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  1. Really?? Hot?? Only because it 35C and she's eearing a polycotton Made in China sweaty uniform. Sorry, but you need an opticians! IMHO.
  2. As Al Murray the pub landlord comedian would say, "Azeem. Now there's a good old British name. What do you do, son"? Azeem, "I'm a narcotics expert". Murray, "So you're a f****** drug dealer then, son"? Lock him up and accomplices, then throw away the key. Oh and yeah, revoke any UK access and residency rights if ever released.
  3. Thai racism and xenophobia in action. Perhaps a blanket ban on allowing Thai HiSo to visit the west and spend their corruptly obtained millions should be in order for a period???
  4. Simple. Bin her off. She only sees you as a walking ATM. Drop her quick, walk away and look for a better more suited partner to be your girl.
  5. So my slightly separate but related question to all this taxable imported foreign income that farangs now need to declare to the Thai authorities is; To avoid filing tax returns, risk getting screwed by the Thai tax authorities demanding tax payments on income bought into Thailand for living expenses, (despite having already been taxed at source in the UK etc), the safest way to avoid any of this hassle and risk is, (barring not going to Thailand), to simply only spend 180 days in any 365 days in the country between 1st Jan and 31st Dec each year? Or after 3 years will the authorities be looking at your arrival/departure records and going, "Hey this fella is as good a resident let's tax him, (and others who may be doing so)? (NB: I still live in UK but am nearing / loosely thinking and planning my retirement for within next 3 - 5 years). Finally, since my last visit in August 2023 with my now ex-psycho Thai b****, what is the cost of living like there 2 years on? Turned for the worse and as bad as here in "rip off Britain"? Thanks in advance and enjoy the sunshine, it's a miserable February here in 2025, just the one day of sunshine in nearly 2 weeks! Grrrr!
  6. You've forgotten to mention that once their false masks slip the real disturbing Thai psycho, mood swings, jealousies, abusive natures, destructive personas and must save face at all costs rises to the fore like Godzilla emerging from a thawing glacier!
  7. While here in the UK EV take up is slow because costs to purchase or lease is high compared to average earnings, unless you buy a nearly new Astra or Mocha from Vauxhall. The usual car industry suspects dominate the market, Tesla very popular only non EU brand to shake the market. MG, BYD minimal... No other Chinese presence. Never heard or seen most of the EVs in this article and their pricings well, the EU manufacturers would be wiped out at such price points!
  8. Sadly those countries who we've, (the west and soviets), bombed to f***, alienated, installed autocratic, puppet leaders to subjugate the masses; Gaddafi, Saddam, Assad, numerous African ones I can't even mention, plundered their natural resources without improving infrastructure, jobs, education... The list goes on. Which probably goes some way to explaining in the wake of 'The Arab Spring", then the surge of ISIS, the return of the Taleban, let alone Somalia, Chad and the troubles, (war, famine), throughout sub-Saharan Africa why there's millions ofmigrants trying to reach northern Europe and that holy grail of benevolence called the UK?? The only thing I find confusing🤔 in all of this illegal migration routes, dinghies crossing the channel daily etc is, why are the 2nd highest number of migrants using the people smuggling 'dinghies' route in 2024 coming from Vietnam?? I thought it was settled there? Or is it a move by triad gangs to establish a nail bar, (come or cum brothel), on every street corner in UK cities?? 🤔🤣 It's a right screw up whichever way you look at it and nobody in government has the political will to make some tough decisions. I am not against migration or immigrants - but it has to be properly monitored, regulated, economically balanced and fit for purpose.
  9. Sad to see Thai xenophobia as prevalent as ever. Will this clampdown include Chinese/Indian and Soviet funded businesses under Thai nominees? Perhaps other countries should impose strict controls on Thais owning any sort of business interest and property overseas in other countries. (Leicester City would be well screwed).
  10. Let alone how much they're spending each year putting up 'boat people' who enter the UK illegally via people smugglers, are paying the French aithorities to supposedly police and stop them setting off in the first place from crossing the channel. There's an endless list of the UK's profligate waste of money throughout the whole system we could debate all day here!
  11. Mine wasn't. I'm getting way better sex now from my current 'non-Thai" girlfriend. The Thai ex was a psycho end of; lying, controlling, abusive and violent towards her own daughter, (a minor), as well as myself!!
  12. They don't enjoy work at any stage do they?
  13. A dump and that was before the hordes descended from the Soviet steppes and China. Traffic awful, everywhere trying to rip you off. Much nicer and more authentic places in Thailand. IMHO.
  14. Thai way - They don't want to admit and thus lose face.
  15. World class tourist image?? Perhaps it is "world class" for those more aligned with Gary Glitter's, (Paul Gadd), and Jimmy Saville's idea of world class 'quality'! 🤔🫣🤐🤫
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