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Everything posted by LarrySR

  1. Remember when our brilliant commander in chief suggested to border police to dig a big ditch and fill it with snakes and alligators. It’s like he has the brain of a 5 year old.
  2. Every spring, a whole lotta day laborers head off to the USA to do the summer high seasonal jobs Americans won’t do. Like clockwork they head home for the winter. Mexican families have been dong this for generations. They show up in the same towns their grandfather came to to pick fruit or do hard labor in construction. Good people that work hard and are excellent neighbors. Employers in the USA face a $9,000 fine if they fail to verify the identity of every staff by filing an I-9 form for every worker. Of course the undocumented workers can easily procure all sorts of ID and a social security number. According to Social Security, $13 billion per year is paid into the social security fund with zero chance these workers ever receive benefits.
  3. Unemployment at 50 year low. 11 million jobs listings.
  4. The ONLY thing Republicans are interested is agitating their undereducated, bigot, racist base.
  5. The 24/7 Republican political infomercials disguised as news produce fact resistant humans as they mock science, education, push conspiracies, hate and fear to outrage & motivate the voters. Anything that gets in their way needs to be demonized and fought against at every step -- taxation, environmental regulations, worker rights, higher minimum wage, education & universal health care. The Republican ’blue collar base’ has been programed by the Republicans behavioral science marketing to vote against their own interests out of fear & hatred of their perceived enemies, the “evil, anti American Democrats.” They hate the Democrats more than they love the Republicans. Studies show that the Right Wing News audience are consistently the most ill informed viewers of all major media, dwelling in an alternate reality of fake news and conspiracy. The gaslighting has weaponized ignorance & convinced viewers that fake news is real and real news is fake.
  6. Republicans can’t win without the weirdo demographic.
  7. Him: She loves me! Her: I'll talk him into marriage, wait 3 month and make it look like an accident.
  8. After enduring a perilous journey over land from their broken country to make a fresh start in the United States, these poor, extremely vulnerable, devout Christian refugees are then rounded up in a vile political stunt. Of course the usual suspects here in the forum are pleased as punch. That's why we know them as deplorable.
  9. Every country has problems at the border. Republicans call it a crisis when Democrats are in charge. Republicans know immigration is a huge issue with the bigots and racists. Last week it was “pronouns” that had the usual posters all agitated. Must be an election soon.
  10. yea. We miss the good old days when the economy was crushed & unemployment skyrocketed due to the worst pandemic response in the world. Weren’t many border crossings. Bring back Trump. No jobs- no border crossings. Simple.
  11. Republicans are good at scaring their undereducated base. Next week, what will it be I wonder? CRT Pronouns Wokeness Antifa BLM Cancel culture Statues LGBT bathrooms
  12. Why is a tabloid article being posted in the “news” forum I wonder.
  13. Well. Millions of his supporters believe him. Are you saying they are stupid?
  14. Trump isn’t stupid but he has a deep understanding of what the stupid people want to hear.
  15. No no no. Where do you get your news? MSN? Trump said he won the popular vote and initiated a blue ribbon commission headed by his loyal VP to uncover the fraud.
  16. When a malignant narcissist is backed into a corner their response is predictable.
  17. The market is down 19.16%. Did that twice during the last administration. It was surreal when Trump bragged about the "best economy in history" when he was putting the arm on the Fed to lower rates and printing $7.8 trillion debt to goose the market. Left office with 10 million more unemployed than when he started and worst economic conditions since 1929.
  18. I think I saw this problem in 3rd grade math class.
  19. Trump threatens to unleash the MAGA nitwits if indicted.
  20. Texas is a sinking ship because it IS a <deleted>h0le state. I've been there. Wouldn't take a nice big house for free. If you are well traveled you will understand why Texas is feces. The infrastructure is terrible. The weather, The food. The attitude. Homophobia, racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and religious bigotry are alive and well down there. Not to mention the women's rights thing. Lots of churches and shooting ranges though. Texas state “leaders” are theocratic overlords who have quashed every attempt by local government to improve the lives of it's residents. They are poorly educated who are proud of their willful ignorance, mock science and education. A majority I've encountered can't even do basic subtraction. 75% of the intelligent folks ones encounters are transplants. Texas can’t educate their kids for 21st-century jobs because the "Talibanesque" Christian fanatic Educational Boards refuses to them teach real science and history.
  21. I think most people would much rather have a Mexican immigrant family live next door than some MAGA type.
  22. Silly. Right wing media likes to portray Ca. and its progressive polices as a failure...and many believe it apparently... Ca. attracts more investment capitol the the other 49 states combined. Ca. is the worlds 6th largest economy? Ca. pays 17% of the Federal taxes. 10% of the Fortune 500 companies located there. Ca. has a $97 billion budget surpluss. Ca. is the most desirable place to live on the planet. And therefore... it's very expensive. The average home in California is over $860,000 .66% higher than national average......so some are moving to cheap states like Texas where housing is 6% lower than average.. Texas is cheap because it's a <deleted>hoIe. The chart below show a steady rise in population with a 0.44% drop in population in 2021. Ca population: 2011 37,703,593 2012 38,055,785 2013 38,342,642 2014 38,644,802 2015 38,913,507 2016 39,127,855 2017 39,328,926 2018 39,476,064 2019 39,529,566 2020 39,541,786 2021 39,368,613
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