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Everything posted by LarrySR

  1. The good news is, the conservatives are making abortion illegal so obviously they will simultaneously pass legislation to help the poor and all those kids, right? Or maybe they will cut services and give huge tax breaks and more loopholes to the rich…..as they always do.
  2. Federal judge dismisses former presidents lawsuit against Twitter. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/federal-judge-dismisses-trump-lawsuit-twitter-120654477.html Twitter cited his tweets that were "highly likely to encourage and inspire people to replicate the criminal acts that took place at the US Capitol" on January 6th last year. The former president that said, "I won't be going back to Twitter even if Elon Musk reverses his suspension" was suing Twitter to get his account back.
  3. I watch the Malcom Merlyn YouTube channel. He is on a mission to harass and destroy scamming call centers. Sometimes he can gain control of their network and download a virus. Other times he launches his call flooder that phones them from randomized numbers hundred of times per minute until they shut down their phone system. Lots of other nasty tricks he pulls off too.
  4. The day after the killings a Police Inspector from Samui held a press conference, said the 2 suspects were close relations to the top man on the island and there was video from a mini mart nearby that was confirming them near the scene, one suspect boarded a speedboat and went to Bangkok. Then the story changed. Pinned it on 2 Burmese kids from a nearby labor camp.
  5. Always practice caution when some bloke in a dress and lipstick tries to give you a hug and kiss on Pattaya streets after midnight.
  6. Alternative facts really don't count as the "other side."
  7. Funny, your new account was opened around the same time BM ebice left the forum.
  8. Kirsch and his "team members" were permanently suspended from Twitter because he repeatedly violated “COVID-19 Misleading Information Policy.” It appears they are also are banned on Linkedin, Facebook, Medium and Youtube. I have a feeling you won't be around here much longer if you keep passing along his Covid misinformation.
  9. I won't bother explaining as I have a feeling you won't be around much longer, Mr. 12 posts...trafficking in Covid misinformation.
  10. QUOTE from a tourist that visited the Tiger Temple... "I was nervous about going into the Temple, however I was reassured by the staff that as the tigers had been hand reared, they were so used to humans they were completely tame." But no worries, the Tiger Temple paid the medical bills after she was mauled.
  11. I thought the tourist attraction was shut down after authorities discovered the place was just posing as a tourist attraction to disguise the fact they were in the illegal but lucrative biz of selling tiger parts to a Chinese medicine man.
  12. A "non woke" source? That doesn't compute. Who wants a "non woke" unawake source? About a week ago, the "non woke," ya know, sadly misinformed, diehard, right wing media consumers here were asked to back up their absurd assertions that Twitter is only allowing liberal posts that violate Twitter Terms Of Service. Since they claim Twitter is not deleting said posts that violate the TOS, it should be a piece of cake to prove your assertions unless of course you're just parroting the nonsense you find on the "unwoke" right wing propaganda media. Over to you. Let's see a few of those posts.
  13. Well it appears the talk of social media targeting right wing posts for deletion is in fact more disinformation by right wing conspiracy media intent on agitating the viewers….then being parroted here by the gullible consumers of the right wing media.
  14. "EMPLOY A SERVICE MIND" = We all know how much fun it is to jerk around a farang but try not to make it so obvious. "NO PLAYING ON PHONES" = Go into the back room to play Facebook. "NO BRIBES" = Don't let others see you soliciting bribes but I need to see a 50% increase immediately. "PROJECT A GOOD IMAGE" = I know it's difficult but smile & be nice, no matter how much it hurts. "PROVIDE A SWIFT SERVICE" = Make a few extra baht directing them to an agent.
  15. It’s been well established that Twitter is very busy banning right wing propaganda/ misinformation and members that violates terms of service. Still waiting for examples of Twitter allowing liberal opinions that violate terms of service. Crickets.
  16. Attractions that are funded or supported by taxpayers should be free or discounted to the taxpayers visiting the site. Commercial enterprises that charge foreigners more are a scam. Ocean World at the Siam Paragon is an example of a scam operator where they even disguised the Thai price using Thai script. I once took two Thai guests to Ocean World and they tried to charge me the foreign price for my Thai guests.
  17. The Bible is a collection of Iron Age campfire stories told by goat farmers.
  18. Co-owners often don’t want to get involved and the scamming types can easily get control of the building, fixing the Juristic Manager that should be overseeing the operations, arranging crooked votes at the AGM, awarding management contracts / overpriced services & maintenance contracts to ‘buddies’, perform illegal renovations or steer improvement budgets to their personal benefit, playing games with the books and drain the accounts. At my condo the JM started a painting business when it was time to paint the building with a multi million bt contract, some board members suddenly were contractors overseeing common area improvements and the projects bidding didn’t conform to regulations. The ‘building attorney’ working for the manager turned out to be a scamming property appraiser with no law license. (But he is was paid like bonafide lawyer.) We became aware of the fiasco…we discovered the sinking fund bank balance was zero and we were broke. The auditor we hired couldn’t begin to decipher the books.
  19. On the Pattaya ride a few years ago, the organizers worked closely with the police and arranged police at all the intersections to keep the convoy of bikes in a group during the journey. Lots of bikes with loud pipes attended. Sounded great. I spoke with a police Captain in NaJomtien and he said they ignore the modified pipes during the charity ride.
  20. I've noticed on many construction sites the sound of a jackhammer tearing out yesterdays work, then redo it a few more times, then finally settle for 80% right. These same people are building skyscrapers. Imagine that.
  21. Denying man made climate change too I bet. Firmly in the deplorable camp I'll guess.
  22. Yes Tesla lost- 12% after gaining over +2,000% since 2019.
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