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Posts posted by besth

  1. I also like the area, but the flood situation is unbelievable. The busiest part of the new second road and even in not the most torrential rain, floods in a way that you can't call it a swimming pool because nobody would swim in that filth, but it is appalling that it has been done so poorly from the start. I know someone will say TIT, but it should not be.

  2. I quite like that area. The bars are not "creepy". Can go there with a farang female friend and not get complaints. Can go there alone and get company, or more "up to you" as they say. The market is quite nice. Restaurants and shops around. I just discovered the area a few days ago, so maybe I am a bit in a "wow" mode, but the first impressions count and in this area for me it has been good.

  3. they are not girlfriends, they are staff & are being paid accordingly. The rate, like most in house staff is variable depending on the generosity & or desperation of the employer & the expectation & or desperation of the employee. :rolleyes:

    Very politely said :rolleyes:

  4. and you thought the right lane was to be avoided right when you got closer to Foodland. Throw TukCom in the mix and you've got yourself a stew goin'...

    This has been my thought exactly since I saw the new TukCom being built (not just for the right lane wherever "right" is, the whole area is going to become a big traffic problem).

    Having another TukCom in the city is positive. Having it next to Foodland, from a selfish point of view, will not be good. A lot of time wasted in traffic coming soon to that area.

    Maybe Foodland would consider opening a new supermarket in the Jomtien area? (wishful thinking).

    I don't think the new power buy store will affect the area that much. Like Numchai store, it is not a place to "hang out", whilst TukCom is.

  5. Since you recognize you are not able to control how much you drink once you start, the solution is obvious...don't take that first drink. If you can make that change on your own, fine. If you need help to do that (and many/probably most people do) , then get it. Plenty of info in this forum on options for that.

    OP, I think it is obvious that you realize that you have a drinking problem. Only you can deal with it. Not being able to control your intake once you start is a clear sign. It happens/happened to me too. Not drinking at all is not a problem (which I think is a blessing because I know quite a few other people who have a hard time with that). Having "only" one or two drinks is impossible for me. In my case, I consider myself an alcoholic and don't drink. You have to decide for yourself if your situation is the same and if you are ready to do something about it. It seems very clear that you will have to do something at some point. The sooner the better, just be honest with yourself and do not beat yourself up with guilt, **it happens, what matters is what you do to solve the situation. As Sheryl said, you can find a lot of help if you need it.

  6. Surface mail means by boat ?

    Surface mail includes boat transport. It is one of the best options if time is not a problem.

    Depending on the size (not weight) of the boxes, using a cargo agent might be similar in price or even cheaper and definitely faster.

  7. Least pain option 3 send it back, then get it sent by regular insured post, use the Canadian equivalent of EMS, chances are it will get through no problem.

    FedEx and the other couriers are always a recipe for charges as they play by the book and are invariably in cahoots with the customs department. Avoid at all costs.

    DHL same.

    DHL is good to use? or will they get caught up in customs also?

    No. DHL will have the same problem.

    Best thing to do is send it back and wait for someone to bring it over in person.

  8. Your body will get back to a normal sleep pattern, as other posts have already mentioned. Exercise is obviously good, but try not to do it too close to bed time. The adrenaline released during exercise will help to keep you awake for a while, even if you are tired.

    Good luck and keep going... one day at a time! :thumbsup:

  9. I've never smoked but I'm in the same boat re making changes but not seeing wieght loss.

    Its a simple equation, take in less calories than you burn. If you need to burn more, do so. If you can take in less do so. It really is that simple. just don't confuse simple for easy.

    I understand your argument and agree with it but I don't understand this (numbers used for illustration):

    Eat 1000 weigh 100 = stable weight (when smoking, stable weight for years)

    Eat 1200 weight 120 = increasing and then stable weight (i.e. weight increasing and then stable after quitting smoking)

    Eat 1000 weight 120 = stable weight (this should not be happening, weight should fall back to 100 as only eating 1000 - why not ?)

    If the 120 body needs 1200 input then giving it only 1000 input should make it fall back from 120 to 100 but it isn't happening and I want to know why ?

    Mercury, I'm afraid that it doesn't work that way.

    The key point is (using your numbers), "Eat 1000 = stable weight" (at the time you quit smoking, "100")

    When you ate more ("1200"), your weight increased (to "120", but it would have kept going up if you had gone on eating "1200").

    Then you reduced your intake back to "1000", so your weight became "stable weight" again, but this time you were at a "120" weight.

    To get your weight back to "100" you would need to eat "less than 1000" for a period of time, until you reach your target weight again. Then you can go back to the "Eat 1000" and maintain it.

