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Everything posted by LarrySR

  1. Beach Rd Soi 7 is hopping.
  2. Those chair vendors and all their cr@p make the place look like a real dump. A chair/ umbrella should be deployed on the beach only if there is a customer request. In the evening they should all be hauled off and not stacked up there like a crummy old chair warehouse. I would never sit in one of those filthy chairs if they paid me as they are covered in rat and dog p!ss, farang sweat, mold and bacteria from all the food that is spilled on them.
  3. BITCOIN is on sale. Buy it. S&P500 is down from January -18%. Correction territory. In December 2018 it dropped -20% and in 2020 it tanked more than -30%. Based on historic info the 19 bear markets in the last 140 years declined 37% and averaged 289 days. 10 of the last 11 recessions in the USA came under Republican administrations. Unemployment is at a 50 year low 3.6%, the GDP has been astounding 6.8%, deficit slashed $350 billion in 2021. Next bull market begins the day after the Russian war ends, oil instantly drops, inflation numbers improve dramatically after the world wide supply chain recovers from the 2 year pandemic lockdown and catches up with demand. If you have the cash, dollar cost averaging into the market over the next 12 months would be a prudent plan.
  4. Depends of what you consider a “fair amount of money” Mine lawyer in the USA cost $150. Had it notarized and witnessed at the US Embassy and held by my next of kin. A Thai lawyer shouldn’t be charging more than that.
  5. Run the filter and pool vacuum, flush the filter and brush the surface a few times. If that doesn't work, drain it and give the pool surfaces a chlorine bath by filling a plastic sprinkling can with chlorine and pour it down the sides and brush it. Probably have some stubborn algae too, so ask your supplier about algaecide treatment.
  6. Makes me wonder if the plumbing in the ceilings considered common area responsibility? I’d be more worried about the neighbors above plumbing that is in your ceiling. If you mess around with your pipes and they leak into the apartment below, you have real problems. Replacing their ceiling, wood floors, furniture and perhaps footing the bill for their hotel while you get the place back in order. Guess it all depends if your flow at your sink and shower is adequate. If it works, don’t fix it.
  7. I’m guessing the taxi driver will keep his big mouth shut next time.
  8. Yep, probably the fastest road in the area and lots of opportunity go wide open throttle here. Once saw a guy doing a wheelie while standing on his seat.
  9. I was with a friend that was visiting for the first time a condo unit that he bought off plan. Building recently completed and many owners were there inspecting their new apartments. In the lift, a Thai guy said to him "Don't lower your price. Never lower the price."
  10. Renewables are now significantly undercutting fossil fuels as the world's cheapest source of energy. Primarily due to dropping costs, wind and solar energy have grown dramatically in recent years, despite the persistent misinformation campaign by the fossil fuel industry and pushback by USA Republican lawmakers that are dependent on campaigns funded by the environmentally harmful coal and oil industries. The United States electricity sector reached an important milestone in April, when wind and solar energy accounted for 20% of electricity generation for the first time in history. The 20% figure is noteworthy because the International Energy Agency calculates that to avert catastrophic climate change, wind and solar energy need to reach one-fifth of global energy production by 2025. In 2021, wind and solar were the fastest-growing sources of energy worldwide for the 17th year in a row. Globally, wind and solar doubled their share of electricity production from 2015 and 2021. In less than a decade the cost of large-scale solar power has fallen by more than 85% while onshore wind has fallen almost 56%. and offshore wind. California ran almost entirely on solar and wind energy 99.8% briefly last month as the environment & renewable energy is a priority for the progressive state. https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-wind-and-solar-energy-hit-a-key-benchmark-last-month-report-181750400.html
  11. US dollar = 34.66Bt. Well, that wipes out the inflation worries for US expats that bring in dollars for expenses.
  12. Must be 20,000 open units in the Pattaya Jomtien area, no? Do the developers investing billions know something we don't know? I did notice lots of road improvement just south of Jomtien ...Highway 7 exit, major Sukhumvit expansion and didn't I hear something about a skytrain or rail line is headed this way? I do know Icon Siam Mall is planned near Ocean Marina and heard rumors a long time ago the Disney has eyes on land there.
  13. From the article...."CBRE the international real estate agents stated in their 2022 Thailand Real Estate Market Outlook that low-rise properties will be popular." Why would they lie?
