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Everything posted by Bernietravelling

  1. well… guess, which category of hotels Mr. Anutin owns where… 🤣
  2. 😉 Asking myself, how many of the readers, afraid of MPox, here identify themselves as: MSM = men-who-have-sex-with-men and fit the description: „The mpox-positive MSM were older …. and more often lived with HIV… Furthermore, mpox-positive patients more often reported receptive anal sex without a condom, sexualized drug use, more sex partners, and were more often diagnosed with bacterial STI“ 😎 source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37212540/
  3. Well… WHO declares a „public health emergency of international concern“ due to 500 MPox deaths in the DR of Congo - but at they are ignoring, that in the same period 40,000 people died from Malaria in the DR of Congo ….
  4. Who is this time making money by having the license to produce the (so-called) vaccine in Thailand ? 😇
  5. Interestingly, he is only mentioning the Chinese … Quite a number of the Indians carted around with huge busses in Pattaya seem to fit in the zero-baht-category as well ! And did anyone mention the endless numbers of Indian restaurants popping up everywhere, where you never see any Thai among the staff?
  6. The example of Portugal isn’t necessarily a good one, depending on the country, you are coming from. …. quite a number of EU citizens are applying for residency in Portugal to reduce the tax burden from their home country 😉
  7. And I would like to know also: How many of these got how many mRNA injections, constantly reproducing and flooding their body with spike proteins and -who knows what- different mRNA...
  8. „And many of these nouveau-tourists are monied, allowing them, in some cases, to circumvent some of the paperwork required by others, aided by corrupt lawyers, officials and agents who ‘smooth’ over visa and business applications.“ Well … following different Farang chat groups, also for so-called „expats“, I get the feeling, those asking most for agents and circumventing paperwork, are the newbies from: USA ! So - why should we expect, the Russians aren’t doing the same ?
  9. yeah … but one could make an educated guess (eg. by taking the length of Russian borders into account, by comparing the Russian progress in Ukraine by the depth, they would have to cover on NATO territory, … ) And even those, who nevertheless still forecast a Russian attack, cannot possibly know that.
  10. it’s called North Atlantic Treaty Organization, not Pacific Treaty Organization! … if the US Neocons want to start World War 3 with China: Do it on your own!
  11. Only 400 companies ??? 🤣 That is one of the best jokes this week ! 55555
  12. well, that should be easy ! … I would suggest, to look into : - all the music bands, a lot of them with Flipper accent - the endless number of Indian restaurants (where, despite a big number of Indian tourists, there are so many devout of customers that an inquiry about the -real- business model might be interesting…) - however, I assume, all the Indian staff in the big Indian discotheques on Walking Street has a work permit😉
  13. 1) to get the tones right, you need a Thai teacher to correct you 2) @sirineou was asking for experience ! And especially in the Pattaya area, this is a very valid question, as there are quite a number of „schools“ operating more as Education Visa „enablers“ - instead of teaching Thai.
  14. well… “high sea state including 3 metre high waves” - amazing Thailand Nobody in the North Sea, Baltic Sea, Biscaya would even talk about that wave height ! Sailing with a small 27 feet sailing boat in 3m waves is no problem (so long as … you know, what you are doing and the boat is well maintained). (Even with a significant wave height of 2m - which would be applied for the 2nd lowest CE classification for boats: C in coastal waters - you have to expect one or the other 3m wave.)
  15. well - learning a little bit about Thailand‘s history might help … ????
  16. … you should the see the FinnAir flight attendants first 55555
  17. He has already experience in that … Before, that Club was called “Bone Club” and was closed, as far as I remember, also for 5 years. It then re-emerged again as One Club. I assume, the next name will be “Ne Club”: … Bone Club - (B)one Club - (Bo)ne Club … ????
  18. The “Zero Baht”-tours are quite well known. However, with the current invasion of native Indians and the TAT concentrating on India as the next “1 billion plus” country to replace the China tourism, I am wondering, if Chuwit’s focus on Chinese with his Zero Baht envelope is not blocking the view on the (Indian) Elephant in the room…
  19. Good to learn that even a short string of RNA can develop some intelligence! ???? So - the virus is capable to differentiate, if it is in a cinema or public transport and decides, to only infect in these places? ????
  20. I fully understand, where you are coming from. … And normally, to make people think, would be the right way. However, from what I observe, it’s interestingly the better educated and richer Thais, who are still sticking to the old Covid narratives. That guy at the front door is most likely a low salary employee, just “following the orders” of his managers. Had recently a similar experience in a famous venue in Chiangmai, where they even requested an ATK …. 55555 IMO it didn’t make any sense to discuss with the bouncers, but stated loud and clear, what I thought and spending my money elsewhere. However: I made also sure to let the story known to others, who are connected with the owner and that our group spent that night ~10,000 somewhere else.
  21. That won’t help ! Instead of the cans and chairs, they will just park their <deleted>in motorbikes - or even an old bicycle - in front of the shops …
  22. Easy: Vote with your feet. And state loud and clear, that you’ll spend your money elsewhere.
  23. Well, that’s not limited to Thai government, isn’t it ? eg. the EU commission and German ministers coming immediately to my mind - I’m leaving comments regarding US presidents to the US forum members … ????
  24. Well … at least, most guys, who do shorting, don’t call themselves a “philanthropist”, like George Soros does ????
  25. Seems, Prawit wants to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Baht Crisis by repeating it ! 1997, when George Soros and the other banksters gambled against the Baht, the politicians urged the Bank of Thailand to fight the depreciation against the Dollar, in order to protect the Dollar-loans of Thai big shots, they took, when the Thai Baht was overvalued. The final result of that was: The Bank of Thailand exhausted its foreign reserves in meteoric speed and the crash, which followed, was far worse.
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