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Everything posted by thirsty21

  1. Hey there, fellow forum members. I'm here today to share a rather challenging situation I'm currently facing, and I could really use some advice and support. You see, my wife has a boyfriend who doesn't work and seems to have a knack for borrowing money from me. I can't help but feel like he doesn't respect me at all, and it's been causing me a great deal of frustration. Let me delve into the details a bit further. First of all, let me clarify that my wife and I have an unconventional relationship. We've been together for several years, and we've always had an open arrangement. We both agreed that we can see other people, as long as it doesn't affect the core of our marriage. So, it's not that I have an issue with her having a boyfriend per se, but rather with the way he conducts himself. This boyfriend of hers doesn't seem to have any steady employment. I understand that not everyone follows a conventional career path, but it's disheartening to see him relying on my wife for financial support. To make matters worse, he often turns to me for money as well. I've helped him out on numerous occasions, but it feels like he takes advantage of my willingness to lend a hand. What bothers me the most is the lack of respect I perceive from him. I've made it clear that I expect some basic courtesy and acknowledgement, especially when it comes to financial matters. However, he never seems to express any gratitude for the assistance I provide. It's as if he expects me to keep bailing him out without so much as a "thank you." I've discussed my concerns with my wife, and she acknowledges that her boyfriend's behavior is problematic. She has spoken to him about it, but unfortunately, his actions haven't changed. It's frustrating because I feel like my boundaries and expectations are being disregarded, and it's starting to take a toll on our relationship. I'm reaching out to the community today in the hope that some of you might have experienced similar situations or have advice to offer. How can I effectively communicate my concerns to my wife's boyfriend without causing unnecessary conflict? Is there a way to establish boundaries that will be respected by all parties involved? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Please understand that I'm not seeking judgment or criticism; I'm simply looking for constructive advice and support from those who may have dealt with similar challenges in their own relationships. Thank you in advance for your understanding and assistance.
  2. I appreciate your enthusiasm for the cannabis market, but I don't think you're adding much value to the discussion with your vague statement. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to back up your opinions with some facts and logic. Otherwise, you're just wasting everyone's time with your empty words. You can't expect us to do all the thinking for you.
  3. I'm glad to hear that my previous response brought some humor to your day! Laughter is always a great way to lighten the mood and find enjoyment in conversations.
  4. In the context of addressing my concerns about the quality and pricing of marijuana in Thailand, there are several potential stakeholders who could play a role in taking appropriate action: Government and Regulatory Bodies: The Thai government and relevant regulatory bodies can establish or enhance regulations and standards for the marijuana industry. They can implement quality control measures, testing protocols, and labeling requirements to ensure transparency and consumer protection. Marijuana Producers and Distributors: Companies and organizations involved in the production and distribution of marijuana in Thailand have a responsibility to deliver quality products to consumers. They can invest in improving cultivation methods, developing diverse strains, and providing clear information about the products they offer. Consumer Advocacy Groups: Organizations representing consumer interests can raise awareness about the lack of differentiation in marijuana quality and pricing. They can advocate for stricter regulations, product testing, and labeling requirements to protect consumers and ensure a fair marketplace. Cannabis Enthusiast Community: Cannabis enthusiasts can voice their concerns, share their experiences, and provide feedback to both industry players and government authorities. Engaging in discussions and supporting initiatives that promote quality, transparency, and fair pricing can help drive positive change. Ultimately, it requires collective efforts from various stakeholders to address the issues you've raised and bring about meaningful changes in the marijuana industry in Thailand. There are several countries that have implemented regulatory frameworks for the marijuana industry with varying degrees of success. It's important to note that marijuana laws and regulations can differ significantly between countries, and what works well in one country may not necessarily be directly applicable to another. However, I can provide you with a few examples of countries that have made notable strides in regulating the marijuana industry: Canada: Canada legalized recreational marijuana in 2018 and established a comprehensive regulatory framework. The country implemented strict quality control measures, standardized testing protocols, and product labeling requirements. Licensed producers are subject to regular inspections, and consumers have access to a wide range of products with clear potency and ingredient information. Uruguay: Uruguay became the first country to fully legalize marijuana in 2013. The government controls the production, distribution, and sale of cannabis through licensed pharmacies. They have implemented quality control measures and provide consumers with a choice of different strains, including options with varying levels of THC and CBD. United States (select states): While marijuana remains federally illegal in the United States, several states have implemented their own regulatory frameworks. States like Colorado, Washington, and California have established comprehensive systems for marijuana cultivation, testing, and retail. These states have specific regulations regarding product labeling, potency limits, and consumer safety. It's worth noting that even in countries with well-established frameworks, challenges can still exist, and there is always room for improvement. The marijuana industry is continuously evolving, and different countries are experimenting with different approaches. It can be informative to study the experiences of these countries and adapt the best practices that align with the specific needs and context of Thailand.
