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Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

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Posts posted by Nicholas Paul KNIGHT

  1. While adter living here for over 20 years one becomes accustomed top the CULTURAL requirements of living here. THais themselves are in my opinion one of the most HYP{OCRITICAL countries when it comes to Cultural norms.They say they are BUDDHISTS< never have I seen more abuse of Bubbhist Norms than here.

    They trash any venue and the waste left is stupendous, their Family life is beset with abuse and even murder.

    AND yet they get upset by two tourists sun-bathing in bikinis, walk down any street with bars, women there wear far less an openly. 

    AS FAR AS I CAn see ANY opportunity to bash tourists while saying they must obey cultural norms smacks of over-zealous nationalistic fervour

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  2. The real question is how many continued to drive immediately  after being found to be over the limit . P0ses a question should the POLICE NOW BE liable if such a person then has an accident .

    Many stopped pay money ( fine / bribe ) call it what you want and THEN continue driving. The Police must therefore be liable as they are condoning the continued breaking of the law  !!!!

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  3. GREat talk about stupid, all ideas stated are pointless, when you have LACK OF ENFORCEMENT, achieved only by boots on the ground . Basically POLICE operating roving patrols stopping vehicles being visible ( not hiding in tents looking at phones ) Over 22 years here , hardly ever see a POLICE CAR DRIVING AROUND  acting as a deterrent, rarely seen Buses and Lrries stopped, , was stopped once by an officer who said nothing and just shoved a breathalyser into my face and said blow . I asked for it to be cleaned he laughed.


    There is no fear anongst drivers of any mechanically powered vehicle as they all know the Police are only after cash from fines and even allow the offender to finish their trip after being fined  even for serious offences. 


    Example ...MAN DRIVING < No licence, no excise sticker and NO insurance . fined whatever it is and then allowed to continue. Who is at fault now the MaN OR THE POLICE for allowing that vehicle driven by an unlicensed person  ??

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  4. SWopm,e sensible suggestions, but all it will really m,ean is M ORE Pooice Officers sitting under tents looking at phones while the cars etc speed by. Only emerging AFTER an accident or problem.


    BOOTS on the ground , visible presence , randomly stopping all transport  and checking . something never seen here and that is one reason why I never travel on most public transport unless it is a train. 

  5. It is very simple to boost Tourism.

    Offer value for money, Clean and pleasant attractions, with clean working toilets. Do away with all the polluting food stalls offering bad food. DO AWAY WITH All scams, AND make the OFFICIALS AND Tourist workers polite.

    SIMPLE Really but not seems Thainess and attitude and tourism generally do not work, but re-educating the entire Tourism industry is hard work, not made better by flunkies offering new ways when the old ways mentioned above always work.

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  6. Welcome to the world of immediate internet. the Thasi Government cannot control every aspect of peoples lives and well doner as well, by highlighting the problem this video has caused . many will now travel to this SOI to make sure the government is telling the truth.

    Sure it is not an ideal place to take lady, but then most LADIES would not go there unless take there by their men. . !!!!!!!!!!! 

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  7. 4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    We have had Western police for many many years, as the Tourist Police Volunteers and the Foreign Police Assistants. They have pretty limited authority  and have to have regular police with them and no power of arrest. Probably find them sitting around playing with their phones. 

    May I correct you we have had western volunteers not necessarily ex-police, as an exz-copper I WAs asked if I WIshed to join, sadly their work ethics ( Thai police )are so bad I declined after one outing. The Chinese Police care little for HUMASN RIGHTS saw them operating in HK just after take over and I doubt they have improved. A silent way of handing this sovereign country opver to Chinese influence and actions.  

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  8. Good article BUT sadly of little use to ordinary families as too often Thai Egos and Thai Culture override normal behaviour . Seen too often the so-called MAN of the house does exactly what he wants and the WIFE has to pick up the pieces, you only have to look at how many broken families there are where the man just walks away without a single care or punishment or even cost.


    On the surface people will laud the efforts buty the public will know the truth nothing will happen just money spent and plaudits said. 



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