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John Kenworthy

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  1. Thanks for your input,very helpful, thinking the same,use a mixed species as a cover crop but what species,oh well more Googling
  2. Hi,just wondering if anyone has had experience growing comfrey in the south of Thailand, I've got one plant growing at the moment but thinking of a ground cover for my palm oil and also making a fertilizer so will need more, wondering how they cope with our wet season.Thanks
  3. Thanks for the offer,Pogust, I'll send you my address,thanks for your help.
  4. I think coconut would work,plant a tall variety then the palm oil would still get the full sun
  5. I was reading about growing coconuts and or cacao between the palm oil trees,that way your not totally dependent on palm oil prices which at the moment is crap.
  6. Just had a look at your Lazada contact, interesting,I was told this Sunflower has sterile seeds yet seems you had success, confusing, do you use the for fertilizer?, I might buy the seeds and see what happens
  7. Thanks for the reply.I brought some cuttings also from Lazada, weren't very thick, I might have a survivor from that batch, finger's crossed.Maybe I can contact you in a couple of months about purchasing some of you,if that's ok.
  8. Hi, Anybody growing Mexican Sunflower the Diversifolia variety or know where to purchase,keen to use it as a fertilizer but can't get hold of any cuttings, I'm in the Nakhon so Thammarat area.Thanhs
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