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Everything posted by fredscats

  1. No other way But Thai medical bunch making procurement of dead virus (not AZ) innoculation trials Oh! death where is thy sting,..Grave where is thy victory?
  2. Restrictions ease...numbers up again...restrictions re-imposed
  3. No need to wait a year 3% to 4% forecast for inflation just this year,and only 4 months to go to year end,Id say those keys of yours would be first in the hat lol Prices/rents are going nowhere but south,seen it all before,likes of you,especially the likes of you, blown away in an instant,you cannot even afford to be here in Thailand,up to your eyeballs in debt,one step away from insolvency. Id say you were exceedingly insecure,even to bring a subject likened to this up....and I know,yes I do know Im far more secure,far more than you could realise https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi4hdeI78byAhXLumMGHdkRBV4QFnoECDIQAQ&url=https %3A%2F%2Fwww.theguardian.com%2Fbusiness%2F2021%2Fjun%2F24%2Fbank-of-england-rejects-interest-rate-rise-despite-inflation-worries&usg=AOvVaw0CyhRtUEAA71o3922j2haC
  4. Funny thing is, I know ,yes I do, I have more than you.As bringing the subject up for discussion puts you in a delicate position,must be insecure to the point of" look at me" an imbecile on the hoof. I have no desire to return to UK none. Welcome to your one up ,one down hovels,keep paying council taxes lol
  5. House price growth slows as housing market cools BBC This headline supersedes yours lol only a day or two old,but many pointers. Interests rates will be up far sooner than 5 years,id say sooner than 5 months,even sooner than that,key throwing season about to begin Whoever said a return to UK? never! now return to Spain on the cards,but need income of 23 thousand pounds /euros,can you ,manage that lol Now with sky high mortgage (and possibly a key throwing moment) to be factored in,maybe tricky
  6. Try reading even more carefully Duh....running hotels on skeleton staff is a no no, most of the mentioned hotels are looking for a way out,change of ownership downsizing staff/inferior cheaper staff,they are finished,there are no more good times happening in Pattaya or anywhere else Thailand Delta variant will see to that,coupled with high insurance,medical tourists rates inc They are no more. Now I know you like property,pehaps Ok when going well,try a litmus test now,try and flog your place lol not a chance in hell,same same hotels,majority will be largely empty roomed forever,majority razed within 5 years
  7. No you are wrong. One bus load yesterday,one hotel north Pattaya,arrived late,left early. I live there and counting. No hotels in north Pattaya are doing well,staff with what can be retained are on half hours ,instead of household chores are placed on gardening/maintenance
  8. The US especially the increase can be seen as segregation,people want to live in their own communities along with their racial peers,a good thing. when u look at UK a multi racial hell hole that divides groups by wired fencing,the US whole area's
  9. Never happen ,more they can pack in the better,4 million? nah 400 million now your talking
  10. The constructions can hopefully progress accordingly,but the occupancy seems strangely out of kinter, if you could kindly direct me to occupacy rates? I do know one huge hotel complex in Naklua that does boast an occupncy rate of 86% {for one night only,in months)for bussed in Thais taking advantage of 50% off ,with futher 20% off coupons Yes the 707 project is paused? more like fallen off a cliff Id say
  11. Everybody is wrong. Yes few half truths (well full ones too) needs full page spreads from TAT in western newspapers,"millions heading back to wonderful Thailand"
  12. That point was raised years ago and still there,not much action at Grande centre either,fact Id say no action,and the ludricous huge projects being built/and built around there LOL anyone want a 707? " no key money for farangs" LOL LOL
  13. For the moment,but that moment is just about finished.Stamp duty holiday finished,but the exciting news ,now it is good news, inflation is on the rise,which in turn pushes interest rates up,not just in UK.A 3 to 4 % interest will bring the market to its knees throwing the house keys back at lenders will be the norm As for Thailand the chinks can have it all,just a cheap place to hang about it at the mo
  14. Think you are right. Locally at least 6 large scale developments under way,by the same token at least 6 finished too,not one occupied for last approx 2 years
  15. 180 baht per 100 @ 100
  16. Over and above look at medparks offers up to yesterday 20th goodbye Regarding the latest performance update of Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines: https://fb.watch/7vAflG-hyA/ We thought you may need a little bit more time to consider registering and paying for the Moderna vaccine. Therefore, we would like to inform you that we have extended the period of booking and paying for 2 doses of Moderna vaccine at 3,300 THB, to August 23, 2021.
  17. Collected questionaire at reception........."have you ever" blah blah blah 12 xs over all tick boxes when and where is my business
  18. The question for receiving a Pfizer after receiving the AZ earlier was" have you received a covid vaccination in the last two weeks"
  19. The fixed rate are only for a limited amount of time,in fact it guarantees far more "key throwing" as financial exposure when the fixed rate finishes
  20. The vast majority of released covic patients are far from" recovered",still have far more real effects of the illness. More than probably they are past the point of actual death through oxygen stimulation,but still struggling
  21. Inflation/interest rate rises will see the recent buyers throwing their keys into the lenders again,same as UK in early 80s
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