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Everything posted by LarrySR

  1. Currently there are 1.3 million road deaths per year. Will computer operated vehicles bring that number down? Of course.
  2. It's painfully obvious you don't know what you're talking about.
  3. Every year, cars & airplanes are getting safer and safer because…..wait for it…….computers.
  4. A Luddite is someone who is incompetent when using new technology.
  5. 1.3 million people die every year in car accidents. Computer driving cars will save a big percentage. You could say that people opposing technology that saves lives should be in jail for life.
  6. When the statistics prove robotic cars are safer, the technology will be mandated by governments. I’m guessing with 20 years to complete the transition from human control to computer.
  7. Can't wait to see the lame excuses Trump & Fox dream up next.
  8. Out of touch with reality. That’s the problem with Fox viewers.
  9. Seriously. How stupid does one have to be at this point to vote for Trump again?
  10. Can always spot the Fox viewer in the comments.
  11. I’m very disappointed that Faucci didn’t call out Trump in public for being an incompetent fool. The White House Covid task force leader now says 30%-40% of the Covid deaths can be attributed to the Presidents incomprehensible incompetence, concentrating on keeping his hotels open, dealing in crackpot conspiracy theories, giving out bad information on a daily basis. Trump even admitted he did the opposite of what the experts advised him.
  12. Republicans have invested $billions on a national media network, Fox, Breitbart, OAN, Newsmax, NY Post, Washington Examiner etc. to dumb down the electorate with a 24/7 drip feed of misinformation, propaganda, conspiracy theories. Why would they vote for providing education when it’s against their best interests?
  13. Politics in the USA is a battle between the undereducated and the educated.
  14. Those 2 shops you mentioned. They are tour bus shops. No?
  15. I’ve suspected Trump has a blackmail file on Lindsey. Probably something to do with his “in the closet” status.
  16. Educated electorate is the enemy of the average Republican running for office. The dummies are easier to manipulate.
  17. Find a condo that has a bulletin board on display with the owners advertising their units. While there, look for other owners/renters in the lobby/common/pool area and ask them about the property. The condo manager will know about rentals but often only show you the crummy units where the owner is offering a commission.
  18. Will he end up on the Privy Council like other past coup leaders?
  19. At this point, how is it possible we still find people supporting Trump and still linking to a 'Fox' news article? The mind boggles.
  20. Recall seeing a business called Mr Bagfix with several shops in Bangkok and perhaps they have another in the Pattaya vicinity.
  21. Oil prices falling 63 days in a row. inflation numbers vastly improved. Unemployment 50 year low. Jobs double the estimates. Deficit cut $359 billion. Stocks +15% since June. Look for new highs in the SP500 by December.
  22. You do know the Republicans own around 80% of the debt.
  23. ‘QANON Weirdo’ is considered a “proper Republican” by some.
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