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  1. Don't see much of an issue unless you're named Herb.
  2. Remembering back to when I was 14 growing up in South Florida. My best friend BG and I got busted smoking red bud by his father Kort. Kort and Ms. Kort were quite the boozers and so Kort sat me and BG down at the bar and told as how bad it was smoking pot and offered up that anytime we had the ''urge'' to smoke that we were welcome to drink from his bar instead. Add one case of Jack Daniels to Mr. Gs monthly booze order. Looking back smoking bud mellowed us both enough to survive this infusion of free booze. Fifty years later and IMHO smoking a joint of good weed will tend to limit the amount of booze one will consume on any given evening. Recklessness is also reduced.
  3. For almost all products, the demand curve has a negative slope: as the price increases, demand for the good decreases. Giffen goods are an exception to this general rule. Unlike other goods or services, the price point at which supply and demand meet results in higher prices and greater demand whenever market forces recognize a change in supply and demand for Giffen goods. As a result, when price goes up, the quantity demanded also goes up. To be a true Giffen good, the good's price must be the only thing that changes to produce a change in quantity demanded.
  4. How are you so sure. All that time and work , start with the best
  5. Star Avenue 5, Hang Dong, Chiang Mai, Thailand Phone: ‭06-5238-6756‬ [email protected]
  6. Shop | PrikPot Thailand I believe is based there as my order originated there
  7. And that was PPV also, Business Class is expensive
  8. My experience with using an agent the last 5 years is similar to ordering a pizza, I never have to leave the house, Agent picks up my passport and 48 hours later returns my passport good for 12 months. The bonus is the 800K stays in my CDB account currently earning 12% or 657K for the five years minus 70K I paid the agent over 5 years leaves me up 587K for NOT doing it myself
  9. where to watch the fight
  10. All I can add is using my agent takes less than 30 minutes on my part and leaving that 800K in my CDB account for one year makes me THB$ 106500 minus the 14K I pay my agent leaves me THB$ 92500. Over the 5 years using the agent I am up over US$ 19000 as opposed to parking funds making zero and having to deal with an Immigration Official.

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