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Everything posted by fredscats

  1. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=singing+nuns&view=detail&mid=6C7BBB3D6B254BB1D6416C7BBB3D6B254BB1D641&FORM=VIRE Beautiful song
  2. Based on the reference vaccine information from MOPH released on 9 Dec, 2021, the interval time AZ + AZ + Moderna; should be 3-6 months from the last dose. If you received the 2 dose 18 oct, 2021; then, the 3rd booster will be the mid of Jan, 2022 Posted 27 minutes ago Greetings from MedPark Hospital Thank you for contacting us and for having interest with our healthcare services. If you would like to get Moderna in Dec 27, 2021; then, our staff will ask you to sign Against Medical Advice (AMA) upfront. If it is OK for you; then, please follow the below instruction. • 1 dose: 1,650 THB. • 2 doses: 3,300 THB.
  3. Greetings from MedPark Hospital Thank you for contacting us and for having interest with our healthcare services. If you would like to get Moderna in Dec 27, 2021; then, our staff will ask you to sign Against Medical Advice (AMA) upfront. If it is OK for you; then, please follow the below instruction. • 1 dose: 1,650 THB. • 2 doses: 3,300 THB.
  4. In view of the oncoming covid wave just a thought if any of us are going to be around the Christmas after the oncoming one However are wonderful UK NHS are most certainly doing their bit and as a tribute an episode of this cutting edge thrilling series
  5. Second option ,open Bangkok bank account,use Wise to transfer,easy went to Indian hospital while ago,cheaper /better there,but as you UK card blocked WU sorted it out plus call to another bank in UK to up my withdrawal limit to pay for treatment
  6. Granny Get Your Gun Bert we seem to enjoy each others choices,but if you get to see this film its hugely enjoyable,acting performance May Robson was superb,just war time distr1bution delayed its opening until 1949 in UK .... Another film worth watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4a_1UhwgFU IMDb 6.2/10
  7. I like the local centres I think they are termed, each town generally has one,the locals pitch up,cheap tapas and excellent wine,hot afternoon no better place. Spanish is so easy to learn,fantastic language Lot of Brit ex pats can no longer live permanently in Spain,selling up,but rentals are getting cheaper,no way do I want to buy USA? those retirement complexes in FL are fantastic,nothing like it in Spain.Probably will head to Spain if things go pear shaped here
  8. Im not continuing this,the idea to renew within a window,say 12 months,9 months whatever,...if lost you still have your old one,as far as TH is concerned the one with the stamp in is the one they are interested in
  9. International Tracked Tracked to delivery point for peace of mind Max 2kg Delivery aim 5 to 7 working days From£6.75 plus 250 pounds compensation Ask for a new one if lost quids in gain 250 quid
  10. Too true,but there does not have to be much footfall to keep those places open either,its going to be messy
  11. International Tracked Tracked to delivery point for peace of mind Max 2kg Delivery aim 5 to 7 working days From£6.75 plus 250 ponds compensation
  12. No better place for the "frail older guys", no ambition of visit to go go bars tho, weather for one is the winner Seen the prices for Thai massages in western world?,prices for high end saunas? 60 quid for 2 hours Neighbours may complain music is too loud tho,deaf aid missing?. 1 to 2 hour massage every day,happy endings,gardeners,cleaners,big house,dirt cheap Thailand more than definate had its day,fewer crowds,but user friendly, makes my day Spain would be my ultimate destination,not UK its a dump,but Spain has a definate winter,but that coastline and the Med beats all
  13. LOL you love pathetic ramblings of "burning bridges" " Dear Help" LOL LOL Nothing further that the actual truth "frozen UK pensioners" do not think there are many of them knocking around,if so their fault "sterling at multi year lows" Id set that comic book of yours down lol "Cold light of day" tis cold UK ,Thailand bit warmer...what you really need is a great stonking public sector pension,unfrozen OAP...untouchable!
  14. LOL race to see who charges the most Steam? it was beads a few years ago,block blood flow to prostate,whats wrong with laser? same same heat
  15. It comes down to this....growth,large growth pushing on the pipe that leads to the bladder,chokes it off. Needs pruning,release pressure on the pipe ,thats all
  16. Better than pissing your pants day in,day out...but yes I do
  17. Mans best friend,Thailand especially,his real best friend is a dashcam ,mounted front and back. Had accident Oh dear! the gathering madding crowd,fingers pointing,no witnesses cept Thais Threats counter threats ,life hung in balance ,ins guy arrives, spots what others dont behind plastic film on windscreen ...dashcam...lol like an accident never did happen, all vanished Love the time a gullible falls for an "accident"
  18. You could say that for equality too where it exists quality goes down the s.hit pan
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