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Posts posted by bangkokrick

  1. confussion ..for sure is my middle name.

    been looking at this site for a while now but still my head spinns aroand trying to figer out what to do. .......SO PLEASE FOLKS HELP ME WITH THIS ONE.

    I want to go back to thailand..I used to live there for 8 years..been in london since the last 2 years...beacause of family mamber has been very ill...

    any way off we go back to my secon home ....thailand..

    WHAT VISA DO I TRY TO GET???( I want to stay a minimum off 6 months)is this possible??

    CAN I GET A NON IMIGRANT VISA? in that case witch one??

    LOOKING AT BUYING A HOUSE IN THAILAND... what do you think aboat that??GOOD IDEA OR BAD??I know you can own a house but not the land the house is on is this corecct??please help me with any tips ..(would be great to get some help)

    THOUGHT OFF HEADING OFF TO CHUMPON to chill for a while..then hua hin ..want to look at north pattaya....

    please tell me guys/girls what you think need as mutch help as possible ...is it a good idea??or not??will i be wasting my money on buying a house??do i do it by setting up a company??

    thank you for reading this and thank you so so mutch is you can help ..

    take care you all


    Check out the Thai visa Residency and work permits section and i am sure that you will find the answers there.

    Cheer, Rick

  2. Another big birthday approaching and still not dead, so it's time to stop tempting fate and give up the wicked weed ( again )

    Is the stop smoking injection (anti craving drug ) a reality and does anyone know if it is available in Thailand ? And under which brand name.

    Going to go with a 2 pronged attack and try to combine the anti craving drug ( if it exists ) with hypno therapy.

    Has this combo worked for any one else and could anyone recomend a good Therapist on or around Samui / surrat area.


    This is a prescription drug and in the UK it's called ZIBAN. My friend used this with great success and i believe its an oral drug not injectable.


  3. They were on a cost saving requirement not to open before 0930 for a long time but believe that has been changed. But don't believe any open before 0900.

    Thanks for the info Lop.

    I have just been on the British embassy web site and it looks like things have changed from last year so i should be ok with the new hours. See below.

    The Visa Section has entered into a partnership with VFS (Thailand) for the receipt and return of visa applications. All visa applications should now be made at:

    The UK Visa Application Centre

    2nd Floor, Regent House

    183 Rajdamri Road

    Lumpini, Pathumwan

    Bangkok 10330

    Website: www.ukvac-th.com

    Email: [email protected]

    Telephone 022541098/99

    The office is situated within 5 minutes walk of BTS Rajdamri (map below).

    Opening Hours:

    Submission of applications 0830 hrs - 1500 hrs.

    Collection of passports 1500 hrs - 1630 hrs.

    Cheers Rick.

  4. people have pointed out to you that a fear of ghosts may be the reason she is afraid to stay alone, and it may be the manifestation of her discomfort, but the real issue is the thai sense of community and the lack of it in your house.

    chances are she has never been alone for any significant amount of time .from her youth with the extended family, to friends at school, to colleagues at work, thais surround themselves with people. they cannot fully grasp the "western" desire for privacy and solitude.

    this is also why thai women who live abroad often get very lonely.

    I totally agree with you. My wife and i used to live in a large condo and when i worked away her sister used to stay with her and if the sister was unavailable it was her niece. It appears that they always need someone from the near family around.

    We since moved to a smaller condo and problem solved. Her sister still stays though?

  5. I like many others was sweating like a pig and worried sick about staying in Thailand under the new visa rules. I returned from a business trip in China on the 25th september to find that the rules had changed, so i only had a few days to sort something out.

    I contacted Sunbelt and did the necessary to apply a non immigrant B visa in the UK (Thankyou Sunbelt). I then returned home went to the nearest consulate who issued the visa on the same day.

    Upon my return to Thailand i approached the immigration desk with trepidation expecting a grilling because i already had 10 entries in my paasport from earlier visits.

    There was no grilling no counting of stamps/days and it took me 5 minutes to get through. I had to point out the page to the with my shiny new B visa to the immigration officer, who smiled and stamped me in.

