No, it's not. My home country, Australia has trial by jury for serious assault cases, which this is.
In the UK, too
In the UK, more serious assault cases, those deemed "indictable offences," are tried in the Crown Court with a jury, while less serious cases, or "summary offences," are typically heard in Magistrates' Courts without a jury.
Here's a brief overview of the court system in Thailand:
Thailand does not have a jury system; instead, judges or a panel of judges decide the guilt or innocence of a defendant, as well as determine the sentence.
No Jury System:
In Thailand, the legal system operates with judges, not juries, making decisions based on the evidence presented by both the prosecution and defence.
Judges Solely Decide:
The judge or panel of judges is responsible for determining guilt or innocence and, if guilty, for imposing the appropriate sentence.
Departure from Western Systems:
This differs significantly from the jury trial process common in some Western legal systems, where a group of citizens decides the facts of the case.
Advocacy System:
In Thailand, courtroom proceedings are conducted in an adversarial system, whereby the two opposing advocates represent their clients' cases before one or more judges.