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Everything posted by Tanomazu

  1. That's what I thought. But if you look at the map Panama is Central America, so very far away from Europe and Asia, the most interesting cultured and luxurious places on earth. I don't know, it's too much in the outback of nowhere for me, Central America. Also Panama's murder rate is higher than Colombia's or the USA's. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate
  2. That's what I thought. But if you look at the nose it looks more European. Could be surgically enhanced of course and there is that Korean angle. What a mystery. I just think the eyes look a touch non-asian as well.
  3. What's really fascinating is that her father is being kept secret. Everyone knows her stepfather. Nobody knows her real father. From her look the biological father has to be European as well.
  4. Not at all what I meant. You can use the corporate route.
  5. There is a well established, straight forward and inexpensive solution to own land if you are so inclined. Thousands of expats use it. Immigration every 90 days is just a minor annoyance that is over and done with quickly if you're paying the right people.
  6. I am talking about your Imperial study. If you read on it clearly states: "Based on these data, the researchers estimate that fully vaccinated people in this testing round had between around 50% to 60% reduced risk of infection, including asymptomatic infection, compared to unvaccinated people." https://www.imperial.ac.uk/news/227713/coronavirus-infections-three-times-lower-double/ So 0.5 times less likely to be infected than unvaccinated. How is that "several times less likely"???
  7. The infrastructure in Thailand leaves much to be desired? Have you tried to connect to the internet in the Philippines? The infrastructure in Thailand is considerably better than the Philippines. It's known to be the country with the worst internet in all of SE Asia. Why was Vietnam their favourite? Are they scooter enthusiasts? Mexico? Latin America? If you want to be stabbed to death in the streets maybe. Caribbean? Most boring place in the world after a year, no culture. Bang for the buck? Caribbean is massively expensive. Plus you'd be out in nowhere land. How is Thailand not welcoming? I can't think of a more welcoming place.
  8. This is one of the best tax rules for expats in the whole world. You can basically live in Thailand and not pay tax.
  9. Well, the findings of that study are not borne out by other studies. As you can see here, the vaccinated are only 49% less likely to be infected with the Delta variant: https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2021/08/04/fully-vaccinated-half-as-likely-to-catch-delta-covid-variant-and-less-likely-to-infect-others-study-finds/?sh=3b77e352281c
  10. The same would apply in literally every other expat destination in the world. Police are stupid the entire world over. Okay driving is better anywhere else in the world. Small price to pay for sunshine, great food, friendly and polite people, great accommodation at fair prices.
  11. No that's not true. With the Delta variant the vaccinated are not "several times" less likely to get infected. The vaccinated are 49% less likely to be infected with the Delta variant, so 0.49 times. https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2021/08/04/fully-vaccinated-half-as-likely-to-catch-delta-covid-variant-and-less-likely-to-infect-others-study-finds/?sh=3b77e352281c
  12. Can I just point something out. The headline says: "Vaccine proof needed to dine in Hua Hin restaurants from Oct 1" However, the article actually then says: "Only people who have been fully vaccinated or have a negative COVID-19 test result will be allowed to dine in at restaurants". Do you not see how the headline is contradicted by the actual content of the article?
  13. I know a millionaire with a house in the Cayman Islands. He doesn't live there because he got bored to death. The Caribbean Islands are generally small with nothing going on, limited food choices, no shopping to speak of. Spain and Portugal have dying villages, the cities are overrun with crime, Romanians, Africans. Younger women will not look at you. Turkey, that's just madness. Mexico? If you want to die maybe. Canary Islands again is where people go to be bored to death.
  14. Will older men want to come and settle in Thailand? Hmmm, tough one, you mean the Thailand that comes with a sex-guarantee for older men? Hmmm, it's a tricky one, let me think, sunshine, cheap accommodation, easiest retirement visa in the world, vibrant culture, top 5 cuisines in the world, beaches, exciting cities, and oh yes, easy, slim, stupid women who give a sex-guarantee for older men. Really hard question. Of course older men will come to settle in Thailand. Obviously not super rich, but those with a bit of cash who want live in the sun, have adventures, have sex, eat good food,will come. They've been coming for 40 years plus. The thing is look at the alternatives: 1. France - ice cold in winter, women even colder, expensive. 2. Spain - like all of Europe dying cities, overrun by Africans, Romanians, extremely high crime in the cities, clammy winters 3. Italy - see Spain 4. USA - Too many crazies who will kill you, crumbling infrastructure, homeless everywhere, insane immigration requirements 5. Caribbean - Too far away, too expensive. 6. China - Too many Chinese 7. Phillippines - Terrible internet, crime, homeless everywhere 8. Vietnam - Too Chinese, too Communist, no visa options 9. Malaysia - Visa option too expensive, too many Arabs and Africans, too Muslim 10. Indonesia - Terrible internet, crime, visa difficult 11. All of south America = insane crime rates. Yes, all the complaints, tough residency requirements, expensive luxury tax, idiot driving, lack of ownership rights, that's all true, but these are small annoyances one can put up with. Thailand is the only sensible choice really. Even Uruguay has a killer crime issue now, Panama is in the middle of nowhere. Thailand is hands down, one of the most, if not the most, attractive options for expats.
