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jonny on the spot

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  1. They should borrow as much as they can. These low life will never pay anything back . Next coup it's the price of doing business
  2. John walker get me tonight, i apologise , i have no education but i have money, i just want a easy life. I have spoken to a expert a man i actually trust and this <deleted> is going to happen .Good luck everyone.
  3. They never did a correct thing in their life, every office different outlook , how can we get some more tea money
  4. I have zero faith in LTR or elite, and i dont think anything is premature because these people really are stupid enough to do anything.
  5. As far as i can see if you have a condo RM 1.5 mil and an income you are golden. I will obviously look into this properly if i have to. Sorry for the edit Dont forget property there is an investment, you aint actually throwing money away.
  6. I havent even looked yet but im guessing if i am only there 6 months i am a visitor not a resident. But i gotta tell you property is good value there.
  7. Im pretty much sold on Malaysia for my 6 months a year if this tax thing happens. I suppose its just a case of being careful, it can happen in London if you unlucky just as easy.
  8. Yea or that, but im 58 i really dont want to have to up camp unless i have to, plus i got a family who sure as <deleted> aint moving to Cambodia
  9. Well that might be the way forward, for example i spend about 2.5 mil a year not including cars big purchases etc. But surely they will close that gap?
  10. This Thailand was always best of the lot in south east Asia, in many ways probably still is, but this latest abortion is a game changer, even if you want to pay these people a bit of tax the rigmarole you gonna go through dont bear thinking about. Maybe think about splitting you time between a couple of places, thats what i am going to do.
  11. I doubt he has to worry too much about that, same as his prison sentence. Should bring his sister back in an advisory capacity too.
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