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Everything posted by Atlantis

  1. 12 years of screwing workers is coming to the predictable result. What on earth are you talking about? ....screwing of workers by whom? And how?! Do elaborate!
  2. No. Stop it will you. If Roe vs. Wade (a flimsy ruling as agreed by serious people across the political spectrum) had never come into being, the US would have had many many decades of legislation to provide different degrees of abortion access. Those going OTT in either way would have suffered progressively at the ballot box over the years. Instead, you have this present mess of extremes. Whatever people, the US is still a country with free internal movement. Even in the very worst scenario, affected pregnant womb-carriers (oops sorry, I mean women), can travel to New Jersey and kill off their unwanted unborn child late into the third trimester.
  3. What a weak semantic argument given the clear context I provided: "while in the uterus". I, like many others, totally reject attempts to lessen the barbarity of killing an unborn human child, including the use of the Latin word for 'child' https://www.latin-dictionary.net/search/latin/fetus The prevalence of loaded sanitized language in modern media - "reproductive rights" instead of late-term abortions (i.e. killing a human being) is as transparent as it is pathetic. I advise you better spend your time pushing back against sick arguments in favor of such barbaric killing including the possible 'mental health' effects on the mother if the killing does not take place.
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