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Everything posted by fredscats

  1. No idea when a newish bike needs testing,breaks/lights etc....but its about 620 baht for tax all in
  2. The Nu variant is a game changer,everything and everything shut down ASAP Already in Belgium
  3. Who is they? Ever had covid?ever suffered? Bars will never open again in immediate future,if they did covid will rocket up there again,even more restrictions,banned from leaving home
  4. The new variant emerging(UK red listing) is one Im concerned about,no good stating unworried,seems untreatable Our scientists are deeply concerned': Sajid Javid sounds alarm over new 'worst-ever' super-mutant Covid variant that will make vaccines at least 40 per cent 'less effective' as flights are BANNED from South Africa and five other African countries
  5. No finish line in sight,its not even started (shutdowns)
  6. Covid is returning,gatherings will surely be a disaster
  7. Of course, the current form of Thai exercise is blank wall staring, two hours at a time
  8. Another covid wave is a racing certainty for Thailand,open the shutters,bang them down again
  9. Would not say "dead" dead boring perhaps,lot of new farang around tho,feel sorry for them,spending all that money coming for bright lights ,dead as Dodo Another Covid wave will put nails into Thailands coffin
  10. Thats why the Brighton hotel sign is hidden I guess, high up there, swathed in wrappers I suppose,gives impression not open for business ,when it is,funny that ..but Ill take some pics,nothings going to be finished,called spot the worker(s) yes viewed often, cranes still in same postion as of weeks ago, a disaster on stilts
  11. Better not. I last viewed last week,has big scar on his back from maggot wound,he is happy ,but security guard wants the dogs off that particur patch,even tho he likes them,so now I keep my distance. I give money to the head cleaner now and again for taking care,Ill take a pic when I see him again Thanks for asking
  12. ...and gives 6000 baht tip to whoever does the testing for 'right" result
  13. Is this why tokens of 40%-50% off are the way to fill them? As stated just up the road Brighton,largish hotel,established and operating for couple of years now shuttered up.....looking at Dolphin round-a-bout high rises there,you acually think construction is at speed? lol,its all but stopped ,just maintenance Na Jomtien up by Jontiem sauna,large place opposite,cranes 3 of them dangling in the wind,and as far as eye can see same same. " A project can be successful with some units remaining to be sold; there's a number of examples of that in Pattaya and elsewhere" you mean 10,000 or so,just Pattaya area?
  14. sted 4 hours ago Do you have personal experience? Or do you just recommend what you think will work? Yes I do,many times over...and you? go on say it lol
  15. "half?" really? no reality,nothing,just like commenting on stuff that bears no comprehension to the actual real world...beam me up Scotty
  16. Rose coloured glasses and all that....the recently finished (is it Arbour) big place, Third Rd Pattaya,bird cage on top,regulary go past, 3 lights on. These projects had money earmarked before covid,so spending loaned money . Its more than a car crash ,a plane crash, the 707 plane site , 3rd rd,stalled you stated earlier, has taken definate nose dive Nobody is coming,not in the droves u imagine to fill any of it...........take a trip around north Jomtien
  17. TB ,infectious disease,will be treated instantly........NHS will only react to what you actually tell them There is a nearby location where TB is common but so too are remedies India
  18. Good comment....Thailand is in for another covid wave in few months time , will make it deader than dead , looking at all the high rise buildings being built, now all but stalled ,Asias largest shopping mall BKK,(throw in a few current workers) finished, no end in sight to the disaster trail...but still farang under the cosh
  19. ..and when they take that chance,what are they met with? closed shuttered abandoned bars/restaurants ,hardly any women,masked population Mid afternoon storms that sweep everything away yeah just right
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