  15. The European Medicines Agency has listed the neurological disorder Guillain-Barre syndrome, which can cause temporary paralysis, as a "very rare" side effect of the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine. A causal relationship was "considered at least a reasonable possibility", the EMA https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20210909-nerve-disorder-listed-as-very-rare-side-effect-of-astrazeneca-jab
  16. I wonder if Thailand will have as many prostitutes when the tourists return. Clearly a large number of sex workers will be lost due them embarking on new careers. However, it's such an obvious way to make money, will their ranks not be replenished by new wannabe sex workers?
  17. Clearly more evidence that women are not coerced into prostitution but given a choice a whore would choose to be a whore. So much for the human trafficking/slavery narrative.
  18. That is so true. Imagine. Oh the paroxysms about betrayal of the Afghans and incompetence we'd hear if Trump had done it, there would be no end to the chest-thumping indignation. With Biden, hey, things happen...
  19. Mere trophies you say? Trophies that are being flown by the Taleban as we speak.. https://www.independent.co.uk/asia/south-asia/taliban-black-hawk-helicopter-video-b1911264.html
  20. Well that's exactly right, he's a drift where the wind blows kinda guy, that's why he supported Trumps decision to get out of Afghanistan, because he looked at the voters and most Americans don't want soldiers to be there. Pure election tactics.
  21. What Biden did was basically to gift one of the largest technologically advanced accumulation of weapons that was ever gifted, to none other than stone age religious fanatics. I mean you can't make it up, can you? But back home he's big on strict control of handguns, ...????
  22. That's not the point is, it Trump was not the one who left it behind, that was Biden. None of the "good stuff" was left behind? Lol. Yes, only Blackhawk helicopters, transport planes, light attack planes, surveillance planes: "This month, the Taliban seized Black Hawk helicopters and A-29 Super Tucano attack aircraft. As late as last month, Afghanistan’s Ministry of Defense posted photos on social media of seven newly arrived helicopters from the U.S., Reuters reported. Black Hawk helicopters can cost up to $21 million. In 2013, the U.S. placed an order for 20 A-29 Super Tucano attack aircraft for $427 million – that’s $21.3 million for each plane. Other specialized helicopters can cost up to $37 million each. The Afghan air force contracted for C-208 light attack airplanes in March 2018: seven planes for $84.6 million, or $12.1 million each. The airplanes are very sophisticated and carry HELLFIRE missiles, anti-tank missiles and other weaponry. The PC-12 intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance airplanes use the latest in technology. Having these planes fall into Taliban control is disconcerting. Civilian models sell new for approximately $5 million each and the military planes could sell for many times that price." https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2021/08/23/staggering-costs--us-military-equipment-left-behind-in-afghanistan/?sh=756eabb841db Yes, clearly Biden left none of the good stuff behind, lol.
  23. "The U.S. provided an estimated $83 billion worth of training and equipment to Afghan security forces since 2001. This year, alone, the U.S. military aid to Afghan forces was $3 billion. Putting price tags on American military equipment still in Afghanistan isn’t an easy task. Not helping transparency, the Biden Administration is now hiding key audits on Afghan military equipment." https://www.forbes.com/sites/adamandrzejewski/2021/08/23/staggering-costs--us-military-equipment-left-behind-in-afghanistan/?sh=756eabb841db
  24. That's if they could get hold of him, for the longest time he was AWOL and sitting it out, like Bambi caught in the headlights doing nothing. Until he was told he better get out there and look like he's doing something. Then he gamely read out the words penned by someone else and continued to do nothing very much. He basically left billions of US dollars worth of military supplies in Taleban hands, got some poor Afghans killed as they realised America was pulling the plug hastily and in one fell swoop destroyed America's name in foreign policy abroad. What country now would co-operate with the US the way the Afghans did? They would know America will not just not stand by you but run faster than an Impala in the face of difficulty. Who would trust America now after what Biden did to his Afghan allies?
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