    I stood on the right side of immigration wondering what the hel_l was this all about.

    PS I am a 49 year old Uk citizen who has styed in Thailand with my girlfriend for the past 7 years.

    It looks like there is hope for us all if we have the correct paperwork.

    Cheers, Rick.

  6. What the previous contributor said is correct - off she goes with marrige certificate to get new ID card and while you are about it (as soon as she has got the ID card) - get her to get a new Thai passport: English/Western/European names on Thai passports adds a lot of credibility to USA and EU visa applications at the embassy.

    Also - give some thought to how it is going to be spelt in Thai - the folk down at the Passport and ID card offices are not very good at writing English names in Thai.

    I know a few cases that have resulted in some really odd sounding Thai names when translating from English to Thai. Yes - they will ask her how she wants it spelt on the passport and ID card.

    Good luck - I wish you both all the best for the future.


    Thanks to both of you for your advice and comments. I will do as you suggested ASAP. I am so glad that i joined this Forum as the advice given is 1st class.

    Cheers, Rick

  7. Hi I have been checking the threads for hours now and i cant get a satisfactory answer to my question, so please can someone help me.

    I have just got married to my long term Thai girlfriend and she would like to take my family name. Does anyone know the way to go about this and also what are the implications regarding a future visa for her visiting the UK (My home country).

    We are planning to stay here long term and i understand from some of the threads that i will be able to get a non immigrant o visa due to being married to a Thai depending of course on my having the necessary requirements. I am currently staying here on a 30 day visa.

    Cheers, Rick

  8. Hi Guys thanks for the advice. In your experience what is the easiest visa to apply for so that i can stay around 6 months at a time. I will apply for the visa in the UK which is my home country.

    Rick, try this:-

    Next time you're home apply for a multi-entry non-o at either Hull or Brum (NOT the Embassy in London) on the grounds of 'Investigating retirement options in Thailand'.

    This will net you 90 days stay at each entry and with correct timing can get you up to 15 months of validity. Should get you past the post to get a retirement extension assuming you can put the required 800k in your Thai bank.

    Thanks Crossy.

    I will try this when i go to the UK in October and as far as the retirement visa goes the days cant pass quick enough.

    Cheers Rick

  9. bangkokrick: If you are 49, at least you have less than a year to continue the visa/visa-waiver tap dance. :-)

    Apparently, you will need to alternate 30-day-stamps-on-arrival (if your country's on the eligible list) with genuine Tourist Visas acquired at a Thai embassy/consulate outside of Thailand.

    After you hit the magic 5-0, you can get a retirement visa. See: www.wpcoe.com/visa for details.

    BTW, if my name sounds familiar, it should. <g>

    Feel free to send me private e-mail.

    Hi Thanks for the info. Do i know you?

  10. Jd is almost right - except it is rolling 6 months. I.e. max stay 90 days in any 180 day period. (yeah, time to flip out your calender and calculator). Cheers!

    Hi Guys thanks for the advice. In your experience what is the easiest visa to apply for so that i can stay around 6 months at a time. I will apply for the visa in the UK which is my home country.

    Cheers Rick

  11. HUH? you have been WORKING in Thailand for 6 years? and you have NOT had a visa during this time? (30 day visa exemption IS NOT A VISA)

    You apparently will be able to enter for as many times as you want but I would NOT count on an airline boarding you 90 days after Oct1 for arrival in BKK if you do not have a VISA

    Hi I have not been working in Thailand just living here and my work is around SE Asia. I have always entered on a tourist 30 day visa on arrival. Will this change?

  12. I am 49 years old and have been living in Thailand for around 6 years on a tourist visa. I have been lucky because my work takes me outside Thailand at least once a month so i have not had to do any visa runs. I always leave and enter the country by air and stay for anything from 5 days to 30 days max. Please can anyone tell me if there will be a restriction on the amount of times that i can enter on a tourist visa for the future. Things seem to be a bit ambiguous for air travellers. Can i enter as many times as i like until the 90 days are up?

    Thanks Rick

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