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  1. Nobody mentioned the SMO only you. We were talking about Putin never giving a time period to take Kyiv, and it has been proven he did say that, it doesn't matter when he said it, just admit he did say it and stop trying to wriggle out of the hole you have dug for yourself. Incidentally do you actually believe what Putin says and why do you become protective of the murderous despot when someone challenges him.
  2. North Korea's very own version of trick or treat.
  3. Rejecting your fantasy fabricated stories is not an insult!
  4. Don't confuse intellect with the word ignoramus, you are no intellect! I can take your petty insults all day, it's sad that you have lost the argument and now we are reduced to insults!
  5. You shouldn't have to learn common sense and decency.....most of us are born with it!
  6. I wouldn't try in a million years to analyse what the truth is as it never appears in any of your posts which are made up nonsense, so in essence you are the last person to disect the meaning of the word "truth". You have obviously fallen for some propaganda and it isn't Western as it appears your mind is full of hate and you persist in victim blaming and make no mistake Russia are the aggressors here, and if you think otherwise somebody has done a first class job in altering your sense of reality and the ability to see the obvious.
  7. You are suggesting that because Putin says it, it is the truth, even you must see the idiocy of that comment. Putin stated one day before he illegally invaded Ukraine that was not his intention. Whilst you may find Putin a good and upstanding gentleman that has never told a lie in his life, most of us know the truth!
  8. No it won’t bother you as you are quite happy to fabricate nonsense to inflame other members, your posts are imaginary storytelling and as far away from reality as possibly can be!
  9. Why would anybody believe anything that Putin pumps out of his lying lips. Hand on heart do you believe Putin and his kremlin thugs? Incidentally talking of credibility, you have none!
  10. Putin expected his "SMO" to take 10 days, now let's not play games we are not going to argue over 7 days are we, war is not always easy to predict. According to research by the think tank RUSI, when Vladimir Putin began his invasion, he expected to take control of Ukraine within 10 days. So what went wrong? Why did his plan fail? And how close did he come to succeeding? https://www.iwm.org.uk/history/how-Putin-lost-in-10-days
  11. Your posting is vulgar, try being honest!
  12. You reached that nadir many moons ago and all you have left is petty insults. Look in the mirror before you band words like "fools" about.
  13. Palestinians don't want a two state solution either, the reason the Israelis don't want a 2SS is pretty obvious, the reason the Palestinians don't want a 2SS is because they want Israel and the annihilation of the citizens of Israel. So reverting to my initial question to you, what should the Israelis do, lay down their arms and let the Palestinians kill them?????
  14. Strange how you never mention the rocket attacks from the Palestians on a regular basis. Neither side wants the two state solution as the Palestinians want to destroy Israel and kill all the Israelis, then all the Jews, then finally they will start on the non believers, be very careful what you wish for. So basically you are justifying Oct 7th, is much less likely that we would be witnessing events such as Intifadas and Oct 7th. So how do you think the Israelis should be handling this war, maybe lay down their arms and let the Palestians kill them?
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