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  1. About the oxygen: Another point to consider is that, at a depth of 3,000 metres the pressure is about 298 atmospheres which is a princely 4,380 psi So the oxygen would be extremely compressed as it is produced. I am surprised that electrolysis works under those conditions. I am guessing there must be quite a significant amount of energy to split water at that depth. In the original article I didn't see any figures or estimates of amounts of oxygen produced or the amount of power to produce it. I entirely agree with this
  2. Have you never heard of a breakfast bar? We have one in our home and I made my own stools for it. Fixed height, swivel and shaped big enough for my wife's backside.
  3. I am disappointed that these, so called scientists, failed to understand a few basic electrical/chemical rules regarding the generation of electricity from ionic interaction. It happens everywhere around us. Where do you think our internal nervous system gets it's electricity from. The sea is a source of sodium which, on the periodic table, is not so far from lithium. Add a few more elements and you will generate a current flow hence electrolysis.
  4. A big, costly mistake and no doubt about it. Thailand economy is on the slippery slope. Factories are closing and yet the government is as determined as ever to blindly go down the wrong road. Small wonder the Baht is going down.
  5. Please be aware that calculating everything in KWh is just a tad misleading. The maximum current at 220vac determines the size of the inverter required. For example; Toaster 800W Fridge 400W Fan 50W Air con 1500W Total 2750W Current required from the inverter would be 12.5A This tells you what the size the inverter needs to be to power all those items simultaneously. To have enough power for this example you would probably need only one inverter. Before you can even think about how much the installation would cost, you really need to check your equipment rating plates and work out which ones may be taking power at the same time. Then you will know what equipment you need.
  6. Not a happy ending to this story then ☹️ Many many years ago there was a thriving trade in passengers traveling by banana boat. The passengers would have the same facilities as the officers plus their own cabin. The ships stewards would take care of them and the cook would make sure food was good quality. Passengers would have access to the officers mess. I have no idea if this is still possible but, whilst comfortable enough, it would not be up to cruise standards by a long way.
  7. I do not wish death on any one but why did the armed security shoot the assassin? Was it because he took a shot at Trump, or was it because he missed?
  8. When I were a lad, we used to do that too. We called it "knock out ginger" or something like that. We stopped when someone asked "What if the old man indoors falls down the stairs trying to answer the door"?
  9. You will be pleased to know that the Barramundi is related to the giant sea perch and also distantly related to the infamous Nile perch. There is probably a connection to your reservoir perch.
  10. The Barramundi can live quite happily in both freshwater and seawater. It can also change sex if it feels the need.
  11. You need to be much more specific about type of land use, it's location relative to electricity, water and main roads. Here's an example. Agricultural land, which is a bit remote but with good access near me in Buriram, is going for about 300k/Rai at the moment. In the village that would be very cheap. A recent purchase there was ½Rai for 400k with good access and utilities but away from the main road. In the city you would need millions.
  12. That'll be the ones that are slightly less than stable who don't really understand much.
  13. Yep. That's the Indian way. Same happened to me at Mumbai. What a dark dismal place that was. That was at the time of the Icelandic volcano eruption quite a few years ago. I somehow doubt there has been any improvement.
  14. Whilst I agree with this comment re. working on live power lines, one does not expect nor anticipate getting a shock from a house gutter.
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