Hi,just wondering if anyone has had experience growing comfrey in the south of Thailand, I've got one plant growing at the moment but thinking of a ground cover for my palm oil and also making a fertilizer so will need more, wondering how they cope with our wet season.Thanks
I was reading about growing coconuts and or cacao between the palm oil trees,that way your not totally dependent on palm oil prices which at the moment is crap.
Just had a look at your Lazada contact, interesting,I was told this Sunflower has sterile seeds yet seems you had success, confusing, do you use the for fertilizer?, I might buy the seeds and see what happens
Thanks for the reply.I brought some cuttings also from Lazada, weren't very thick, I might have a survivor from that batch, finger's crossed.Maybe I can contact you in a couple of months about purchasing some of you,if that's ok.
Hi, Anybody growing Mexican Sunflower the Diversifolia variety or know where to purchase,keen to use it as a fertilizer but can't get hold of any cuttings, I'm in the Nakhon so Thammarat area.Thanhs