western legal systems, where a group of citizens decides the facts of the case. Advocacy System: In Thailand, courtroom proceedings are conducted in an adversarial system, whereby the two opposing advocates represent their clients' cases before one or more judges.
  5. Are you suggesting that maybe the elderly man deserved to be knocked unconscious and sustain about 22 additional punches to the head while on the ground?... and his wife being attacked?
  6. The Philippines is much safer? You can't be serious? There's no comparison. Thailand is like a padded cell in contrast to the Philippines. Disputes such as this one might have ended up with both dead, in the Philippines. Be very careful who you raise your voice to in the Philippines. A big difference is they don't often shout back, but quietly take care of business. It's a jungle compared to Thailand. I can't comment on Vietnam.
  7. Obviously (I thought) because they are on bail which includes confiscation of their passports.
  8. This is nonsense. The Thai police and justice system is about as fair as your lawyer is good. I had a criminal case that I needed to defend with my wife. The first lawyer f***ked our case by providing our evidence late to the court so it was not accepted, and due to that the defendants opened a criminal case against us. We were lucky to find very good lawyers (recommended on this forum) to get out of a sticky situation that could have landed us in prison. Bear in mind, that the judge's decision in Thailand is final. There are no juries here. One good thing is they insist on a mediation session before the court case where the parties can come to an agreement. The local police in this case might have been negligent in carrying out their duties, but court cases involving foreigners are taken quite seriously when they arrive in court.
  9. I was in the 8th Grade in South Africa, and the other kids called me "professor", but I still wouldn't have passed that test, and back in those days the school curriculum was very "old English". Blazers and ties warn at all times, hair was chopped above the collar, and we were caned for minor infringements.
  10. Forget about kids, not many adults would be able to pass that test. Would you? On an overall score in all 7 categories, I would fail. Of course, a lot of the history and Civil Government questions are USA-specific.
  11. That's worse, that you claimed yourself that you know the climate of the earth 3 million years ago. I thought you might have copied and pasted it from somewhere. This is nothing more than a wild guess and you're claiming it as a fact. You keep posting the same links from climate change advocates. It's biased material - that's also a fact. I didn't need your resume as it means nothing here. People can pretend to be anything they like here. Maybe you're promoting your own websites.
  12. All your links are written by climate change devoties trying to prove a point. It's not good unbiased data. Above you wrote or copied and pasted from somewhere: "The Earth is warming and the insulation level of greenhouse gases are now at levels not seen for the last 3 million years." Seriously? Who saw the temperatures 3 million years ago? This is absolute nonsense and makes a mockery of the analysis. There are not precise temperature readings all over the world since 1880. Maybe in a few limited locations, but not worldwide. For wall we know, the slow gain since 1900 (or so) in some locations, a very small gain, could just be a cyclic variation of 100 years or so. It's impossible to know as the data does not exist.
  13. You didn't learn much in that dry desert environment as you obviously don't have a clue about how humidity affects how a temperature feels. All weather sites have temp, humidity and temperature feel indicators. It's not to promote anything - it's just fact. The higher the humidity, the hotter it feels. The easiest way to prove you wrong is by going into a sauna and putting some water on the coals. I guarantee it will feel twice as hot. Wait for the steam to disipitate, and it will still feel much hotter as the air will be at 100% humidity. Another trickier way would be to have 2 thermometers/hygrometers set up in 2 rooms. One of them at room temperature, and the other that has been air conditioned for a long time and turned off so the temperature can return to the same temperature as the non-airconditioned room BUT maintains a lower humidity. The room at the same temperature but lower humidity will feel considerably cooler. I have 2 rooms like this. One room had 75% at 30.5C and the other room was 40% humidity @30.5C. You'll be amazed at the difference in temperature feel. If you buy some thermometers/hygrometers and experiment, you might learn something.
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