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Everything posted by Cherrytreeview

  1. Thailand's tourism is toast. The YouTube ebeggars and bar owning pimps are finished. Large areas of Pattaya's beer bar areas have been demolished. Large areas of Walking Street are being demolished and for sale or rent. Soi Bukahow and Treetown can't survive on expat pensioners all year. Inflation hasn't even filtered through yet. Why has BA cancelled? They have seen no forward demand for a low season Thailand with all the hoop jumping and a 2 week hospital incarceration if you fail a PCR test.
  2. 0.87% of 2019 levels and that includes returnees and genuine business travel. Yet the Pattaya subsection of the forum is full of sexpats thinking Pattaya is bursting at the seams. It's genuinely sad for farang business owners but when the cold light of day hit's mid January 2022 and "high" season gives way to no season, they will realise that their frozen UK pension customers can't keep the doors open. With inflation gaining traction globally and sterling at multi year lows, dear help those who have burned their bridges.
  3. Your going to be waiting a long time. Seems to be the modus operandi of the TVF basement epidemiologists. Make unsubstantiated statements as facts and provide no proof or links to back up their claims. Here's a few actual facts - Thailand 6% of population boosted. UK 44% of population boosted. Thailand 2 jabs 60% UK 2 jabs 80%
  4. Glad you are catching up with the rest of us. Some of us have been free to enjoy a drink while you where banned from having a drink with your meal for most of the year. No one is bursting a blood vessel at a sausagefest where your the fifth person to stir the porridge. Their bursting a blood vessel laughing at how desperate you must be. ????
  5. As of 3 hours ago. Richard Barrow (@RichardBarrow) Tweeted: 255,424 visitors have arrived since 1st November. Most people are coming from Germany (9,880), UK (7,833), Russia (5,175), UAE (4,406), France (4,292), Sweden, USA, Singapore, Norway and Israel. Percentage of those testing positive November: 0.13% December: 0.18% #Thailand Thailand tourism is saved. Go and get some facts rather than counting people going in and out of Jomtein immigration. ????
  6. Keep dreaming. 140,000 came in November. About the same in the first 2 weeks of December. All sex tourists destined for Pattaya and Jomtein immigration? The guy off aseannow forum says he sees more tourists every day. Oh right that means Thai tourism is saved. 40 million tourists came in 2019. Do me a favour, you can insult your own intelligence but don't insult mine. Now get back to counting the people going in and out of Jomtein immigration.
  7. It's called being realistic. Some people just can't handle the truth. Sorry.
  8. Great picture your painting. Soi Bukahow full of people drinking in illegally opened bars. Debatable how many are real tourists and not expats let off the leash. Potential of Walking Street so great that they are demolishing the bar areas. Split the punters into 2 areas and everything gets busier. TVF economics at its finest. What do you think happens after peak season, middle of January?
  9. Like what? New marina? International cruise ship dock? Where are the tourists coming from to support all these wonderful new developments. The amount of people on this forum in total denial is beyond me.
  10. Yip. My main blues music places in Bangkok, Apotheka and Saxophone Pub, seem to be closed. Now it looks like they really are going to demolish a lot of Walking Street in Pattaya. Less and less reasons to travel multiple times a year to Thailand. I doubt I'm alone.
  11. Doesn't look like Walking Street is coming back. Less and less reasons for people to return.
  12. Thanks to @Macrohistory for his up to date scientific data. https://news.sky.com/story/amp/covid-19-each-six-months-will-be-better-than-the-last-says-chief-medical-officer-chris-whitty-12497234#aoh=16397293157753&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s
  13. I wouldn't retire anywhere. Spend the winter in Thailand and fly back to your nest for spring and summer.
  14. Wasn't aware of this but the problem of getting elderly expat insurance, now and in the future, would be a reason i would advise people to keep a bolt hole in their home country.
  15. UK furlough scheme 70% of salary. Thailand support £125 all in, take it or leave it.
  16. This would be good https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-most-cases-now-like-severe-cold-and-omicron-appears-to-produce-fairly-mild-illness-expert-says-12497094
  17. Tiny percentage of a huge population = healthcare system overwhelmed. R rate in London between 3 - 5. Let's see how omicron does against a UK population with nearly 50% of adults boosted and 650,000 people a day get boosters. Target 1 million per day boosters
  18. I don't want to spend a fortnight incarcerated in a hospital if i fail a PCR test. With omicron exploding around the globe, the odds of that happening have just increased. Looks like most real tourists feel the same.
  19. Until people can get a 30 day stamp at BKK, there won't be any tourism. Once this "high season" is over in early January 2022, tourism will go off a cliff again. No one is interested in their platforms.
  20. Another simple and basic fact for good public health. However, not simple and basic enough for some people.
  21. Yet Nurse Campbell was the "authority" to our resident TVF epidemiologists. Nurse Campbell say's it's mild blah blah blah. Even Nurse Campbell realises that a tiny percentage of 1 million cases per day = hospitals under pressure. A respected UK Doctor. Laughable.
  22. Something like 140,000 people came in November and something similar for the first 2 weeks of December. Take out returnees and sex tourists and Thai tourism is kaput. Omicron going to explode globally and wait till you see the percentage of people failing PCR tests before and after trying to get to Thailand. You need your head examining to return to Thailand unless you have a valid reason other than a holiday.
  23. It's simple maths as the UK's Chief Medical Officer, Chris Whitty, said yesterday. Twice as many cases but only half as sick still gets you back to square one. A tiny amount of very sick people from a huge population overwhelms a health care system. Why people don't understand this is beyond me. Dr David Nabarro of the World Health Organisation. Have a watch.
  24. Not Boris Johnson, not the Tory Party, not the BBC, not CNN, not mass media. Dr David Nabarro of the World Health Organisation. Have a watch.
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