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Everything posted by DaveSamutP

  1. Yeah. It's pretty underwhelming and I'm doubtful it's making a significant impact. Just the product of some kids playing around.
  2. This is the level the Thais usually play at. Herbs, mouthwashes and amulets.
  3. I think you'd ultimately find that he too is utterly corrupt. The difference is merely that the target of his critique is not in his clan.
  4. The Thai authorities are almost certainly keeping the reported numbers artificially low. I suspect they've reached a breaking point with the economy and need to open up the country at any cost. The psuedo proof of this will be when far too many misguided tourists show up, contract the virus here and it gets picked up on their return to other countries. The same thing happened year ago.
  5. So, we are expected to believe a study from a country that lies about virtually everything. I'm sure this study was different, though. Unlikely they lied or manipulated data here. I trust my health to them. ????????
  6. Maybe. But, India doesn't rely on foreign tourism for 30% of it's GDP. Be difficult to convince tens of millions of tourists to visit Thailand if the country's cases are raging AND vaccinations are low.
  7. Going to be a big price to pay by opening up so early. Expect cases to rise sharply 2 weeks after easing lockdowns.
  8. Interesting perspective from what sounds like a young person.
  9. There are institutions with incredible wealth here. I have been waiting for some announcement of help as I thought that is what the money was for, the country.
  10. What the <deleted> does borrow mean in this context? Must be so embarrassing.
  11. Yes, and most of the weight loss at the gym is by the guy who is still fat and will be fat for a long time. As a Sporean, I know you are smarter than your post. 1. Don't put Thailand in a basket with all other Asian countries. Some are great, most others are not. Thailand is not Singapore, for example. 2. Countries with lots of room to grow can grow a lot for long periods of time. But, wake me up when Thailand has has evaded the middle income trap, has a viable middle class and doesn't rely on millions of sex workers to support its rural economies.
  12. Yep This is what I think most Westerners don't understand. It's not like many western countries where different parties have fundamentally different approaches to managing the country. In Thailand, the culture encourages virtually everyone to be mostly alike. Collectivist society. There are hardly any groups that would run the country very differently or do much better. They are mostly all slaves to their culture. The next guys will have 99% of the same opinions and ways of working. The biggest difference will be who gets to cream off the top
  13. A reflection of the immaturity of the Thai economy and decades of policy which encouraged sufficiency. It works well as long as the Thais have virtually no significant middle class or even one aspiring to be. As long as tens of millions of Thais are happy to work a little when there is work and go back to subsistence farming when there is little work, Thais will not go hungry but also never attain higher levels of socioeconomic development. It's PERFECT for the elites. In fact, I wish I could get in on it
  14. No surprise Thailand cannot cope. They are copying different pieces of strategy from China and otters. I agree with what you wrote. Zero Covid is probably not a good strategy. Herd immunity is probably only a myth. The disease does still transmit even after vaccination. Endemic is probably a more reasonable strategy. As Singapore is doing
  15. Agree. My 'finger in the air' estimate is that the Thais won't hit their stride with Vaccinations until middle of next year when enough has been donated or has arrived and they have worked out the logistics. This is going to be a long stretch.
  16. A couple key reasons 1. There are very few Americans in Thailand 2. Westerners, in general, are cynical and know that Western governments don't really care about their citizens who choose to live in foreign countries 3. Westerners also don't delude themselves into thinking the Thais will do anything outside of their predisposed behaviors
  17. Countries will move to "endemic" when Vaccinations are high enough.
  18. The pandemic continues to expose Thailand’s national weaknesses. Going to be a long ride.
  19. As soon as men trust the kittens are safe, they will be back. Gotta get those kittens jabbed ASAP ????
  20. Going to be a tough time for Thai tourism for a few years. It's easy to forget that Thai airways also is under a mountain of debt and a restructuring arrangement. Many tourist businesses have shuttered and lost everything. It's a good 5 years to any serious recovery.
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