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Everything posted by HappyGoLuckyLife

  1. I get that. I'd rather ask a question than assume how others think. I don't know about you, but I learned some things today. For that, I say mission accomplished. Having people from diverse backgrounds speak from their point of view removes my having to make (possibly false) assumptions.
  2. Blessing to you my good sir. I'm trying to hold on to the teeth I have, but in a decade, I think I'm going to need a partial.
  3. I did not know, which is totally cool because I was a fan back in the day. And like many, I crushed on her hard. LOL.
  4. That is a huge issue with retirement, not having things to do to fill the vacuum created by not having the traditional work grind anymore. I'm hoping to continue to make what are now hobbies into something more (writing, working out, learning a few programming languages, and traveling).
  5. Do you think if people are able to venture out more and sort of reset themselves to remember what they love about living in Thailand, that it would help them feel less misery about being here. (For lack of a better word and assuming they are indeed miserable versus just needing an outlet to vent frustrations.)
  6. Thanks for stopping through. I find your insight equally valuable in looking at the big picture. So far this has been an eye-opening discussion and it's been a huge help as I continue forward in my journey.
  7. That would make for an excellent discussion sometime!
  8. New to the forum. Well at least I didn't ask what is the meaning of life. That's an older question.
  9. Wow, very sorry to hear that. Sounds like there may have been more going on there than simply just being miserable. There may have been some deep issues going on there.
  10. I read that thread, that is so freaking cool and is what I aspire to reach an then some.
  11. I like what you said here about bringing a sense of balance to the table when critiquing what can be done better. And I agree with you on how a disagreement can bring out the extreme on either side of the argument. Thanks for sharing.
  12. I find that funny, especially the exceedingly wealthy stay that way because they don't spend money.
  13. THIS! And this is what motivates my wife and I to move forward. It's about living in the moment and that moment is now. Couldn't have said this any better.
  14. I guess that's one of the reasons why we leave in the first place. It almost sounds like life comes around full circle.
  15. That's a good point. Do you think better research on their part could have helped staved this off? Maybe in settling in a country that "feels" more like what they were used to? To speak on the first part of this. This is where I think we today have the advantage over those retiring yesteryear. I think we're more in tune with how little or how far money goes these days. I do come across posts where talking about the days where the dollar came close to 70 baht, even during an event like the pandemic, those numbers won't come again. I think many of us know that and spend accordingly. As for the last part. Hey, happy hunting to the Elmer Fudds of the world! Again, touched on another important set of topics, keeping busy and keeping in shape. First, I was blown away that Thailand has gym equipment in almost all parks and just set up randomly for people to exercise. I mean, no, they don't have power racks and what not laying around, but you can get a damn good workout in and all the cardio you can handle. Another important aspect is simply keeping busy in your "retirement". Just because you're on a retirement Visa doesn't mean there aren't things people can do to enrich their minds, health, etc., That would give people plenty to do and to bring variety to the day. I'm turning this into a motivational graphic to use as a computer wallpaper. Well said! Thanks for your input!
  16. Several folks throughout various threads that I am reading. There's a lot of information so I am sure I will come across more (which is why I dropped this question). I appreciate the conversation going on as it has provided some insight that might help me or someone else in the future. I mean, if you're happy and you know it... this question probably isn't for you.
  17. I've often said that in any country, you're only as free as those in power allow you to be. You're living my dream of living off the grid! I hope it's everything I romantically think it is.
  18. Honestly, if that fit for everyone, I wouldn't have made the post, but that isn't necessarily the case. But thank you for your input.
  19. And this was recently if I'm not mistaken. If every country would have shipped vaccines for their citizens, Thailand could have (hopefully) better focused on securing vaccines for the Thais. If other countries sent testing kits, etc, for their respective populations living in Thailand, then Thai resources could have (again hopefully) have been better allocated. As you can see, there's a lot of hopefully going on with me. LOL.
  20. Oh I believe that do stay for that. I don't think their the ones feeling that sense of apathy toward living in Thailand. (At least I don't think.)
  21. I can understand how that would make you feel. I thought about the situation like this. You have to have healthcare in Thailand, because they government doesn't want to be burdened with taking care of millions of farang when the resources can go to Thai Nationals. I don't have a problem with that. I believe that was the initial thinking (take care of Thais first). My issue is with our own government's laxed handling of the matter, when they know there are millions of Americans living abroad. If the US can hunt you down to collect your taxes in another country, they can sure drop off a vial of vaccine with your name on it at the American Embassy in Thailand. Continue to stay safe!
  22. I think that can be true for some, but what I am seeing is that some of the unhappiness comes from a sense of weariness about a person's position in life. My wish for everyone is to have at least one slice of happiness in their lives, whatever it may be, to at least have had that moment to live. You're comment gave me the feels over here. LOL.
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