  10. You have to look after his plants, you have to look after his plants, you have to look after his plants .....

    we have this really quite excellent liquid fertiliser in Australia called "Round-up", try HomePro

    Remember that vengeance is a dish better served cold. He will link any "accidents" that may happen now to you. A few weeks/months from now, if you still feel so inclined, look after his plants :)

    Maybe the police could intimidate him in to paying the damages. Make a report in case it happens again

    Yes, report the facts to the police for now. Maybe they won't get him to pay damages to you, but perhaps they will find a way to annoy him (that will also cost him money).

  11. They stopped me too and seemed to be stopping only - and all - foreigners (maybe 6 or 7 at the time they stopped me, no Thais) on motorcycles.

    My documents were ok, no fine, no harassment and I was sent on my way without much delay.

    I guess it is an easy target for the boys in brown for a little extra earner, as many tourists who rent motorcycles won't have the right driving license

  12. My first Songkran in Bangkok - so I took the bike out for a spin. Along Petchaburi, up and down the Soi's from Ekamai to Chidlom and back along Sukhumvit with a zig zag via Wireless and Asok.

    Huge fun! Groups of kids and teenagers armed with water guns, buckets, hoses and anything that will fling water. Loud music playing in the street, very light traffic, and best of all, not one traffic cop!

    Couple of full-on bucket loads made the bike slip sideways, and one saucepan full of iced water down the back of neck were heart stopping moments. I can see why there's so many traffic accidents, and the professional bikers/motorsai taxis were wisely staying away from the inside lane .... but it put a smile on my face that will last all week. Several pick-ups with serious water 'fire-power' were having street battles with the sidewalk water barrage brigade .... until they spotted a ferrang on a bike and turned their weaponry my way!

    Also - didn't see a single red shirt. Must be more localised than the dramatic news reports suggest?

    Central Chidlom was closed, but Emporium was open.

    Great city, amazing people .... if only we could keep politics out of people's lives.

    I'm glad to read this :o

    Songkran on a bike in Bangkok IS great fun. Farang obviously a very attractive target, but the best of your message is that it seems clear that despite what the international TVs say, trouble is not as widespread as to affect people other than in certain areas.

  13. I paid a bit more than that in Bumrungrad last month. I'm not sure if it covers different things. I have never been able to trust Bangkok Pattaya Hospital but it is not from direct experience. Very good luck in your recovery

  14. Foreign arrivals drop sharply due to political turmoil

    -- TNA 2008-09-11

    What else did you (they) expect???

    The international image of Thailand is being damaged by this situation in ways that will take a long time for it to recover.

    Is it/will it be safe for tourists in the (suppossedly) coming high season?

    Most likely yes, but under today's global economic situation, the World offers far too many alternatives in price and service to be worth risking it for a lot of people. The tourists are also suffering their own countries' situations. They want to book now their New Year holiday without having to worry about riots, airports open or closed or dangerous cooking programs on tv.

  15. Being in the group of the "it does not make any difference to me" (got plenty stocked), I still do not understand the reason for the ban, nor that it seems to have made so many people upset, some even to the point of deciding to post here for the first time.

    I do understand the comments of those directly affected, bar/restaurant owners, that it will hurt them, but if the survival of their business really depends all that much on these two high season weekends, it probably means that they are hanging there by the skin of their teeth and it may be a blessing that they fall sooner than later and are able/forced to start again somewhere else (not necessarily another country).

  16. Sukhotai becomes expensive with the drinks, but they have the best food quality and variety I have tried. As JacknDanny says, they used to have free flow champagne, but unfortunately they stopped it. Now they have a short list of some decent wines on an acceptable price-per-bottle.

    Four Seasons, free flow of wine, but way below that league, in my opinion, in food offer and quality.

    JW Marriot, in my opinion, also excellent value for money.

  17. I pay for the Platinum pack.

    It is not great and, in my opinion, it is worse now with True than it was before, but it is the best around, maybe because there is no alternative option.

    Once when moving I cancelled the existing contract and got the 4.000 Baht deposit back about 2 months later.

  18. Here is the place to share your personal joy about what Villa market brings us ... for a price.

    Fresh Jalapeno Peppers


    I thought I was through with these beauties as long as I live in Thailand. Yes, there are Thai peppers and they are great, but sometimes you really need fresh jalapeno peppers, not the bottled ones which were already available around town.

    I use the jalapenos for Mexican food but also for Italian food. It really peps up a pasta sauce. Saute chopped jalapeno peppers along with chopped red bell pepper, sliced onions and fresh garlic, then add your tomato sauce and you will see. I remember in the US many Thai restaurants use jalapenos in some Thai dishes, and although not authentic, it really adds something. Also great in omeletes and I am sure many other uses.

    Thank you Villa Market!

    Still looking for MATZOHS though.

    :o I never expected to see them in this part of the world either and was delighted to discover them on the shelves.

    With things like these and all their perks and novelties, Villa will get a lot of repeat customers. They are great in Bangkok, wonderful to have them in Pattaya too.

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