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Smokey and the Bandit

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  1. The price of eggs, which keeps coming up, is important, but not urgent, big difference. What is urgent is national security and Trump deporting criminal illegals was top of his list and already started. He is doing what he said he would do.
  2. Excellent news, Trump has only been in office just over 4 days and he has done more work than Biden did in 4 years!😃
  3. You don't expect others to do your homework!
  4. You have a link which proves that??
  5. Huffpost, well there's a non biased editorial for you??? Right up there with Salon, the new republic and maybe CNN??
  6. Agree 100%, but for some it seems they still are whining incessantly, over the Trump's epic win!😊
  7. Let's see now, on day one in office, Trump was signing executive orders in the Oval office, talking to his staffers and asking questions, at the same time he was answering questions from the press in the Oval office and joking with some of them. No auto cue, no written speech, all in real time. And you say dementia?? You need to look in the mirror!
  8. Absolutely, it seems <removed> is real and also has side effects! Its very sad!
  9. But to pardon someone, doesn't it mean they have done 'something' to be pardoned for?
  10. Phuket, yet again? Does this place attract these kind of people or is it coincidence!?
  11. All 7 swing states, both houses, 312 EC votes, landslide!!!😂

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