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Everything posted by DaveSamutP

  1. Most of Asia has been for decades awaiting the time when they could push Westerners out of the region. Many in Southeast Asia were planning to replace Westerns with Chinese expats and immigrants. Now, China has stung all of them AND China's economy is unravelling. Most of these Southeast Asian countries will be reinstating policies begging Westerners to come back -- until they can kick them out again.
  2. Finally, some evidence to reinforce to all the people who thought the vaccinations and lockdowns were not necessary -- because only less than 1% die, right? (rhetorical). Nobody knows yet how damaging the virus will be on people long term. New cancers, organ/brain issues, etc. This virus was engineered to cause damage.
  3. Apparently, though, it seems fit Thai ladies are all that is needed in lieu of any other benefits. Power of ????
  4. Agree on all. They do indeed typically have good management running them instead of many other developers who may bait owners with a decent management company in the first couple years before hiring cheaper others who allow the places to turn into mini ghettos. I'm more partial to Land and Houses developments, for example. Some others I can't think of at the moment.
  5. Exactly. They will come to Thailand to visit, taste the local fare (living and cooked), and go back to where they don't risk dying by random electrocutions, auto accidents, food poisonings or schemes targeting their wealth. Thailand should be suitable for a few categories of people with varying levels of wealth: Western young nomads, digital types, etc. (pseudo-expats) Western senior level professionals (expats) Western retirees (immigrants) Singaporean Chinese retiree immigrants escaping their demanding, expensive women Hong Kong Chinese retiree immigrants escaping their demanding, expensive women Russian, Chinese, Easter European (and a smaller percentage of others) criminals who want to spend their wealth with nobody looking Almost nobody else really wants to retire in Thailand.
  6. Wow, it must be painful for them to even release that in the media. Anyway, I'm not fond of Sansiri builds.. Of course, there are some that are nice in the astronomical price ranges, but most of their development is cheap stuff dressed up as "luxury". Would not buy. Other developers are better.
  7. Best thing I think I've seen on here. Perfect representation of the country. Announcement, scheme, hub to attract more to scheme, crack down.
  8. Don't worry, they will be underreporting the numbers (like they did at the start of the pandemic). Soon, we may again see the "Thailand Covid Free" or "Thailand Zero Covid" banners all over the media. Simply don't test, and then systematically underreport the walk-ins. Open up the country. Simple
  9. What sounds like disappointment to you, sounds closer to critical thinking to me. Maybe they will be the sole exception in the world. I guess that makes sense. Everything here is special. Not like other countries. ????
  10. I suppose it's good news that things are trending down now for some time. However, it will mean very little when they start relaxing restrictions with the vaccination rates (with good vaccines, not Chinese vaccines) so low. In every other country, the cases spike less than a week after relaxing restrictions.
  11. They are very likely manipulating the figures for this very reason. It will all miraculously be just in time for high season (which will fail anyway).
  12. Exactly. Chicken bones and cigarettes butts all over the lobby of the bombastically and comically named Historical Luxury Family Mansion Hotel
  13. Doubtful, no matter how much they manipulate the numbers. Around Nov or Dec, there will be a bunch of Westerners who start reporting they've caught covid in Thailand... By then many will be months in since their last vaccination, and their antibodies will be waning. A handful will die in Thailand ... Then, foreign media will start to publish doubts about the situation in Thailand and will note the country still lags very far behind in vaccinations AND that is lacks sufficient care facilities to handle sick people. And the cancellations will begin swiftly.
  14. Not sure if it's related to this Microsoft vulnerability - at 3:47 below
  15. Yeah. I've always thought they are all basically just slightly different versions of the same problem. Their policies never differ much. They have no political ideology. It's just clanism
  16. Great reply. Yes, would be great to add it to the Army curriculum. How to run a country 101
  17. If you think Sinovac is not effectively a state-owned company, you may not know much about how China works?
  18. It may sound harsh, but looking at their history, there is a strong argument that Thai society is simply not ready for any democracy. Perhaps they should just stop pretending and get on with something that works - maybe like the Singapore psuedo-democracy model.
  19. Agree. With a better government, Thailand could have used this crazy last 1.5 years to genuinely invest and prepare as many countries have done. Many were getting manufacturing fallout from China. Some were optimising their airlines, investing in infrastructure, upskilling workers, etc. Thailand has been sat on its bum waiting for foreign tourism. Yes, people will always want to visit Thailand as long as the culture continues to be pleasant, the food delicious, the weather nice and the women fit. But, the country is far too reliant on foreigners. They are increasingly falling behind.
  20. So, as much as many of us like to complain on the Thai, we can respect many of them for their willingness to rebuke China and its typical junk. Respect to Thailand
  21. Funny... Without even reading the article, anyone clued up knows this is an attempt to save face for their Cousins in China. Of course the cocktail works. It's the AZ that is doing all the work.
  22. These types in Thailand are often wanted criminals in their home countries, possibly facing a death penalty. It's one of the reasons why it's good practice in Thailand to avoid conflict. Plenty of these types from various countries all over Thailand.
  23. Sorry, this is a false equivalence... Singapore, for example, has been almost perfect in its handling. And, now things there are effectively back to near normal. Economy grew at a good clip. Just for an example in the neighborhood.
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