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Everything posted by Hiane

  1. Maybe I wasn't specific enough, I'm talking about offshore money that hasn't been taxed. As I understand, until the end of this year I can remit it into Thailand tax-free, and starting January 1st 2024 this won't be the case anymore ?
  2. Long story short : if I plan to stay in Thailand indefinitely, any money I earned in 2022 or before, I should bring it into Thailand before the end of the year. Correct ?
  3. My youngest kid was born in Thailand, and currently only has a foreign passport without any visa or any stamp. As far as I know this is the normal situation, but she will need to take an international flight soon so I would like to make 100% sure there isn't some paperwork that needs to be done before.
  4. Hello, Yesterday I tried to register for the online personal income tax filing (https://efiling.rd.go.th/rd-efiling-web/register), but somehow the system says their database doesn't match my birth date/name/etc. I got my TIN about 1 or 2 month ago. Any idea what could be going wrong ? Thanks.
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