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Everything posted by Cherrytreeview

  1. What planet do you live on? More keyboard diahrea from the man who knows it all but won't book a ticket back to the land of perfection. How can you put protocols in place for nana plaza, soi cowboy, patpong, walking st, lk metro and bangla road. Their whole reason for existing is close contact entertainment. As usual you miss out the bit about closing down again if their is spikes in cases. If you confirmed or proved you were on one of the first planes back then you might get a bit of respect on this forum.
  2. Plastered all over global media. Sky TV broke the news as the Thai PM was speaking. Strap headline "Thailand drop quarantine from 1st November." rolling across bottom of screen.
  3. Virtually impossible in traditional Thai family set ups. Three generations under one roof , sharing sleeping and sanitary areas. Why wasn't this overly simplistic strategy even applied in Western economies? Great Barrington nonsense.
  4. Classy. @richard_smith237 put it very eloquently. Described it in a very measured way. I'm not so measured. How many Thai's will you and your penny pinching chums help support? Versus the 40 million visitors that supported 20% of Thai GDP pre covid. Might i politely suggest you take your bigoted, poisonous, selfish, odious and bitter hate filled loser rants and shove them where the sun don't shine.
  5. A healthcare system totally overwhelmed. Patients seriously ill for weeks, bed blocking and taking up large amount of healthcare staff. Doctors and nurses taken off other wards to support the demand. Operations and general care postponed and delayed. Thailand, quite rightly, made sure this did not happen. Thailand,quite rightly, will make sure it never happens. Not a good situation for a tourism reliant economy.
  6. You don't get out much. That's not a surprise by most of your comments. You ever arrived in BKK immigration hall when the Russians or Chinese have just arrived? Add on document checking and swabs stuck up various orrifices and i'd like to see the queues generated. Chaos would be to kind a word. Not Thailand's fault but a logistical nightmare for any country.
  7. Not as good as you though. I predict you won't be coming to Thailand in 2021. Care to prove me wrong?
  8. Go to Thailand for a picnic in a national park. "New normal" tourism. Containment measures. Have fun.
  9. Bit worrying that Thai's are divided about having foreign tourists back. For a country with a 20% GDP dependency on tourism you think they might be a bit more welcoming. Hardly encouraging people to return. Cheers.
  10. That's the point. Average Joe may well book and not even realise or care about the terms and conditions. Personally, i couldn't face freedom of movement being curtailed after a 12 hour flight. Logically, you would think getting through immigration would be a nightmare. I do feel sorry for Thailand. It is a very difficult situation to manage.
  11. To be fair and impartial, Nick Dean was YouTube streaming and apparently bars are open in Phuket and very busy. He posted COE was being done away with and recommended people arrive for December because no one knows what Q1 2022 will bring in the way of possible lockdowns. Certainly, Pattaya seems busy with basic restrictions lifted and "special coffee's" being served.
  12. Yip. Some people think this bit of small print adds to their holiday excitement. I'll watch this soap opera from a far thanks.
  13. And stop posting misleading rubbish. https://theconversation.com/will-coronavirus-really-evolve-to-become-less-deadly-153817 It could take decades to weaken.
  14. Let's hope his internet enabling device is broken at that stage or we will get treated to 24/7 Thai propoganda.
  15. You seem very good at making sweeping statements. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/travel/UK-travel-restrictions-where-can-i-go-on-holiday-abroad Think you will find that for UK citizens the destinations mentioned do not threaten to hospitalise tourists. For the vast majority of people, the risks far outweigh the rewards. Add in the Thai government's ability to make knee jerk decisions and you have a recipe for disaster. Far more welcoming destinations than Thailand.
  16. Nick Dean in Pattaya, is saying that Pattaya etc maybe made exceptions of and entertainment may open on 1st November. Too much uncertainty for me, think i will wait until July 2022.
  17. £££££££££££££££ I would like to thank our Thai brothers and sisters.
  18. https://thepattayanews.com/2021/10/11/thai-prime-minister-announces-country-reopening-for-vaccinated-tourists-from-low-risk-countries-consideration-of-opening-bars-and-entertainment-venues/ The excellent Pattaya News update. They think COE and mandatory insurance may stay. Balanced reporting of things, with a healthy dose of "but we know what the Thai authorities are like" added in. Not bootlicking, like some of our esteemed contributors.
  19. Is that right. What happens to you or your children if you test positive when tested in Thailand? Do you know? Are you separated from your children? Where do you quarantine?
  20. In full https://www.thainewsreports.com/2021/10/11/national-address-of-the-prime-minister-of-thailand-on-monday-11-october-2021/ Note @Kadilo the use of the words 'we will consider alcoholic beverages from 1st December.' Consider!!!!!!! Get booking @Kadilo your dreams have come true. We want to know your dates of travel. ????
  21. PCR-Test before leaving home country and PCR-Test on arrival. What happens if you test positive in Thailand? Will you have to quarantine? No nightlife until 1st December. You booked yet?
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