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  1. From what I understand Thai nationals can use their Blue ID number in lieu of a TIN - probably because in rural areas no one applies for a TIN. So I will Bury my head in the sand and assume I can use my pink ID number in lieu of a TIN
  2. Thank you all for the replies and help. As some have mentioned, I appreciate I didn't need to do the TM30 however where I live it is still a "requirement" so I'm told???
  3. Hello DrJack. Yes it was re entry permit on a 12 month retirement extension. Nong Khai immigration said I should redo the TM30 on my return?? They said anything more than a couple of days away I should redo "just to make sure"
  4. I have figured it out - so for those who have the same problem... When you go to the Profile page you may see a blank mandatory field for "Gender" - select the correct option. but then.... Look at the address (bottom right hand corner) - which probably says approved - and select Edit - this will take you to another page where (in my case) then Gender was missing again - select the correct option and SAVE After I'd found this "hidden" page it worked fine
  5. Hello - I'm really hoping someone has had the same issue and resolved it. I have just returned to Thailand yesterday and need to do a TM30 online - I have logged in - the address is shown as approved (from the previous version) - but EVERY time I try and "Add" my stay, the address disappears and I get the link message that I need to update the profile (fill in all the mandatory fields) - done that but still the same issue - keep going round in circles when I press add - go to profile - make sure all mandatory fields are entered (address is showing as "Approved" - go back to the TM30 search page - shows the address - press Add - address disappears with the error message again. If I can't figure this out what should Ido - Do i need to go to my local (Nong Khai) immigration office? They will be closed until Monday so my notification will be late unless I can fix this in the next 5 hours? Help much appreciated I
  6. Sorry for your loss. A few years ago I brought my father back from Spain (his body) and the airline put him on the manifest. Similarly ashes from UK have to be put on the planes manifest. My guess is that it will be a requirement with any airline and suggest you contact the airline before booking a ticket to check if there are any restrictions and where the ashes are carried ie they may have to go with cargo sadly
  7. Damn I'm 147 baht short of retirement then
  8. I'd go to a good optician and a government hospital and get some cheap professional opinions. Not worth risking your eyesight
  9. How many pumps will you have - you mention the use of a tank and I'm assuming a bore hole well so would you be using 2 pumps? Also have you considered possible legionella from having water stored in a tank?
  10. No worries. Someone else wanted more info so I posted a link to the government documents (see one of my replies above)
  11. Use the guidance document (first link) - this is what the caseworker uses- pages 7 and 8 relevant for the intention to stay the rest covers everything else. This is the document I worked to when my wife applied
  12. Of course.... https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/form-an-guidance Page 7 Section 6(1) not married/civil partnership - see bullet point 9 "intention to stay" Page 8 Section 6(2) married/civil partnership the clause from Section 6(1) is not a requirement See also The British Naturalisation Act 1981 section 6.1 (not married/civil partnership to British citizen) and 6.2 (married/civil partnership with British citizen) refer to conditions to be met in schedule 1 (see link) https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1981/61/schedule/1 Section 6.1 (d)that either— (i)his intentions are such that, in the event of a certificate of naturalisation as a British citizen being granted to him, his home or (if he has more than one) his principal home will be in the United Kingdom; or This clause is NOT in applicable to Se tion 6.2 application (married to British citizen)
  13. In addition to my previous post, I had to do this and was in Thailand. I googled and there are loads of companies who will handle the process for anywhere in the world (they claim) - I just DHL my document to them and they did it all and DHL it back to me. I used https://www.vitalconsular.com/legalisation.html
  14. The OP said "country of origin does not have any diplomatic presence in Thailand" - they did not say there wasn't a Thai embassy where they got married
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