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Everything posted by fredscats

  1. Was the Thai guy intoxicated? any injuries could have been obtained even before confrontation with Swiss guy, blood loss could also cause irrational behaviour ,but for sure the Thai guy would be showing signs of stiffness in the time it took for cops to arrive,release those bindings,get rid of them,but Swissie sure was not up to much for his own eventual questioning
  2. This whole thread and others like it...(there are plenty)...is for reassurance ,liked to a floating lifebelt , You are not on your own,others around you same opinion,its sad tho,there are more likened to this than other way around (if there are any)
  3. ....but bet the hell they would like to change it. "give up all hope" sort of suggests,its money that dictates,choices limited with none, its none its me and my mutts keep me here,plus cheap cleaning sh.ag or two too,daily life bit of a mix, keep doint the lotto tho in uk
  4. Its coming from Swissie or his wife,whoever is looking for shorter sentence,wife puts finger on swissie,as he coerced her in this wicked plot
  5. Exactly what I do suggest. its not what the victim/family want,its what the police want, know of a few...same happening year ago,victim ok, insurance ok,police not ok..top line lawyer told farang to clear off as soon as poss, another minor shunt,police inv , wanted more money,kept hold of his vehicle for 6 months,,farang refused to pay,gave up in the end...car parks of hotels here scattered with impounded m/bikes until owners cough up what the cops want He is not guilty of anything,never will be but the cops see an opp to go for money they will,he will not be re captured no warrant and the old guy needs a wash and brush up by his looks
  6. The old goat needs to get out of Thailand ASAP,plenty of leaky border places east and south,get to a Swiss embassy,collect travel docs do the covid tests/pay for illegal entry and clear off. He will have years of torment over this,his wife will ditch him,his bail will be re-set at a ridiculous level,and legal costs will ruin him The guy deserves everything coming his way if he does not take action of his own accord
  7. This is true,he will be kept in the slammer until he comes up with a substatial amount of money,probably millions. hope he realises the hole he is in,better if he flees while he can lawyer once advised farang inv in something like this to get out of Thailand as quick as he could,.. his bail money will increase ten fold at least,feel sorry for him for what awaits,his wife will drop him as soon the proverbial hits the fan
  8. Agree here,but Rudolphs binding of Thai guy does not stand up too well either,but that puts Rudolphs life in danger, dead Thais family will be seeking revenge,especially if he escapes any charges,and being only 900 metres from his home likened to red rag to a bull each and ever day "house for nefarious reasons, they now have a big financial incentive to keep their mouths shut. I suspect that is why getting to the bottom of why Setiyon came to the house that night may prove to be so difficult. And I don't think the mystery of this whole affair can be solved without knowing his motive for coming to the house. " not in any sense of being just here and now, no concept of anything ,only a blurred vision thru p.issed up thinking his life was changing that very instance, money in pocket (not for long tho)..... and that way of thinking is every Thais way of thinking.... it follows a muck cart
  9. The money is not sent anywhere,its already here,they just match it up with whats there to whats here
  10. Swissie needs to get out of Thailand, like right now,shirt on his back, thats it. The need for money and demands for it are at fever pitch,there is reason for me to be here,otherwise Im gone. Few examples for me, just this morn cleaner I had ,had accident,told her id pay,came out of hospital small scratch,stated 936,told her to go back inside get receipt...396 baht..sacked,cleaner before that needed 3500 pay rent...sacked, cleaner before that 4000 sacked...before that 5000,but was giving her one too, but sacked,miss that one, but not worth 5000 gees what was once 500/1000 now is 3000 to 4000 just for starters, Someone wants to contact Swissie and get him to hell out of it Do not know if on bail he can thru official channels,there is no warrant for arrest so maybe he can,but Swissie you need to be gone, as of yesterday
  11. Rudolph, Some good tips here,probably get thru the jungle,forget the peanuts bail money and swissair out of it. However,if you have good ❤ ,and now taking your first steps after this awful tragic event,let the lady help you out of it,few BJs,prostate massage,p.iss all over you will help you into the next stage of your life You have been a good man for many a year,welcoming a wife whos rear end was s.hit smeared,smelt of pig <deleted>,dripping from groin end and walked like she had a fifty mile gallop on a horse,now you are amonst freinds here I admit, and advice is most surely needed Far from yodelling sound of music like, from top of mountains there in Switzerland dressed in lederhousens,to rapid decent into pig like grunts and screams from tin plated hut in stinking excerment filled rice paddy you be glad to hear bus tours are being arranged,help the local economy too,to see this hut,where each passenger is allowed to dismount for five minute solace in there to reflect on the happening's and then onward to see that house of yours and ask questions
  12. Rudolph, you are in series 21,hopefully a lesson for the faint hearted,however the yanks take a dim view of buggery
  13. Rudolph, Now you have been sprung from your prison cell, and from reliable source are over the moon I hope you are enjoying the most thoughtful and accomplished comments from fellow ex-pats in what must be your darkest hour (s) the sympathy vote is all yours You must now be enjoying the finest sex ever expirienced by yourself ,its there to be enjoyed,not spread around wantingly. however a healing period now beckons between your wife and yourself,one size fits all is a ridiculous comment,takes time to settle and close the gape Yes for an aging guy its difficult,let her do the tam nam,get on top ,facing north or even south of your body helps in these circumstances,if you could provide web cam coverage would indeed be helpful and a few knowledgable instructions could be offered Thank You for offering a period of your life,that I am sure for you, will never be forgotten
  14. You are right,presumed Swissie and co bought it,not so ,third party Cannot see how Swissie is going to avoid prosection here,I think he indeed kill the guy,unitentionally ,but he was the only one to inflict injuries,the wife is not going to avoid prosection either ,but she is one good looking lady,but the face mask alludes to a sexy being Those bindings Swissie put on the guy should have been gotten rid of as soon as Swissie realised there was no threat and before the cops got there,that will hang him for sure So who is going to be the fall guy here for reduced sentence ,she or him?
  15. The source of the money Swiss and wife,would also be on the bail money too,before and after handling
  16. If the Thai guy had killed Swissie,open and shut case,both wife and Thai guy implicated,phone records would prove. Thai guy heavily intoxicated,how the hell Swissie overpower him? Swissie made fatal mistake of binding Thai guy up,even he would have realised Thai guy was dead,brought about by Swissie jumping on his stomach,rupturing liver,length of time it took the cops to get there stiff leg syndrome setting in as RM took hold The Thai wife could well be implicated here,hopefully so,gives Swissie chance to get to court sue wife for funds he provided
  17. two conclusions here,well three actually,but dead men tell no lies... .! Rudolph is lying,been lying to himself ever since he was led like a lamb to the slaughter into buying the house and moving up country 2 Wife,born liar By virtual signalling Rudolph has indeed answered police questioning "was your wife happy in bed with you? Rudolphs reply "not really" "needed a car tyres innertube fitted over my stump to touch the sides" "What position did your wife like" "doggie fashion"replied Rudolph "when target one was missed target two came into focus" With that Rudolph was led back to the cells ,thanking the police for allowing him to wash his clothes.
  18. But of course...covid insurance cancelled because too many claims
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