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Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

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Posts posted by Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

  1. So even if in a hospital and after footage gone around the world and viral videos , the RTP state they cannot proceed until they get a formal complaint. The police are worse than the Keystone Police , whose bumbling efforts poured scorn on Law Enforcement in the USA. Now Thailand has its own version, called the Royal ( I will do nothing unless I have to ) Thai Police . Any foreigner hurt who does not immediately report the matter to the police will get NO JUSTICE  !! Even if lying in hospital on life support !!

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  2. Having serverd ion a maritime oprganmi9sation for over TWO decades I did visit many boat tour op[portunities when I first came here, canal trips opk, but on the open water the expertise and seemingly lack of competence showed by many crew including cap[taions, I vowed NEVER to venture on any boat run and crewed and captained by Thais . Judging by the number of accidents, mishaps etc over the last 2 decades seems like a wise choice .

    There may be GOOD COMPETENT crews, boats etc,. but it is pure guesswork !!

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  3. Polce reform is two words, uttered every-time some Policeofficers get it wrong. There are TWO major problems with this.

    those that used internal corruption to get where they are want to see a return o their efforts and actions thereby hindering any real internal reform and the the other point is the PUBLIC.

    The Police need the public to Police effectively sadly virtually ALL trust is gone, Police not taking action as there is nothing in it for them ( quite from a recently retired RTP friend of mine ) plus the vast web of enterprises the Police are involved in officially or unofficially which `show that  they are corrupt. 


    If you sort out the first then the second will follow. 

  4. One poster hit the al on the head, for some Thai Polie no reward means no policing and sadly any officer who siad to me karma would not be greeted with a wai, more a formal complaint .

    The attitude of all of the officers involved beggars belief and this story should make the rounds internationally, to waqrn people of the incompetence and downright laziness of the RTP .   

  5. Whle I recognise the need for security and safety regarding so-called VIP Motorcades involving royalty, often ad i have been subject to it the extremely long time one has to wait for a one vehicle motorcade with numerous POLICE VEHICLES ,for an extremely long time . OCE stopped as the motoprcade was passing through a nearby town 20 km away and took another 10 minutes to pass me.  t

    Seems over the top considering in the UK with planning and sup[port minimal disruotion is caused at anytime and ALL MOTORCADES follow the law and never speed onl;y ignore traffic lghtsd naturally.

    Sad the RTP seem incapable of finding out how to move the Royal Family around without the immense disrution they seem to enjoy making the population suffer when all the public really want to do is to go to work, and take care of their families`, Not wait for up to 15 minuites for one person or maybe two to pass by without stop[p[ing or caring the problems caused by the RTP to daily life . ` 

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  6. Again we see sen ior npeop;e nte;;omg related agencies to dop the job one assumes they are employed to do. We have had senior POLICE TELL officers to do the job and now other agencies being told to do a job.

    Is it that THAILAND seems to employ staff from the senior to the junior p[ositions who maybe cannot do the taqsk they are supposed to do. ONE has to ask so many incompetent people being paid by taxpayers cash. 

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