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Everything posted by Cherrytreeview

  1. Except herd immunity is most likely 85% plus not 70%. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/24/health/herd-immunity-covid-coronavirus.html
  2. Would think more interested in jazz as he was foreign schooled i believe. The saxophone pub at victory monument has many photos of his jazz playing days. Also saw an exhibition, in the pavillion, at the King Rama 9 park, which had photos of his musical interests. King Rama 9 park is how i spend a Sunday afternoon when in Bangkok. Highly recommended and hardly another farang there.
  3. https://thepattayanews.com/2021/10/17/analysis-all-of-the-currently-known-details-about-reopening-pattaya-and-other-parts-of-thailand-to-vaccinated-foreign-tourists-without-quarantine-from-november-1st/ Measured and balanced as always.
  4. Correct. Nick Dean was saying it would take a couple of years to make up lost earnings and rents that have had to be paid for his Pattaya bars. He also said to come in December or January because by February things might be closed again!!!!! I feel sorry for these people and yet many of them still seem to shrug their shoulders and get on with it. All credit to them.
  5. https://inews.co.uk/opinion/uk-job-vacancies-one-million-unemployed-people-choices-economy-recovering-1207492 Think you are mixing your countries up. Farang's still feeding the needy in Pattaya? Any links to Thai government furlough support for employees?
  6. Adam Judd, Pattaya News, made the point that although it will be web based, the Thailand Pass will still need a consular person to give the OK. This can take a long time in some countries but there will obviously be more demand, so how will they cope.
  7. Correct. Not perfect and was built for a different era. Hopefully, the government's 1.5% ni increase will be correctly used but with aging populations globally it's a zero sum game for many countries. UK is recovering pretty well from the pandemic and last week's employment figures are very good. https://inews.co.uk/opinion/uk-job-vacancies-one-million-unemployed-people-choices-economy-recovering-1207492 Looks like the UK government's decision to support employees and businesses through the pandemic will be vindicated. Six months on are farang business owners still feeding the needy in Pattaya? The Thai government's non existent help for their population has been a disgrace.
  8. It seems the data is correlated like bookmaker dockets and then thrown in the hat in an irregular manner.
  9. It's a start. The test on arrival is the real hurdle that needs to be removed. Can't see anything else but a night or 2 forced quarantine until results arrive. Who's going to police the newly arrived guests? Short term quarantine hotels? It's a logistical nightmare. 12 hour flight followed by possibly nightmare queues. People exhausted and dehydrated. Even replying to this topic makes you realise how much the world has changed in 18 months.
  10. Adam Judd, editor of the Pattaya News, said this during an online interview. Two couples i know have deferred their first time visits to Thailand until next year.
  11. Unfortunately the vast majority can wait a lot longer. They will just go elsewhere. - Fail test on departure. Holiday kaput. - Fail test on arrival. Holiday kaput. Fail. Fail.
  12. UK citizens are happily getting on with their lives. Going to other places than Thailand, with hastle free entry requirements, including the threat of incarceration being included in the price of your ticket. It's a big world out there. You should try it.
  13. Yes, the world has moved on. Plenty of places that UK citizens can holiday without this arrival nonsense. Feel free to get on with your life as a performing seal jumping through hoops for Thailand.
  14. Spot on. My thoughts exactly. One hour flight to London, multiple hour wait, then 12 hour flight to BKK. Dehydrated and exhausted arriving 9am. Then what? Queues of the great unwashed, restrictions, processing and being herded to your destination like cattle. Then incarcerated until your test result comes back, all the while stressing it's not positive.
  15. Tills ringing at King Power duty free is what it's all about. Caution thrown to the wind, with a Thai population barely 30% fully vaccinated. Delta's licking it's lips.
  16. Joke. Unlikely, they will get 70% fully vaccinated by end of the year. Efficient is the last word i would use about Thailand's vaccine deployment. It's about 6 months to a year behind the rest of the world.
  17. Surprisingly harsh from Richard Barrow. I am a bit surprised. Fair play to him because it won't curry favour with the powers that be. I would think he is a farang commentator that the government would take note of. Well done Richard.
  18. Hope you have a nice time. As other posters have said, wait until the CCSA meeting tomorrow. I have a funny feeling it is going to be a tension between the PM and the science led CCSA. Ideally, wait until it's in the Royal Gazette. Don't make work for yourself unnecessarily.
  19. Care to post some links to those posts? You're good to go, when is it boots on the ground for you?
  20. Local care home has 20 coronavirus cases. Resident's double jabbed but not compulsory for care staff to get vaccinated. The poster and his friends have a lot to answer for.
  21. It did happen and we can be sure. Thailand's health care system was under pressure in Bangkok. You think leaving restaurants, bars, gogos, nightclubs etc open would have led to less cases and less hospital admissions? That's why the vast majority of global governments brought in lockdowns and restrictions. Thailand's government had no choice and they will do it again if needs be.
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