  14. FBI & DHS crime report says right wing terrorism quadrupled during the Trump administration. A majority of it linked to white supremacists. Certainly, even you don't want that crowd reading Trumps deranged Tweets?
  15. OK ...But what about the 'undereducated,' conspiracy nuts, trailer trash, religious crackpots, bigots, homophobes, white supremacists, simpletons & meatheads (Trumps base) that dress in tactical gear, carry pitchforks/baseball bats and believe what Trump says,... then what?
  16. 35bt -50bt per meter a month is a typical common fee-no? Pays for management, legal, insurance, guards, cleaners, landscaping, lift service contract, electric, pool service, every ten years a new roof, paint job, then periodic change of the lift cables and controller and eventually brand new lifts, parking lot pavement, common area renovations,
  17. Can you articulate the Biden policy that supposedly increased crime in his first year in office? edit=I just checked 8 of the 10 murder states in 2021 voted for Trump...
  18. Inflation is caused by several things. 1. Trumps $7.8 trillion debt. (Biden cut the deficit by $350 billion so far) 2. Trumps really stupid tariffs that raised the cost of imports. 3. The worldwide pandemic lockdown of the supply chain for 2 years. You have heard of supply and demand, no? 4. Putins war. (gas prices)
  19. Can always spot the Fox viewer in the comments.
  20. "Nonsense" ....like health care, education, higher minimum wages, taxes on the wealthy, equal rights, women rights, strong military, immigration reform, sensible gun laws and environmental protection. Of course if one is a right wing media consumer they believe the left are anti American, communist, socialist, baby killers that want to send off the old white guys to their death panel, tax middle class, take away their guns, let murdering drug dealing killer rapists waltz across an open border, let black people move to the suburbs and worst of all...they want to turn your little boy into a girl scout!!
  21. Did a test transfer to WISE last October $200 to Krungsri Bank. Completed in a few minutes. Next transfer in January to Krungsri Bank $25,000 and they insisted on verifying my address and ID. Needed to see passport, and selfie photo along with an envelope addressed to my residence such as bank statement or utility bill. Took about 5 days. Soon after I read they are restricting transfer to 50,000BT unless I use Bangkok Bank or another bank I don't recall that name. Might have been SCB? Last month transferred $20,000 to Bangkok Bank and it took around 4 days. Noted in the bankbook FTT. Seems they are going thru some changes in their procedures or Thai regulators are making them jump thru some hoops.
  22. Twitter vindicated in their censoring right wing propaganda and banning those that spread harmful disinformation. https://www.yahoo.com/news/oan-finally-admits-no-widespread-022816382.html “The right-wing cable network One America News Network on Monday acknowledging that there was “no widespread voter fraud” in the 2020 presidential election noting that an investigation by state officials into unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud made by ex-President Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani. Rudy Giuliani and Sean Hannity who falsely claimed “blatant, clear, obvious” fraud while speaking to Georgia State House Republicans during a Zoom meeting. Giuliani at one point can be heard saying, “We should try to get this on Newsmax and OANN.”
  23. According to an exhaustive media analysis by Harvard and MIT computer scientists using artificial intelligence to analyze millions of news articles, the blissfully misinformed right wing media viewers dwell in an alternative reality of fake news and conspiracy theories. They are intentionally locked into a right wing propaganda feedback loop. The goal is to corral the undereducated, racists, homophobic bigots, religious and conspiracy theorists types into their “Big Tent”, deliberately agitate and infuriate them and convince them to support tax breaks for the wealthy and corporate deregulation to enhance profits. https://cyber.harvard.edu/story/2018-11/how-propaganda-feedback-loop-right-wing-media-keeps-more-qu Right wing media consumers believe fake news is real and real news is fake & are bewildered when Twitter fact checks the lies and propaganda.
  24. People that still doubt the 2020 election need their heads examined. Those insincere actors that spread lies on Twitter need to be banned. Didn’t you see what happened on January 6 when the numbskull demographic that believe in nonsense, dressed in tactical gear, carrying pitchforks and baseball bats stormed the Capital and tried to lynch the VP. There are obviously just too many stupid people out there to let BS like that be spread. Twitter made the right call to ban them. Nobody doubts the election results except some gullible fools and violent meatheads. Twitter doesn’t want to be part of the charade. .
  25. I know for a fact the police and press will accept gratuities to suppress negative stories that may effect prestigious entities. This story somehow got out.
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