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Everything posted by Bernietravelling

  1. I assume, then, you are also a fervent supporter of the idea, to block US tourists from entering Thailand ? ~ 500.000 civilians dead … alone from US led Iraq wars and their aftermath …
  2. Interesting to read that now so many guys here are specialists for Ukraine… - before they couldn’t even show on a map, where Ukraine is - from 2014 to to 2022, they managed to ignore, how many people were killed from the Ukrainian Army and the Nazi-style Azov Brigades - until now, they did not find out, who the Ukrainian national Stepan Bandera was and what he did
  3. One of the many lessons learned during Covid: Do not book through an agent or consolidator, to save a few quid, which is an neglectable amount compared with the total vacation costs. Buy directly from the airline website. If things go wrong - and nowadays a lot of things are going wrong - you will pay multiples for the small savings, hanging in the waiting queue of an consolidator’s call center and additional fees. Well - and Scoot ? … that’s an additional question …
  4. I would assume, a lot of the bystanders were also under shock… Add in to that: First Aid is not necessarily a priority in TH. Not comparable to most of Europe, where you have to attend a First Aid course to get a driving or boating license and have at least a small First Aid kit in every car.
  5. Forget the safety inspections … Many of those venues operate “under the radar” long into the early hours, covered by paid “protection”. That’s also one of the reasons for the thick, Cheap Charly, combustible sound protection.
  6. You seem to forget, that a only a small minority of countries voted in favor of sanctions. AFAIK, in Asia only 2: Japan and South Korea. Apart from those only USA, Europe (except of cause Russia and Serbia, Belarus) and Australia, NZ …. a tiny part of the world population. What would you have said, if in the course of Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, …, others would have confiscated the even more expensive super yachts from Jeff Bezos or Larry Ellison ?
  7. IMHO it’s less a problem of paper versus digital … It is more a question of streamlining processes. An overcomplicated process with too many senseless steps, checks, cross-checks and confirmations is still a bad process, if digitized without change. Add in the typical Asian love of micro-management. Don’t empower your staff, don’t trust them, control every tiny step - otherwise you might loose your „power“ and get redundant ????
  8. yep … self-righteous hypochonders everywhere … Next step: taking over „The Watchtower“ from Jehova‘s Witnesses, standing at every corner and warning the Covid-sinners and Covid-heathens against the coming next apocalypse. ????
  9. Thai officials: you are again not following the Plan! ???? RTFM - Read the F.xxing Manual ! The planned duration was 3 years, therefore you have now to stop and rebuild. If you don’t know, where to find the plans, look it up in the internet: - Event201 in October 2019 (John Hopkins University and BLM Foundation) - Operation Lockstep in 2010 (Rockefeller Foundation) ????
  10. They won’t start aiding the rebels ! There is still an open invoice with the Karen from Myanmar, the Ratchaburi terrorist attack : https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/pmextra/jan00/24/hostage.htm
  11. That doctor should go back to university! What else do we have in Thailand than “the constant presence and/or usual prevalence of a disease or infectious agent in a population within a geographic area.” ? 1) the virus won’t get away - forget Zero-Covid ! 2) and infection rates will vary - compare the endemical Influenza virus, which 2017/18 in Europe cost alone 24,000 Germans their life.
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