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Posts posted by Atlantis

  1. Welcome Gerjan,

    Just to clarify a few things first:

    1. "English (or Dutch) classes" meaning just the language? e.g. ESL (English as a second language) or do you mean all subjects in English (or Dutch?)

    2. Your employer is willing to pay 200,000 (two hundred thousand) Baht for the six months?

    3. How much are you willing to pay on top of that?

    4. Bangkok is huge, which area would you be living in?

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  2. What the fugg...


    Liverpool have agreed a British record transfer fee of £111m with Brighton for midfielder Moises Caicedo.

    However, Chelsea are now trying to secure a deal for the Ecuador international despite Brighton rejecting a succession of bids from the club earlier in the summer.


    It is thought the 21-year-old's preference would be to move to Stamford Bridge.

    It remains to be seen whether the Blues will now match Liverpool's bid.

    Brighton had set a fee in excess of £100m for Caicedo and had said they felt no-one would reach it. Chelsea are believed to have bid £80m previously.


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  3. 3 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    I tend to assess members political leaning on the basis of the posts they make, not on the basis of what they claim to be their allegiance.


    The two are frequently at odds with each other.

    Then again, from your own (apparently not sarcastic posts), Bill Maher - as about as <deleted> liberal as you can get - is questionably liberal to you.
    The very normal term "far left" - a term used by the BBC to describe a leading French presidential candidate - confuses you.
    And more recently, anyone who has a strong negative reaction to the celebration of removal of healthy breast tissue at a coffee store is a "bigoted snowflake"

    The above evidence suggests your appraisal of what might constitute "left wing" and "right wing" may be affected by your own fairly extremist positions.

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    ‘Tear down the system’ is a rallying cry of both extremes, left and right.


    It was central to Marxism and it’s a central theme of the modern US Alt-right, Steve Bannon being a proponent of note.



    This is not in dispute, and I've posted about this concerning people like Carlson and left-leaning US personalities like Jimmy Dore.
    What is very much in dispute is your 100% tendency to characterize extremist views as "rightwing" out of apparent reflex reaction.

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  5. 12 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Anybody can call themselves anything they want. But it doesn't matter how what wing someone assigns themself to if the positions they take consistently contradict that self-assessment.

    Thanks for the attempted dodge on another's behalf. It addresses zilch concerning the meme-like use of "right-wing" to actually mean "anything I don't like".

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  6. 1 hour ago, ozimoron said:

    No country has ever been communist and every country is socialist.

    I think pretty much every single historian, sociologist, politician worthy of the title would disagree with your non-sense characterization. But then again, progressive types seem to have trouble with basic definitions of words in English.


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  7. 1 hour ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    You obviously don’t understand the political spectrum isn’t a straight line, it’s sits on a circle.


    The extremes of right and left meet and are indistinguishable.

    Oh wow, on the next page, the hypocrisy is laid out as clear as day. This post was in response to Brit's post "But sadly I'm extreme left wing. "
    Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, take note:

    If it's bad and I disagree, it's "rightwing ", but in case it is actually from an extreme leftwing person, it's "rightwing" anyway.



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  8. 3 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    The kind of misrepresentation of facts that characterizes rightwing grievance politics.


    There’s a reason law enforcement officers executing lawful, court warrant approved, entry and search always go in armed. 

    And it’s not to murder anyone to deny their free speech.


    Pointing a gun at anyone, is not free speech, pointing a gun at officers enacting a lawful entry and search is not free speech.

    "The kind of misrepresentation of facts that characterizes rightwing grievance politics "- he says.

    Jesus Christ! Apparently types that out 'with a straight face'.
    No no my over-eager fellow poster, it is LEFTWING grievance politics, especially tear-down-the-system "PROGRESSIVE" politics that seeks to regressively destroy the whole system due to perceived "injustices" fed to gullible non-critical thinkers some of whom has an arrogance disdain for learning. Or reading factual news outside of their own bubble.

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  9. On 7/11/2023 at 11:00 AM, placeholder said:

    If you want to find out, all you have to do is follow the link I offered previously. Here it is again:


    Again, if you actually realized the world was bigger than just you and your Echo Chamber of like-minded fanatics on this website, you'd easily find out that the rest of the world is calling time on this absolute pseudo-science-cum-gender-ideology BS infesting parts of North America.


  10. On 7/17/2023 at 8:33 PM, placeholder said:

    Thanks for the rant that apparently has nothing to do with the BBC report on the Russian parliament outlawing transgender surgery.

    "apparently nothing to do with?" - HA!

    Oh dear oh dear oh dear....

    Some people just can't put 1 and 1 together when it comes to blatant selection bias in news reporting.
    Also, understanding what the BBC is about, as clearly written (as opposed to the stuff you get in the US) takes a tiny bit of sophistication.
    Finally, reading the link and seeing the hysterical editorializing in another very very relevant story requires a modicum of intellectual honesty.

    Other than that, you're kinda right?!


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  11. 2 hours ago, tgw said:

    Tucker isn't conservative.

    He's a populist manipulator leaning on lunatics who in majority belong to the group of "right wing nutters".

    That group hasn't much in common with the proper right wing or conservatives.



    This simple fact doesn't get highlighted enough. It was always interesting to watch him have Senator Rand Paul (a small government conservative) on his show, typically talking about isolationist foreign policy issues. Because apart from that, they have almost nothing in common in terms of economics or culture.

    Tucker has more in common with the (economically) interventionist anti-establishment hard left, think Jimmy Dore types, than anything "conservative" but it's quite convenient for many lazy liberals to mindlessly label anything they don't like "right-wing" or "conservative".

  12. On 6/8/2023 at 8:20 AM, placeholder said:

    Just as in the case of abortion where right-to-lifers cite abortion in the 8th or 9th month, which are very very rate, anti-transgender activists focus on the very very rare cases of surgery and don't address the medication issue at all. Except occasionally to spread misinformation about it such as that it's irreversible. Not that I'm accusing you of attempting such misrepresentation.

    Just as in the case of abortion, where right-to-choicers pretend the deliberate ending of human life at any stage of pregnancy is just another "medical decision between a woman and her doctor", misguided posters deliberately conflate highlighting the most abominable acts against children with equating them as one.


    Not that I'm accusing you of feigned ignorance or anything like that.

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  13. Ban TikTok?!

    Nooooooooooooooooo, cuz then how would Biden win over his key demographic?!

    C'mon man! Focusing exclusively on January 6th. namely how the violent rioters represent all protesters present at the rally who themselves represent all  "MAGA" supporters who are really the same thing as the Republican party which also is the same thing as anyone who voted Republican....

    ....gets tiring after a few days or weeks or months or so.

    Gotta interview those intelligent, articulate, hopefully liberal-leaning young folk on TikTok to mix it up a little!

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