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Everything posted by fredscats

  1. Needs 3 seats on non stop airline Indian if he can Cert to fly is possible its doable Book business class too, not willing to offload as coach two stretcher cases per flight
  2. dark nights /days upon you soon its bleak Im single huge house rented cleaner etc sauna morns swim big pool later massage afternoon,bit of the other time to time Its OK
  3. The sheer beauty of this song defies all Thank You Tiny Tim by far the Worlds best song Thank you Thank you Thank you
  4. If this guy was ever in UK armed forces,he could get help 21 quid a year gets you home free
  5. Yes govt figures Anyway the public announcement from the group has been shut down,individual reporting now,but recent information looks bad
  6. I see you edited these two lines lol was it that hard?
  7. Everyone of the guys above would have been exposed to the fullest of viral loads,not a passing glance at one. One guy there just buried his wife,much distraught,some of the guys thought it would brighten him up a bit at a meet up..might be following his wife into her grave shortly,few now reporting problems, glad Im 'ere in a way Interesting study into the effectiveness of jabs with Delta flying around
  8. Looking on ex members blog page last 6 or so days there in UK ( ex uniformed public sector) Monthly meet ups ,swanky place ,lots of booze and food offered, about 30 to 40 in attendence., handshakes ,back stabbing slapping galore etc. One attendee felt unwell after meeting, day after covid confirmed, admitted to hospital,condtion worsening.Now those guys would be jabbed up to the eyeballs,,but panic stricken is an understatment at the mo,phones pinging off the wall,awaiting to see if the guy in question survives,or if any of them do as all of them well into 60s and 70s of age Still the pension fund will be a lot better off if they kick the bucket Death rates up over 12% there as of yesterday,figures going north as well
  9. Its finding the countries now that are not at present on UKs red list,but that changes like the wind,hell they could be country hopping for a long long time Id sit it out for at least a couple of years in Thailand, the girl can get a job in a massage parlour happy endings for all
  10. They are going to be here for quite some time maybe forever Thailand ain:t getting rid of covid any time soon
  11. "linked" to what? Previous ESTIMATES,when was "previous" last week, month, year...now Delta is raging again,link it to that..Nightingale hospitals opening up again The thread was vaccines are no good....5 year hopefully,now not even 5 to 15 weeks and booster shots are needed as effectivness falls off/needs replacing
  12. In John Waynes day, he would not give a cuss,spit in the dust and say" hey ho Tonto" and ride into the sunset....or is that somebody else? The chief medical officer there in US gave in depth interview CNN and it was in depth, couple of months ago now,stated US was lacking UK figures/infections by approx 2 months Delta The way he himself stated was chilling to the extreme,even the newscasters were in disbelief...it can only get worse The jabs are not working
  13. COVID latest news live: UK cases up nearly a fifth in a week and rising in the vaccinated ..... As of yesterday No but it does put" scores on the doors" how else to get numbers? Breakthrough infection is the terminology,and after a few short months and even weeks back to square one UK will be in lockdown soon enough,as for Thailand might as well as throw away the key
  14. ...."and now for the rest of the story" lol Worldometer states Isaeli infections at record high Today Not much effectiveness there Hope this does knock you off balance lol worldometerscssfix.js
  15. "efficiency" "effectivness" both the same effectively,the time scale they stay effective seems to limit the "overstated" opinion though
  16. Right there ,and the company behind AZ might be pulling out of vaccine production, the shareholders state there is no profit,want to get shut of it all Shocked about Iceland,Gib too,and as for Israel it all seems a lost cause..........Commentators on this thread stated deaths are static...yes u know who you are...3 day plus/minus rates in Thailand forecast to be 400 a day and rising,guess the same or even worse UK as no restrictions, but I think re applied sooner than later
  17. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/coronavirus-news-covid-delta-variant-uk-cases-vaccine-passport/
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