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  1. Obviously on something and way he falls it looks like his head would have smacked off the road with weight of them 2 on top of him.
  2. Would say carbon monoxide would be the least painful as you basically fall asleep. Anesthesia second as you are also already asleep .
  3. Because the Russians kidnapping people for bitcoin regularly and Chinese running scam centres are so much more well behaved πŸ˜‚
  4. Driving licence from a lucky bag it seems ! πŸ™ˆ
  5. No doubt nothing wrong happened and he just made a mistake while driving to 7-11 at 4am πŸ™„
  6. #1 hub of flip flops !! πŸ™„
  7. No CCTV at the dispensary ? Pretty sure he got wasted on stuff he couldn't handle and went nuts . Probably smoked crap weed back home and stuff here blew his socks off.
  8. Good job but tip of the iceberg .
  9. Not good as standards are slipping. Need get back to #1 πŸ‘
  10. Is he wanting her to remove her other top πŸ˜€
  11. Don't believe this for a second as I see a ratio of about 30-1 for BYD cars compared to Tesla when out and about . Basically the 50 people Tesla sold cars to think Elon musk is a genius and the sun shines out of his rear and they reflected this on the survey.
  12. Believe in what ?? πŸ€”
  13. Some people just shouldn't be allowed out without supervision πŸ™ˆ
  14. Dying for likes . Literally !! Pretty sure going backwards in evolution these days . πŸ™ˆ
  15. Think not long before Robert gets a trip to a local hospital where he will have to pay !
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