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  1. Here you go -- on the house: OPINION DAVID BROOKS The Kamala Harris Report Card July 25, 2024, 3:36 p.m. ET https://archive.is/VGmqc
  2. I wasn't eluding to anything -- those were quotes from Republican House Speaker Johnson.: “This is not personal with regard to Kamala Harris,” he added, “and her ethnicity or her gender have nothing to do with this whatsoever.”
  3. well then here it is -- hot news from 13 AUG 2020: How 29-year-old Kamala Harris began an affair with powerful San Francisco politician Willie Brown, then 60 and married, who appointed her to two lucrative positions only to dump her after he was voted first black mayor of the city Brown is notorious for his love of sports cars, flash designer suits and for being named one of the world's 10 sexiest men by Playgirl magazine https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8623781/Kamala-Harris-affair-San-Franciscos-black-mayor-Willie-Brown.html
  4. Maybe Harris's most famous moment as US Senator. The 2018 Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation hearings. Kavanaugh had dodged several attempts by Harris and others for his position on abortion. Kavanaugh wouldn't budge. So Harris finally asked: “Can you think of any laws that give the government the power to make decisions about the male body?” And Kavanaugh was stumped. “I am not thinking of any right now.”
  5. She had an affair with Brown and received plum appointments 30 years ago -- but 'slept her way to the top' is plain not accurate. LATimes headline from 1994 2 More Brown Associates Get Well-Paid Posts -- The Speaker appoints his frequent companion and a longtime friend to state boards as his hold on his own powerful position wanes. Nov. 29, 1994 12 AM PT
  6. Republican leaders urge colleagues to steer clear of racist and sexist attacks on Harris Updated 11:25 PM GMT+7, July 24, 2024 WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican leaders are warning party members against using overtly racist and sexist attacks against Vice President Kamala Harris, as they and former President Donald Trump’s campaign scramble to adjust to the reality of a new Democratic rival less than four months before Election Day. “This election will be about policies and not personalities,” House Speaker Mike Johnson told reporters after the meeting. “This is not personal with regard to Kamala Harris,” he added, “and her ethnicity or her gender have nothing to do with this whatsoever.” The admonitions came after some members and Trump allies began to cast Harris, a former district attorney, attorney general and senator, as a “DEI” hire — a reference to diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. https://apnews.com/article/trump-harris-attacks-johnson-hudson-76f8e90d24004e49449087787ac031a5
  7. Harris had been Assistant Alameda County DA for 3 years before getting her first patronage appointment from Brown. This has all been reported widely that Brown gave Harris the job as he was ending his 14 year term as CA Assembly Speaker as the Repubs were taking over control. As in this LA Times headline November 1994: 2 More Brown Associates Get Well-Paid Posts : The Speaker appoints his frequent companion and a longtime friend to state boards as his hold on his own powerful position wanes.
  8. I agree. If that's what you got on her, run with it. As Willie Brown is quoted above: So What?
  9. Prior to 2003 Harris held multiple appointed positions for which Willie Brown might have influenced. But after 2003 all her 'top' positions -- San Francisco District Attorney, California Attorney General, and US Senator from California -- were elected positions, not appointments.
  10. Brown's relationship with Harris gained renewed attention in early 2019 after she had become a U.S. senator and ran for president. Brown addressed the questions by publishing a piece in the San Francisco Chronicle titled "Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So what?" He wrote that he may have "influenced" her career by appointing her to boards and supporting her run for District Attorney, but added that he had also influenced the careers of other politicians. Brown noted that the difference between Harris and other politicians he had helped was that "Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I 'so much as jaywalked' while she was D.A. That's politics for ya". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willie_Brown_(politician)
  11. Willie Brown was never a Congressman -- he was at one point the 58th Speaker of the California State Assembly
  12. Nikki Haley ran in the past. As did Tulsi Gabbard. Shirley Chisholm 1972 presidential campaign poster
  13. With apologies to Johnny Angel (1961): ScubaScuba, how I want him How I tingle when he passes by Every time he says hello, my heart begins to fly I'm in Heaven I get carried away I dream of him and me And married we will be Other fellas call me up for a date But I just sit and wait I'd rather concentrate On ScubaScuba 'Cause I love him And I pray he'll someday marry me And together we will see How lovely Heaven will be
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