  5. I am writing this to express my dissatisfaction with the current state of marijuana quality and pricing in Thailand. As a regular customer who appreciates the various nuances and flavors of cannabis, I have recently noticed a disconcerting trend that I believe warrants attention. My concern revolves around the lack of discernible difference between the expensive and cheap marijuana options offered. While I understand that price can often reflect the quality and potency of a product, I have found it disheartening that the more costly options appear to offer no tangible advantages over their more affordable counterparts. When I choose to 'invest' in a higher-priced product, I expect an enhanced experience that justifies the additional cost. I envision a more complex flavor profile, richer aroma, or a unique and memorable high. However, much to my disappointment, I have found that the expensive strains I've purchased lately have not delivered any notable distinctions in terms of taste, smell, or effects. Some of the high end products(500-700b/g): Pink certz California Limes Tropical Cherry Monster Cookies Low end(about 40baht/g): OGKush Gorilla Glue Banana Daddy As an enthusiast who appreciates the diverse qualities and characteristics of marijuana, I find this situation particularly frustrating. I enjoy the exploration of different strains and the anticipation of discovering new experiences through cannabis consumption. However, when the expensive options fail to offer anything substantially different from the cheaper ones, it undermines the excitement and curiosity that initially drew me to your establishment. I implore you to reassess the selection and quality control measures in place to ensure that customers like myself receive the value and uniqueness they expect when investing in a higher-priced product. It would greatly enhance the overall customer experience if your offerings could showcase the diversity of marijuana strains and truly justify their varying price points. Furthermore, I believe that providing more detailed information about the genetics, cultivation techniques, and terpene profiles of each strain would empower customers to make more informed decisions. This transparency would allow us to choose products that align with our preferences, enhancing the overall satisfaction and enjoyment derived from our purchases. I genuinely appreciate the efforts some put into curating product selection, but I feel compelled to bring this matter to attention. I hope some will consider implementing measures to address this issue. By doing so, they will not only retain dedicated customers like myself but also attract a broader audience who value the diversity and uniqueness of the cannabis experience. Thank you for your time reading this wall of text. I hope that some will take appropriate action to rectify this situation, thereby increasing the reputation of industry and fulfilling the expectations of discerning marijuana enthusiasts. Cheers!
  6. How far in advance before visa expiring can you ask for COVID extension? thx
  7. i don't see why booklet wouldn't be accepted as proof of vaccination, vac e-passport is just parallel computer database exclusively for COVID after they process your application you get QR code with information about your vac that can be used internationally
  8. one QR is for Thailand other for international certificate if you have the yellow booklet(WHO International certificate of vaccination) should be no different then E-vaccine passport that's how I understand it, could be wrong
  9. me personally would cancel ‘the booking’ and try to upload passport photo (maybe try from different mobile). Do they have your passport? Yes. Will the person who is filling out the certain part off process when issuing international certificate access to the system with all information? maybe. Will the person working just deny application if need to make extra steps? Probably. Are bureaucrats in Thailand flexible about paperwork? Usually not But then again, it might be fine
  10. use the later date, I assume there is only certain spots available per day and the app doesn't refresh date in real time
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