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Everything posted by LarrySR

  1. When I was 12 years old, got my hunting license after taking a safety course. With the license came a NRA application. Millions of hunters unwittingly joined this gun manufacturers lobby posing as a hunters right group hunters and are fed an unending supply of NRA propaganda. Any proposed gun laws are labeled tyrannical by Democrats while they divide the country and finance Republican campaigns. They convince NRA members that Democrats will take all the guns and more guns make the USA safer, even advocating the arming the nearly 4 million teachers. Gun sales are going thru the roof this week as right wing media uses the talk of gun safety laws to scare the rubes. 120,000 Americans will get shot this year and it’s considered “collateral damage” because hey, someone, someday just might to get to shoot a bad guy.
  2. LarrySR


    Definitly need your own transport. The hillside community is divided in two. Cozy Beach side has traffic problems. Soi 5 & 6 seems to be the best area up there. The municipality takes better care of that neighborhood too as a Royal residence is on the beach. You'll find the Jomtien Beach footpath at the bottom of the Soi 5.
  3. "Have the teachers carry guns" is the recommendation of the Texas governor. Around 3.7 million teachers. What could possibly go wrong with putting nearly 4 million guns in schools?
  4. Smith Wesson and ammo manufacturing Vista Outdoor stocks +7% today. A typical rush to the gun store that happens after every mass slaughter. “Biden is gonna take your guns” will be repeated over and over and over again on Fox the next 2 years and send these stocks to the moon.
  5. The NRA is writing his speech right now. Let me take a wild guess. "Thoughts and prayers to the victims and more guns make us safer."
  6. Smith Wesson stock gained 1,000% during the Obama years as right wing media convinced the "rubes" that Obama was gonna take the guns.
  7. Allot of the weirdo kids that do the school shooting get the gun from their parents as gifts or they steal dads gun and go on a rampage. Time to start locking up the irresponsible fools that let their guns fall into the wrong hands.
  8. White supremacy terrorism and hate crimes quadrupled in the USA during the Trump years, according to the FBI and DHS crime report. Numerous mass shootings of blacks, Jews and immigrants by right wing crackpots and a look at their social media blame “white replacement theory” that is regularly spouted by conservatives and Fox.
  9. Why do people take an instant disliking to Ted Cruz? Because it save time.
  10. Citizens the FBI categorize as “terrorist sympathizers” residing on the FBI ‘no fly’ list can buy guns, thanks to Republican politicians with support from Fox scare media blocking any efforts to regulate guns sales.
  11. Loan a Thai the money and hold the chanote. The agreement will be registered at the land office and you should be paid off when property is sold. You can stipulate the interest rate in the contract example 5% and if you expect to be paid back, say, 3 years, you can escalate the interest to the maximum (detailed in the contract) at a certain date to encourage the lender to pay off the loan or sell the property.
  12. Not gonna share my contacts with the cheapskates on this thread. You don’t have to be a Warren Buffet to hire an agent in Thailand. Enjoy your time on the 10bt non aircon busses. You really should live large and try that 22bt bus sometime. I hear its luxurious.
  13. 50 Senators voted down a bill to increase background checks. Why? Because gun manufacturers finance their campaigns. They also for the same reasons vote against measures to encourage renewable energy / deny man made climate change …..and the also vote against health care / cheaper pharmaceuticals ….and vote against increased taxes on the rich…. Are you getting it now?
  14. Likely immigration can print out overstayers names of those that haven’t been reporting or renewed VISAs and not on record to have flown out. Cross checking with the landlords mandatory reporting the IDs of residents. Should be a piece of cake to find them and a priority for a person on the Interpol wanted list.
  15. Not everyone has the means to hire an agent apparently or even knows how to find one. For those people, they can take the bus, make copies, fill out the forms, wait in the queue, put up with the nonsense of some moody Immigration cop or incompetent government employee…. Then wait and hope the mail eventually arrives. Not how I choose to spend my time.
  16. Spend hours on a round trip in a taxi out to CW is about 600Bt., then pay 200Bt. for the certificate and wait 2 weeks for delivery? Then another 500bt. round trip to the Land Transport Dept., wait around half a day doing monkey work. (Try not to get a dose of Covid while you're standing in the queue with the other cheapskates.) LOL Just have an agent do it. One call, they get all the paperwork together (even a health check certificate LOL) Door to door, air-conditioned chauffeur service, they bypass the queue, communicate with the staff, make sure it's all in order and then drop you off at home.
  17. I am going to be steadily deploying my cash into stocks over the next 6 months.
  18. No need to panic if your asset allocation is in order. -20% is correction territory. 19 of the bear markets in the last 140 years averaged -37% and lasted less than a year. 289 days average. Bank America predicts the next bull market begins October. The USA currently has an astounding GDP, unemployment is 3.6% (full employment) and the deficit was cut $350 billion last year. Inflation triggered by supply chain shortages after the 2 year pandemic lockdown and now with millions back in the workforce, the supply chain just hasn't caught up with demand. Good news on the way when the Russian war ends, sending oil prices lower and good inflation numbers expected to follow as the supply / demand equalizes.
  19. Why would I not use an agent? Rather pay for the convenience & the cost is minuscule. Can’t recall the prices exactly. Extremely reasonable. Haven’t done a 90 day report in person for nearly 20 years. Every five years I hire them to set up my drivers license renewal. Door to door service with a smile. Occasionally I buy a new bike and they do my paperwork. It’s all very painless & inexpensive. Can’t believe a retiree or tourist would bother to do the grunt work themselves. (Unless you’re the type that stays in a ‘fan room’ asks for tap water in restaurants and cuts your own hair) Admittedly, once a year I do drag myself to the bank and get a bank book certificate, then phone my trusty Immigration Officer to make an appointment to bypass the queue and extend my VISA, tip her 1,000bt and I’m outta there in 15 minutes. This is SE Asia my friend. Services are cheap. I don’t clean house, wash the car, do the dishes or jerk myself off.
  20. I always use an agent. Request in the morning and delivered same day. Can’t be bothered myself.
  21. People that are dumb enough to watch Fox really shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Would you want the morons that work in your factory to choose the CEO?
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