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Posts posted by jetjock

  1. Will be interesting to see if the original poster gets booted out, not having done anything wrong.. Wouldn't surprise me at all, thereby confirming a bit of what was said in #2..

    The original poster hasn't done anything wrong (that I can see), so no reason to boot him.

    #2 though has received the Big "B", as often happens when a (formerly banned ?) member comes back and sticks their foot in their mouth right away. :o

    If #2 does get the big "B", why do I get the feeling that we will eventually be hearing from 'The Late Late Earnest Bishop'. :D

  2. I won't go into the details as I have elaborated about it on this forum before but I got busted going into the USA years ago with 4 or 5 bootleg DVDs.

    I find that very surprising that they would care about just 4 or 5 DVDs. I thought they would only be interested if you had commercial quantities of fakes. Your report is really good information for any US travelers. They aren't kidding around.

    Thanks for the heads up as I usually bring back a few bootleg new movie release DVD's on my return trip home to the US. I have never been checked but now I think that it is probably not worth it to take the chance anymore.

    I pretty much agree with everything the OP observed on his visit to the US. I will say that despite the negatives here in the US, if you compare it with most other countries, the US is still the land of opportunity for anyone that has a dream and is willing to work hard to achieve that dream, however for just kicking back and enjoying life on a modest budget, Thailand is hard to beat.

  3. Tatenen, In answer to your question about Mahidol U., it is usually considered to be among the top three universities in Thailand and probably the best in medicine and science. My Thai wife would be able to answer all of your questions accurately and in depth as she has post graduate degrees from Mahidol and has spent a great portion of her life there. She would have answered your question here on the forum but is currently traveling in Europe and will not be back until this weekend. Many of her close friends are currently either professors or doing post doctorial research at Mahidol so if you have any questions that you want answered very accurately, please feel free to pm me and I will give her the message when she returns this weekend and I will ask her to respond directly to all your questions.

  4. OK, just asked the other female staff, and she likes the guy in number 5 and number 9. She thinks the guys in number one and two are way too skinny. She likes the 6 pack. Both think number 8 are disgusting.

    So, just goes to show, tastes vary from woman to woman.

    That really depresses me to find out that the girls think number 8 is disgusting--Guess I am going to have to start spending more time in the bar and less time in the gym ! :o

  5. Since I quit my job with the intention of taking an extended holiday and perhaps moving permamnently to LOS the markets have crashed, my bank has been bought out and then part-nationalized, boat prices (yet to sell mine) have tanked, the Baht has lost about 15% of it's value and now there's a war kicking off...

    I've never been superstitious (touch-wood) but... :o

    Don't worry as you still have your boat which you may need to escape this financial meltdown and the flood of bad debt that has been spreading around the globe. I am not superstitious either and do not believe in armegeddon however I have started building an Arc just in case. :D

  6. Any martial art that does not include some actual fighting., ie; getting hit, and knowing how to react to that is not worth much out on the street, imo.

    A lot of martial arts teachers concentrate on the high / pretty kicks aspect, because thats what kids see in the movies... Once upon a time, being a black belt dan meant something. It meant you were disciplined, yet knew how to fight, and had no unreal expectations of your own ability, because of the years you had put into the dojo, or on the mat, in the ring, etc. You really had to earn it.

    The martial art part of the equation has been largely sacrificed for commercial interest. You buy your way through the grading systems of a lot of organizations.

    However, the "mixed martial arts" system is gaining in popularity now. And that is real fighting.

    I have been involved in many of the fighting styles and disciplines over the last 50 years so know something about them. I agree with 'kmart' about the 'mixed martial arts' which are a combination of many of moves found in different fighting systems and are very much like what you see in the UFC fights and have much street value. Many of the really good fighters cross train in different disciplines before going into to octagon--boxing for use of the hands, karate for kicks and wrestling and brazilian ju jitsu for take downs, ground and submission techiques. As for the pure disciplines, I consider Brazilian ju jitsu to be one of the very best. I have been involved in all of the styles that I have mentioned but have spent most of my years in boxing rings and I have learned that being able to take punishment as well as give it out in actual fighting is a prerequisite for anyone wanting to be a real fighter.

  7. One of the most important lessons learned from OJ's first crime is that if you are going to commit a crime and do not want to be convicted of it then always do it alone and have a lot of money to hire the best lawyers to defend yourself. He apparently forgot that lesson the second time around and committed a crime with several accomplices. Even money and the best lawyers have a tough time defending someone that one or more of their accomplices plea bargain and testify against them as OJ has now found out and Michael Vick found out last year. The appeals process is just beginning and OJ still has money so even though he lost round one, it is probably far from over. Maybe this time justice will triumph over money and the best lawyers but with our flawed judicial system, I will not be holding my breath.

  8. I think tatoos' work great on guys as they make it much easier to identify them in police lineups. I also like tattoos on women and expecially 'tramp stamps' as they give you something interesting to look at when doing them doggie style. The only gripe I have against 'tramp stamps' is that you can't change the picture on a daily basis just for a little variety. I bet the ass tatoos are sure going to be pretty when their skin begins to sag and they are eighty years old ! :D I think tatoos work best on lowlifes like Charlie Manson who is in prison and does not give a sh*t what society thinks about him or for people like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit who are so rich and famous that they no longer have to worry about what society thinks. I do not fall into either of those extremes so do not have any tatoos and would never consider getting one but as they say 'to each his own'.

