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Datsun 1200

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  1. After they shaved your head while in shakles as you (all inmates) enter, first day. Not too much worry about violence to Farang but the overcrowding is IMHO why they legalised Cannabis so could let 3,000 inmates out, and make some room for real criminals. The jails wre so full they ring a bell while sleeping, and then 350 men turn over in their sleep (sooping the guy in front. If you DON'T turn over upon rung bell you are poked with a bamboo pole. Fun times!! PS You wake up 5am ever day, two of same meals a day, and sing lots of King songs on the TV only used for that.
  2. It is, and has always been a "medicinal herb" just because the Yanks made it illegal in 1935, mainly to screw with the main users by far, "Black Jazz Musicians" . Then they made "Refer Madness", (listed it as like Schedule one = Heroin etc) and other mega propaganda, and then "forced" other countries to follow. The Great Satan strikes again, war mongering Yanks as usual, like a World Cancer really ; ( IH
  3. Wrong, Bible says "the LOVE of money is the root to all evil...." get it right!! IH
  4. "Money goes to where it is treated best". If Siam suddenly started to tax all transfers as income, the money will move to Cambodia, Phillipines, Vietnam, Vanuatu etc etc Rich expats are the "premium visitors" and also spend the most. They will not kill their "cash cows" and they will make sure they don't lose them and their $$. Like the chances of Cannabis being made illegal again, I think the chances are zero.
  5. You mean you want an Interpreter, a translator is now Google Translate, but a truly bi-lingual interpreter is very different, human (for now) and much more expensive. Good luck, make sure the person has one native speaker parent of each language. Cheers, Ian H
  6. #1 of 2023 by far = can you post better? Funnier? Good old Aussie anti-woke fun. Not much else I miss. Cheers, Ian H
  7. hi All, I just got back from Chiang Mai and the costs were half of Phuket. One example, taxi from Airport to YMCA Hotel about 25 min = 150 baht. In Phuket I would cost 150 baht to go 3km. Hotels/food etc = half Ian H
  8. In Phuket Hi All, this guy is the rep here for Elite Visa (HQ in BKK) and does all other law and accounting. Family affair and good so far, good for Visas to Will and buying property, see.... https://phuketlegalfirm.com/ drop my name if you dare ; ) Ian H
  9. At 40yo I would do the extra work, at 55yo+ I would start really living NOW!! IH
  10. Same Answer as "anybody know a good lawyer" The Elite Visa agent in Phuket (HQ is in BKK) also does other work and is an accountant etc See Khun Toto at https://phuketlegalfirm.com/ I used him for my Elite Visa, buy condos and my Will. It's a family affair and have been faultless so far. You can drop my name Ian H from Australia, I sure it will mean an awful lot (;-/)
  11. What reason did they give for him taking his name off the lease?? IH
  12. The Elite Visa agent in Phuket (HQ is in BKK) also does other work and is an accountant etc See Khun Toto at https://phuketlegalfirm.com/ I used him for my Elite Visa, buy condos and my Will. It's a family affair and have been faultless so far. IH
  13. I have had my lenses replaced at Phuket Bangkok Hospital https://www.phukethospital.com/doctor/captain-wiriyaluppa/ Cost was about A$11,000 the same price as in Australia. Great job, 63yo and see like I am 25yo!! Highly recommended IH
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