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Everything posted by Cherrytreeview

  1. Yes, they suggested herd immunity, locking Granny and Granda up and letting the virus rip. Delta would have been licking it's lips. Millions dead globally already and millions more with long covid. Totally discredited apart from our experts on this forum. One of the signatures on The Great Barrington Declaration was Dr Johnny Bananas. Sums up some of are amateur epidemiologists here.
  2. Nothing. The poster illustrated what happens to a society when a tiny fraction becomes ill. Also only 60% double jabbed. Borders opened or closed will be an irrelevancy to tourism after Christmas. No one was going to come low season with the "Test-Wait-Maybe-Go-Hospital" scheme. Real tourist numbers are abysmal. Feel sorry for genuine returnees with family or partner connections.
  3. Obscure? Professor at University College, London? You would be better quitting while your behind. Governments tightening restrictions all over the world because omicron is so harmless? Netherlands going into lockdown until mid January. Why?
  4. Professor Karl Friston, a virus modeller at University College London, warns that “a protracted wave of long Covid is inevitable” and conservatively estimates new long Covid cases will hit 862 a day by Christmas. The professor say's it's inevitable. Another TVF epidemiologist who chooses the scientists and data he wants. You asked for a link and i provided one. Your deflection is disappointing but not unexpected.
  5. https://inews.co.uk/news/science/omicron-variant-wave-long-covid-children-1352183/amp#aoh=16400025870096&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s
  6. That would only leave us with a small problem called "long covid". https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/long-term-effects-of-coronavirus-long-covid/
  7. Yes, better to ignore global science and do your own thing. All this information and research, for what? Glad i have the resident TVF epidemiologists to listen too. Educated at a Soi Bukahow barstool. What do you think we should do? Drink bleach?
  8. Plus AZ given by the UK i think. The poster dislikes the UK so much he runs home every year to get a hand out. Talk about being a hypocrite.
  9. This is the best the forum's resident Thai hugger can come up with. No mention that after nearly 9 months, Thailand hasn't even got 70% of the population double jabbed. Only 7% with a booster jab. Now @Neeranam knows the private bathing practices of the Thai and farang populations. Talk about losing credibility.
  10. The exact reason you need your head seeing to travelling to Thailand other than genuine returnees, family and business reasons. This virus is one of the fastest spreading in history, your home country test before departure is most likely reasonably useless now. Unless you wear a chemical warfare mask and become a recluse for a fortnight before you go. Then you can still catch it in the taxi, airports or airplanes you transit on to Thailand.
  11. Some people prefer to live in a fantasy world deviod of reality. They can't accept they are constantly proven wrong and try to blame others for their misguided. claims. Best to ignore, they've been humilated enough.
  12. Nope. 0.89% of 2019 figures and about to dwindle even more after even the possible mention of this quarantine. One poster even thought Thailand could keep omicron out. ????
  13. Oh dear. Seems the Thai government don't share the views of are crack team of TVF basement epidemiologists, who think that everything is hunky dory and omicron is only a figment of "doom and gloom" merchants. Looks like every prediction they made is about to be proved wrong again. Thailand lockdown bets anyone?
  14. Unbelievable. Even i am stunned but not surprised at the speed in which they will change/close/shut/panic/run scared from the virus. Tourism is toast. Looks like the farang YouTube ebeggars and suitcase pimps are as well.
  15. Just shows you how much actual real world scientific data some posters pay attention to. Instead, it's scraping around using Dr Google to find the same article posted days later on mainstream media. The same mainstream media they complain about on a daily basis. Some of us actually try and find objective scientific data, devoid of mass media filtering.
  16. 2 years into a global pandemic and our amateur TVF basement epidemiologists still can't understand that's why developed countries have extensive testing, sequencing and scientific capabilities. The complete opposite of stick a finger in the wind Thailand.
  17. Yes the long winded keyboard warriors. No matter how many times their told they still can't compute it. Tiny percentage of a huge amount of infection's = health care system under pressure. It's not difficult to understand.
  18. That is a dreadful statistic. Awful. As you say, what's the point of allegedly low cases but children still don't get a proper education? Is Thailand going for a zero covid policy?
  19. Thailand can fiddle the numbers all they want but the reality is they still have large parts of the night time economy officially closed. About 0.9% of 2019 tourism figures and that means up to 20% of GDP driven off a cliff. BA and Eva both not flying in from London is symptomatic of their low season predictions for visitors to Thailand in 2022. This is before omicron arrives.
  20. It was consistently cheaper than Thai. Times used to be very good as well. Leave Heathrow 4pm arrive BKK 9am. Looks like Eva and Thai will have a duopoly out of London. Likely, more expensive flights.
  21. "The immediacy of everything". What a great expression to sum it up. Use the Skyscanner app to book, pack carry on bag, get taxi to airport, get stamp at BKK and get a taxi outside arrivals.
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