    Seriously you are not suggesting that you would not enjoy Angelina showing you her tattoos :D .

    Otherwise good post, and I shall bear in mind the term 'Tramp Stamp' :D .

    You are right, I would definitely make an exception for Angelina (but even she can't change the picture for variety!) :o

  9. I think tatoos' work great on guys as they make it much easier to identify them in police lineups. I also like tattoos on women and expecially 'tramp stamps' as they give you something interesting to look at when doing them doggie style. The only gripe I have against 'tramp stamps' is that you can't change the picture on a daily basis just for a little variety. I bet the ass tatoos are sure going to be pretty when their skin begins to sag and they are eighty years old ! :o I think tatoos work best on lowlifes like Charlie Manson who is in prison and does not give a sh*t what society thinks about him or for people like Angelina Jolie and Brad Pit who are so rich and famous that they no longer have to worry about what society thinks. I do not fall into either of those extremes so do not have any tatoos and would never consider getting one but as they say 'to each his own'.

  10. If most of the people that I know including myself plugged our salaries or earnings into your formula and compared it with over 95% of the people on the planet, I am confident that the percentage would turn out to be a great deal lower than 50%. Sorry but I see no relevance whatsoever with what anyone would prove by comparing their earnings to their Thai father-in-law unless they are on some type of ego trip. :o

  11. I have met many of girls in Thailand through the years but do not remember any of them coughing. I do know that I seem to have to turn my head and cough everytime I see the doctor for for my physical so perhaps coughing is good for you. :o

  12. Hi,

    I'm looking at my fiance's K-1 "fiance" visa to the USA (she's a Thai citizen).

    She picked it up today. The relevant dates on the visa:

    Issue date: 22-SEP-2008

    Expiration date: 18-MAR-2009

    And an annotation: "FIANCEE OF MR. AJC1970 K-1 PETITION EXPIRES ON OCTOBER 16, 2008."

    How long does she have before she must go to the States? Until March 18, 2009, or October 16, 2008?

    We're both in school here in Thailand, and weren't planning to go to the States until mid-November, after Loy Kratong but before Thanksgiving.

    Also, how long do the I-485 (to adjust status after marriage) and I-131 (advance parole) forms take to process once we're in the States?

    Ideally, we'd like to be able to return to Thailand to continue studying/living life in January 2009, spending only 6 weeks in the USA.

    Yes, I realize, a tourist visa would've been ideal for us, but unfortunately the USA thinks that every Thai citizen wants to illegally immigrate to the USA, despite the reality of specific situations, and we couldn't get one.


    The date of Oct 16, 2008 appears to be the petition valid date which was the final date for her to apply for the visa which is now meaningless since she now has her visa.

    The date of 18-MAR-2009 means that is the date up to and including that date for her single entry into the US. As you probably know, she will then have 90 days to get married or whatever from her actual date of entry.

    I do not remember how long it took to get the I-485 approved but as I remember, it was a couple of months from the date of filing. Never needed the advance parole so cannot help you with that. Hope the info is helpful to you.

  13. While the US House of Representatives was voting down a 700 billion dollar bailout plan, the stock market took a one trillion dollar loss today. It was interesting to read that some of our TV members consider it just a lurch seeing one trillion dollars almost instantly vaporize. I do believe however that despite the ignorance of so many of our politicians, they are smart enough to realize that if they do not pass a revised bill before the end of the week, the US banking financial crisis and meltdown of the credit markets will have much worse things in store not only for the US but many other countries also.

  14. Aloha Dinger,

    I am currently sitting here at my computer in my house here in Kona and happened to come across your posts. Martian is right on with all his great information for you. My wife also came over here on a K-1 fiancee visa and I agree totally that it is the quickest and easiest route to go. My wife will have been a permanent resident here for 2 years and 9 months in May of next year when she will then apply for citizenship. Like Martian, I think the USCIS process is quite efficient as long as you remember to dot all the i's and cross all the t's and not leave anything undone on the applications. Quite frankly, it turned out to be a piece of cake for us with absolutely no problems at any stage of the process. Feel free to pm me if you run into any problems anytime along the way if I might also be able to be of help to you .

    ps: Martian, Congrats so much on your wife getting her US citizenship. :o I am really looking forward my wife getting her US citizenship because we travel alot and I am burning out on having to run to a different embassy to get her a visa almost everytime we go somewhere. She is currently traveling over in Europe on a Schengen visa which we had to of course apply for which thankfully she will not need to do once she is a US citizen.

  15. By the way as I was thinking. Can she also land in like say Dusseldorf ( Germany ), or does this has to be Amsterdam because of the Visa? Because then she can fly LTU, that's alot cheapier, although I know some Airlines refuse booking FROM Bangkok Int. :o Not TO but FROM.

    A Schengen visa will allow her to fly from Bangkok to any of the Schengen countries and she can visit any of them in addition to her main destination of the Netherlands.

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