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frankie machine

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Everything posted by frankie machine

  1. Aunt Tim will now have many suitors coming out of the woodwork.
  2. I bet you are a big hit at parties.
  3. I believe that, after the fact, he went to "investigate" and found nothing amiss.
  4. I knew this guy was bent ever since the Koh Tao farce. Prior to that, I'd had a lot of respect for him.
  5. They must not have bouncers in that bar, else he would have been beaten into a coma.
  6. As I recall, "big joke" went along with the farce. I wonder how big his payday was?
  7. I'm guessing they were not treated well, once they were actually in custody.
  8. he musta really pissed somebody off. somebody with power.
  9. ya ba. it's a helluva drug.
  10. this is one of the strangest posts i've ever read on this forum. and that is setting a very high bar.
  11. he was napping, and tries to pin it on the russkies
  12. an apology, isn't that nice. and only because he got caught. "Methanus apologized to Palmer, saying he was unaware that the victim was a foreign tourist until police officers showed up at his house to tell him to surrender."
  13. second cop from the right is to be congratulated for attempting to smile.
  14. Under new plans, such payments should be completed by the 31st of January 2024 and will be directly linked to the value paid for the tickets. directly linked as in an honest 10% ? 20% ? of the actual ticket price?
  15. incredible. and they refuse to pay because it was "not intentional"???
  16. I have a friend known as Body Bag John. He overdosed on heroin, was declared dead, and woke up sealed in a body bag at the morgue. Hence the name. Thankfully, he's now been drug free for over 35 years.
  17. i work out 2-3 hours a day. and it's not to look good.
  18. get a life, "netizens'. some people like to take care of their body as well as their mind. not everyone wants to look and feel like a beached whale, sprawled on the sofa and watching soap operas all day.
  19. This will significantly increase the earning potential of the Boys in Brown.
  20. "A" was additionally charged w/ assault with a friendly weapon. (from an old James Coburn movie)
  21. "After an hour of talks Pol. Gen. Suchart told the team to track down the manufacturer of the silicon found in the woman’s body. " Brilliant, Holmes!
  22. gee, i thought they had followed the usual thai business model, and raised the prices when there are fewer or no customers. does this mean they will put them back to normal now?
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