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Everything posted by LarrySR

  1. Its a pity the city council doesn't have an eye for the future and are inviting more cars into town. They should be encouraging mass transit options and limiting parking in town would be a good start.....but noooo....they do the opposite. Just a few years ago, the dimwits decided to rip out the beach habitat and added a new lane! Idiots. Their "improvements" look like hell. It's a beach town! More beach... less pavement. If I was in charge the entire beach road would be gone and filled with trees, cafes, bike paths, parks and a quaint meandering lane with electric shuttles that would scurry the masses to car parks out near Sukhumvit Rd. Deliveries would be permitted after midnight via 2nd Rd. "Road pricing" like they have in Singapore and London with tolls for cars entering the city would also discourage the traffic and generate income for the mass transit.
  2. I would argue the doors & windows are common property and have the juristic manager consult an attorney if they push back.
  3. Lots of opportunity for misdeeds in the construction of a concrete structure and with the financial incentives to cut corners, including the morality, ethics, greed and incompetence of the owners, designers, contractors, inspectors, laborers and management... ......what could possible go wrong? A long lasting structure needs first class engineering / design. Then contractors need to use the specified size rebars, the correct amount and precise placement of said rebars, the precise recipe of the concrete mix, proper installation, (not watering down the mix in a hot climate to make it easier to pump and pour), curing the concrete, weatherproofing / sealing, drainage, inspections and professional maintenance / competent management.
  4. Stigma might be the wrong descriptor. Now that the thread hs progressed, I'm thinking douchbag is a better adjetive.
  5. The new Subaru BRZ is more unique than a Benz in Thailand (and more fun to drive) and wont have the snobbish stigma of AMG owners that like to post here..
  6. If you got money to burn, I'd go for it. Beautiful car. Depreciation begins the second you drive it off the lot of course. 20%-30% then around -30,000BT per month.
  7. Looking forward to the following topic: I paid for the land in her name. I paid for the house. I own the house, right?... but now......we are getting divorced. Can I dismantle the house & take it with me? Her brother threatened to have me killed. Does anyone here know a good lawyer?
  8. Suppose we hit the body with a tremendous ultraviolet or just very powerful light, bringing the light inside the body, which you can either do either through the skin or some other way, sounds interesting. And I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that. It sounds interesting to me, so we'll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it goes in one minute, that's pretty powerful.
  9. Apparently you already paid for the pile hammer but they aren't using that now. Not good way to begin a project. Tell them to stuff it and rent a place.
  10. Try journalism for a change. In fact, visit any of the 200 schools of journalism in North America and tell them you watch Fox News ....and they will laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.
  11. Every country has border "problems" but it suddenly becomes a "crisis" on Fox when a Democrat is in office,.... an invasion, caravans of diseased, murdering, drug dealing, rapists with a few muslim terrorists blending in. Fox is on a mission to trigger their viewers, with a daily dose of hate fear and manufactured outrage.
  12. A retiree needs to prove 65,000BT. monthly income to renew the VISA.
  13. It used to be so much easier being a cop until all these cameras started recording everything. In the good old days, one could just kill someone, stuff a bag of pills in their pocket, call them a dead drug dealer and nobody cared.
  14. Pattaya City needs to buy a Drag Line Crane and permanently position it on the beach to steadily recover the sand that gets washed out after every storm. I'd suggest making it a tourist attraction offering punters to operate an hour at a time for say, 1,000Bt. Looks like fun.
  15. Imagine if battery powered cars were the norm the last 100 years and someone now is trying to convince you to go internal combustion. Remove the battery and electric motor and just add a cast iron block with a crankshaft, pistons, valves, cams, oil pump, fuel injection, exhaust system, air filter, pollution control devices, radiator, thermostat, fan, water pump, $5,000 transmission that goes out at 150,000 miles, drive shaft, differential, ..and every couple hundred miles you have to go to a fuel station and pump 25 gallons of gasoline into a tank under your back seat! Not to mention the pollution from 100 million barrels of oil burned up every day.
  16. One of my birds is getting her 2nd dose tomorrow, hoping her bar opens on October 1.
  17. The shopping center should have designated PCX parking. Maybe call it, GirlyMan parking area.
  18. 3 weeks ago, I was in Central for my scheduled BPH Astra shot and there also was a huge queue of walk-ins that day. Perhaps they unexpectly found themselves with some extra doses and are offering them up. Good.
  19. Plenty of well marked parking for BIG BIKES in the Central Festival garage. For some odd reason the road warriors on PCXs park there too. LOL
  20. Last year, 2 million electric car sales. This year around 3.8 million. In 2025 estimated 40 million. Half of the Mercedes fleet will be battery in 2025, Jaguar 100%. Volvo will be 100% battery soon and by 2035 you probably won't see any ICE vehicles for sale (except large trucks that will be phased out by 2045) By 2030 many jurisdictions will outlaw and combustion engine cars. Investing in the electric car market is a no brainer. How many of the below listed stocks will surge 1,000% or more? NIO LI XPEV CHPT BYDDY
  21. Its quite obvious the gullible target demographic for a con man would fall into several categories. The anti science religious types, the undereducated, conspiracy crackpots, angry xenophobes and the deplorable. Hey, wait a second, I think I just described the Fox News audience...
  22. WOW Those electric cars catching fire on occasion are scary! Whats even more scary? The 175,000 gasoline car fires per year in the USA that kill hundreds. Publicists for the fossil fuel industry and politicians that are financed by them make sure any negative stories about renewable energy and electric cars go viral. They try to convince the public climate change is a hoax and that carrying 25 gallons of gas under your back seat is just fine..nothing to worry about.
  23. Any business owner with at least 2 functioning brain cells would be installing them in their parking lot and listing them on Google Maps so the cars navigation system will show available charging stations within range.
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